
Love In Another World! ...Or something like that

After being invited and accepting this invitation of his own free will (or as he would say: "kidnapped"), Walter arrives in a world beyond his comprehension, where space and time seem to become one and two god-like beings give him an impossible mission to achieve... to fall in love!

CaramelNovel · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

The Goddess in Search of Love

"Now! Let's talk about what's important."

Julieta stood before the space with both hands extended, then moved them as if zooming in on a screen, rapidly bringing the planet Earth closer, giving me a view I never imagined I could witness.

<<Well, if we don't count the photos, I suppose.>>

"You see... What I can and cannot do is quite ambiguous."

She explained, continuing to bring the planet closer to us, showing a city and progressing until reaching my room. I could see the cracked cell phone lying on the floor, as well as the first rays of dawn light coming in through the window.

"Even I don't fully understand it, but there are two rules I cannot break..."

Her smile, somehow, felt different.

<<I had noticed before, but Julieta is much more expressive than Cosmos. In fact, seeing them, it's quite clear that they are completely different beings.>>

You're not entirely wrong.

Responded the figure standing next to me, who was also observing my room.

Julieta is different, I have many more limitations on what I can and cannot do... I can only observe things, perhaps change them, but never create them.

<<As serious as ever, huh friend? I'm the one about to go another world with no idea what awaits me, you should relax a little.>>

I didn't ask for your opinion.


Julieta replied, looking at him intently and, although she maintained her smile, I could see how the suns in her eyes suddenly darkened.

"Could you follow my example? Our guest has made it clear that he wishes to have his privacy."

"Wow! Wait-"

I intervened reflexively, because that had sounded almost like a threat to Cosmos. I mean, he was just joking... I didn't want to make him uncomfortable either.

"You don't have to-"

I'm very sorry, Walter.

Cosmos responded, looking at me intently with his two full moons.

It's just as Julieta says, I will no longer invade your privacy.

<<Hey... It's not necessary.>>

I tried to tell him through my thoughts, but he just shook his head and clarified.

"It's done."

"Cosmos, don't worry, seriously. You can do whatever you want-"

"I'm glad you understand!"

Julieta expressed, regaining the brilliance in her eyes and interrupting me in the process.

<<Really? Are you going to interrupt me like this all the time?>>

I knew I really had no choice in this whole matter, I could only hope to get the result that would bring me the least consequences, but that was starting to get quite annoying...

"Listen, Walt, as Cosmos already told you, even between the two of us there are differences... I don't think you're interested in those details, but the point is that for us it's impossible to go back in time, I can't change something that has already happened, at least not directly."

<<Well, I am interested in those details.>>

But I assumed it wasn't something I could ask so lightly.

Still, I can't quite put the pieces together here, if she's telling me about that problem it must be related to my 'objective' of going to another world, I suppose.

<<Will this be some kind of important mission? Something like 'Walter! I cannot, so will send you to the past, a distant earth, stop one who become my killer!>>

I thought, while remembering Ethan.

<<I should have watched that anime...>>

I was regretting not having listened to him when I had the chance.

"However, I can create copies of a world, replicating all the events that formed its history to the letter and accelerating the passage of time only in that place, until reaching the point in history that interests me."

Then, smiling, she divided the 'space screen' in front of us into two, showing me another version of my room. The decorations were somewhat different and my desk wasn't in the same place, but it was still clear that it was the same place.

"And that's why, Walter!"

She shouted majestically, raising her hands and observing her achievement with great pride.

<<Oh... So it's not about killing a past enemy...? Is this saving that other world she created?>>

I wondered.

Without lowering her raised hands, she looked at me, her suns shining brighter than ever and blinding me when I tried to even look at them. It was easy to forget because of her relaxed attitude, but I was definitely in the presence of someone far above me, a being so beautiful and powerful that she could easily be considered a deity.

<<Here it comes... A crazy mission about killing some Demon King? I hope that at least she gives me a powerful weapon or something, since I'll be the 'chosen one'.>>


She exclaimed, pointing at me, with an imposing tone that only she could muster.


"You are going to...!"

She continued, still pointing at me with one hand while moving her "space screen" with the other, showing an aerial view of a beautiful white castle.

I was starting to get excited, I mean... It's not like I'm good at fighting or anything, but in these cases, from what Ethan used to tell me, they usually give you special talents or something, right? It'll be like a walk in the park and I'll be able to finish my objective soon, and then go back home.

"I'm going to...?"

I asked expectantly.

"You're going to be the Romeo of this world and you'll woo your princess in that castle! So I can see a happy ending worthy of such a beautiful story!!"


<<Excuse me?>>

She looked so... satisfied with what she had said... But...

<<You're sending me to another world just for your selfish desire see a 'happy ending' that story...? Did Julieta really create an entire new this? And worse... The point of 'Romeo and Juliet' is precisely its tragic ending. She's ruining the whole story!!>>

From what she said, it's supposed that 'Romeo and Juliet' actually happened at some point in history, but that doesn't change my point here.

<<You must be joking...>>


She asked, looking as radiant as ever.

"You can handle this, right?"

I couldn't respond.

"Julieta, I don't think it's okay for you to spend so much time watching these mortals..."

"Are you serious? What do you want me to do? The same as you? Watch the infinite void and the stars for centuries?"

She responded, sounding quite exasperated.

"These people are always creating interesting stories. They have problems and difficulties that I can never go through, there is nothing more exciting than seeing a story like that and watching the heroes be rewarded for their efforts."

"But your dutie-"

"Duties that YOU invented!!"

She retorted.

"There is nothing that can even resemble what we are... You came before me and the first thing you did was invent 'duties'! I didn't pay much attention until I started watching humans, but how did you come up with inventing a 'duty' when we can do EVERYTHING we want?!"

"I don't think you're understanding what I'm trying to say, there are things that are our responsibility, you still lack millennia to fully understand your capabilities."


<<Someone please get me out of here...>>

Fighting was one thing, but I have no experience "wooing" anyone.

<<How am I supposed to do that?! And with this she's surely not going give me any miraculous advantage or anything like that!>>

I was starting to panic.

<<No! Wait! Maybe there's still a chance! I have to save her from some terrible danger and she'll fall hopelessly in love with me for doing so! That way it will all be much easier.>>

I was trying to cling to that thin thread of hope.

Interrupting the discussion that the two figures in front of me were having, I decide to give the idea I had come up with a chance.


I began to speak, slowly, calmly, doing everything possible not to act nervous.

"Will I fight some formidable enemy to save the princess from mortal danger?"

"Huh? No, not at all. This world isn't entirely peaceful, but..."

She replied calmly.

"If at any moment someone puts you or the princess in danger..."

The image showing the castle switched to showing an enormous purple planet.

"I will make sure that whoever dares to try to ruin my entertainment pays dearly for their insolence."

And then she put her fingers in the shape of a gun, pointing at the planet, which simply disappeared... Yes, disappeared. IT DISAPPEARED! NO! IT DIDN'T EXPLODE! It simply ceased to exist! The enormous planet that was there just moments ago... It vanished, without a sound... It was just... Gone.

<<But... How...?>>

"...I understand."

I responded, trying to hide the panic I felt and how terrified I was left after seeing that.

<<To hell with this, if she can do that to a planet, what will become of me I make an enemy her>>

I wondered, as I looked at the empty space where a planet had been before.

<<I hope that place was uninhabited...>>

"Well, you can stay here for a while as you learn the language and customs of that era."

"Ah... C-can't you just, you know, use your powers and give me all that knowledge...?"

I exclaimed.

"Oh, Walter!"

She started to say, laughing as if my comment was the funniest thing she had ever heard.

"That's the other rule, I can't change what you 'think' or 'feel', since I don't fully understand that kind of thing... So work hard! Okay?"

<<I guess I have nothing to lose by asking that other thing.>>

"...Can't you find someone else for this?"

"Why would I? It would be a hassle, you're already here."

"What if I refuse...?"

I risked asking.

Julieta and Cosmos looked at each other for a second, then smiled and responded in unison.

"You can't."

<<Well... I'm really screwed...>>