
Chapter 790 Retribution

"How did you know that I was in the obstetrics department?"

Norma immediately got up to look around, but the surroundings were empty. Other than the three of them, there was no one else.

Brett replied, "I just saw you in the obstetrics department. Are you pregnant with Ronald's child and wanted to abort it to shoot the film?"

Norma was irritated. "Brett, have you watched too many melodramatic dramas? Does Ronald not know whether I am pregnant or not and the time of our sex?"

As soon as he said this, Brett, the single guy, was speechless. "Norma, are you a pervert? How can you say that to me? I'm Ronald's cousin!"

The two were childhood sweethearts, so they never avoided talking about embarrassing things. Norma chuckled. "It's not strange for me to go to the obstetrics department because I have a spouse. As for you, why did you go there as a single guy?"

"I went to see a friend."