

Coming from that part of the world where the girl child lives basically for the male gender, where the girl child has to be groomed to be perfect for the man that marries her , where the girl child cannot afford to have thoughts and opinions of her own because at the end of the day, you have to end up in a man's house , life is a bit difficult.

The girl child is taught to be strong but weak , independent but dependent, patient, more reserved, less outspoken, and very submissive. Basically, we are taught to believe we are second class citizens. If our immediate families and parents think we are just something that needs to be given out at the end of the day, why will society act other wise. Afterall, who makes up the society?

Sugarh was born into a family of eight. Six children , and both parents inclusive. Being the first child of that family (as it's the case of most African home) she has to grow up faster than normal because she has a handful of siblings to look out for.