
Amaze Me

Siv hands the last potato bag to an old woman as Gary watches. He is really impressed, Siv keeps surprising him. He has never met a noble lady like her.

'Maybe she would make a good queen for the country, maybe even keep Brandt in line.'

"Ready to go, princess?" Siv blinks at him a few times.


"Yes, that is what I will be calling you hereon."

"But I am not a princess, it would be inappropriate to call me that."

"Well, if you haven't noticed, I don't care much about propriety." He chuckles. "Additionally, I don't believe in titles."

'What a peculiar thing to say.'

Siv doesn't argue with him. She has enjoyed the afternoon so much, she doesn't want to ruin it with a futile argument, and he does seem like a stubborn man. It is the first time she feels useful since she got to this world, so she is not letting Gary ruin her mood.

"Are we going back to the palace?" Siv inquires as they ride in the empty cart.

"Maybe one more stop, if you don't mind my lady."

"I don't mind."

When they stop, Siv's eyes shine as she stares at the tavern standing in front of her. She hasn't been to a bar in years, she misses it. The socializing, the dim lights, the cocktails. She misses it all.

'Obviously this is not going to be the Browns on twenty fifth street, but it is better than nothing.'

"I know it is inappropriate for a lady to frequent a place like this." Gary starts. "But my friend owns the place and you'll be fine as long as you keep that hood on."

"I really don't mind, Sir Gary." Siv wears an excited grin.

'I hope they have good booze.'

They enter the tavern and Siv's nostrils are immediately overwhelmed by the smell of alcohol and stench. Thankfully, whatever the chef is cooking in the kitchen is overpowering the bad odor. Gary walks to the table in the corner and sits, he does not even show a hint of courtesy toward Siv who takes the chair next to him. To any bystander, two men just walked in to grab drinks.

A few men are scattered around the place, all with drinks in their hands. A couple have what looks like some kind of a soup in front of them, along with their drinks.

"Gary!" A woman calls a few feet away.

'Holy shit.'

The woman sits on the chair facing them. Siv can't help but stare at the red hair's breasts. They're huge. The low cut dress she is wearing is barely containing them, and they're threatening to spill out at any moment.

"How are you, Ragna?"

"Busy as usual. How about you? Haven't been here in a while."

"Been busy myself."

"And who's the guest?" Ragna motions to Siv.

"Just a friend."

"Would a friend like a drink?"

"We're not-" Gary starts.

"I would." Siv interrupts. The woman smiles and pushes to her feet.

"What would you like?"

"What do you have?"

"Ale, whiskey, wine, kurrasow." Ragna lists. Gary's eyes travel from one woman to the other.

"Orange liqueur? brandy based?"


'Oh yeah!'

"Alright, I will have a glass of that." The tavern owner grins.

"And the usual for you, Gary?"

"Uh... yes please." Gary stares at his companion in astonishment. "You never cease to amaze me, Lady Siv."

"Good." She chuckles.

Ragna reappears a few minutes later with a big pewter tankard of ale for Gary and a snifter half full of Siv's ember drink. She is surprised this place has this kind of liqueur and snifters for that matter.

She takes a generous sip and closes her eyes letting the flavor explode in her mouth.

'Damn, this is some good shit. It would be better on the rocks, but I don't mind.'

"So?" The woman asks Siv, hinting at the taste.

"It's delicious, I might have a few more of these." Ragna lets out a full throat laugh that echoes through the whole tavern.

"I like your friend, Gary."

"Indeed, my friend is very likable." Gary comments as he eyes Siv, still shocked. He takes a sip of his ale and inches closer to the woman. "So, any news?"

"Things aren't looking good." Ragna's voice is barely audible. "There are rumors that the Eastern Tribes are all coming together, preparing for war."

'Eastern Tribes? Isn't that where Brandt and Erling are?'

Siv is tempted to ask, but she doesn't. She just listens in silence while drinking her cognac.

"So the negotiations have failed?" Gary asks.

"Well you know that the people in the East have... different believes, unfortunately with the current-"

"What do I have to do to get some ale around here?" A toothless man yells from one of the tables. By the look of it, he has already had more ale than he can handle.

"Sorry, it's just me right now, Erico is out shopping and Sassa is staying with her sick mother. I will be right back." Ragna walks to the demanding customer.

"Is war going to start at the borders?" Siv whispers.

"It is way too early for that, princess." Gary's eyes travel to where Ragna has just yelped. The man who was yelling earlier slapped her butt. He slams his tankard on the table. "Stay here." His tone is so low, so threatening, it sends a shiver down Siv's back. She ignores his instruction, though. She finishes her drink in one gulp and follows him.

"Gary, it's fine. I can deal with him myself." Ragna's pleas fall on deaf ears. Gary walks to the man and pulls him from his worn shirt making him stand. He is quite short compared to the tall auburn-haired man.

"Who the hell are you?" The man slurs.

"Apologize to the lady." Gary hisses.

"Why? I didn't do anything wrong." He scoffs. "She should be happy that I complimented her ass." The man laughs as if he just made the funniest joke in history. Gary squeezes his shirt and lifts his left fist ready to punch him.

"He's really not worth it, Gary. I'll just kick him out after he pays." Ragna puts a hand on his upper arm.

Gary squeezes his eyes shut trying to calm himself down. He could never handle seeing a man mistreating a woman. He lowers his fist and releases the man.

'Ragna is right, this dirt bag is not worth my knuckles.'

As Gary turns away from the man he catches a glimpse of movement and feels air caress his face. Then comes the bone cracking sound before a loud cry. It all happens so fast, Gary's adrenaline kicks in again as his heart starts racing. He turns back and finds Siv's fist making a dent in the man's face, he crashes on his table, breaking it and then falls to the floor. Both Gary and Ragna watch in shock, immobile for what seems like ages.

"Sorry, I couldn't just watch."

Have a great week everyone!!!

PS: Lady Siv does NOT have a drinking problem. lol

MeriemRcreators' thoughts