
Love From Another Reality

Every teenager has that character that is what he/she is in love with, Kelly is a teenager who just turned eighteen and now maybe she has this character that she will fall in love with some might call an illusion but some teenagers say it's real love, is it going to be an illusion or love for teenager Kelly?

Milly_Crazy · วัยรุ่น
2 Chs


Today is the presentation that my friends and I will present to the class, each group has to talk about a play that was drawn by the teacher, we stayed with Romeo and Juliet, I'm already at school in the uniform that is a black skirt , a white dress shirt, black vest and a wine blazer with a red and white striped tie, even though I don't really like this uniform I have to put up with it for a few hours during school.

The teacher called our group and we started our presentation, we talked about the real story, etc, in fact, we talked about everything we thought about this topic and we summarized it so that the presentation wouldn't take a year, we would also finish quickly if I hadn't said the name ´ Fred Weasley`, the truth of this event was that when I got home I watched another Harry Potter movie or two and researched about this Fred who had messed with my head so much.

There's another reason that after that I fell asleep and dreamed about Fred, that was my first dream, we ended the presentation even with these unforeseen events and went to the cafeteria, from there Mikael and others form the disturbs me talking about Fred.

Mikael - And it's not that she's already changed her answer, she went straight to Fred Weasley - laughs a little loudly -

Diana - Leave her an idiot, now tell us beloved

Kelly - Talk what?

Anny - This Fred- wait... this Weasley, isn't that the Weasley family that Fred is?!

Diana - True Anny, I remembered now

Jean - Already has your favorite character dear Kelly - claps her hands -

Kelly - Yes, I do, I admit it, satisfied? - I looked at all -

Anny - Very Kelly, but something to talk about?

Kelly - Cedric is the same actor who played Edward in Twilight, I was surprised by that, I don't mean he can't do it I was just shocked by it

Diana - We understand you friend

Mikael - Yeah, Diana and Anny freaked out when they saw Edward and Cedric, they spent a week researching to see if it was real

Kelly - What is your favorite character?

Mikael - A Luna Lovegood

Jean - The Hermione Granger

Diana - The Ron Weasley

Anny - The Oliver Wood

Mikael - We should celebrate that Kelly likes Harry Potter

Kelly - Na - I was interrupted by Jean who spoke excitedly -

Jean - Yes!! We must finally she likes it, of course yes

Kelly - Yes, they will win just because they presented the work, but now let's go to class

We went back to the living room, hours passed and finally we were free to go to our houses, I already had a plan for the rest of the day, I would research more about Fred and watch the other Harry Potter movies, I took a shortcut on the way home, I was excited to do more research, didn't know why I was like this because of a character.

I got home and quickly went upstairs to my room, did my hygiene and went straight to the computer, spent the rest of the day in front of the computer, every minute that passed I knew more about Fred Weasley and his family, I just got out of in front of the screen when my mother called me to dinner, that's when I realized it was night, I was still in my uniform, my hair was in a messy bun, and my grandmother had arrived from her trip to Cuba.

I had a quick dinner and my family was surprised for acting like this, it was not normal for me to eat like that and they were curious, wanting why, even why, there had to be a ´´why``, as they say, everything has.

But I said it was no biggie and went back to my room, turned off my computer, went to do my hygiene, took a shower and put on a short brown one, a sleeved blouse with a black turtleneck and an overcoat with a boot, just put on some lipstick It's dark and I tied my hair in a ponytail and left the house, I wanted to walk a little alone, sometimes I like to walk around without a path and just mechanics alone something I've never managed or understood what it is, I just know I like it.