
Love free from borders

Love is an emotion which can emerge in us anytime anywhere and with anyone regardless of colour, creed, beliefs, and boundaries. But the testing stages begin when you love someone who is not from your people; who has different culture; who speaks different language; and who has totally different living style than what you have. In such situations, keep loving becomes more challenging but more unique experience.

mawaddat_zahra · สมัยใหม่
1 Chs

Love Free from Borders

It has been 5 years since I am living here in China. I came here in 2015. I can still recall the circumstances that brought me here. Leaving your people behind and settling in a different place all alone was a big challenge for me and at least when I was only 17 years old. My father was a renowned politician in Pakistan- a country situated on the western border of China. His years-long struggle earned him a good name in politics. Besides politics, he was also a big landlord. It is common in Pakistan that only those come into politics who have a strong financial background and that's why most of the politicians are either landlords or businessman. My father was one of them. I spent my childhood days with my maternal uncle in the capital city of Islamabad. As I was the only daughter of my parents, that's why they feared that their opponents might cause any harm to me. Throughout my childhood, I longed for living with my parents. Although they used to come and see me regularly but the days when a child needs more attention, care, and love from his parents, I was living far away from my parents. Sometimes, I would think that my parents did not miss me because they had three sons and this thing gave me an inferiority complex. Days kept passing and years kept going but soon I started realizing and feeling their compulsions. It was 2015 when I was in my parent's town for my vacations then one day my father called me and gave me the shocking news.

I went to the study room where he mostly used to sit. He was sitting at the study table holding a book in his hand and I was standing in front of him so anxiously. He folded his book and turned towards me.

" Alina! My beloved daughter. I know you didn't spend too much time with us. I know you always wanted to be with us and enjoy the moments but darling whatever we did was for your betterment. We did not want our enemies to even come close to you. It was our compulsion." His tone was full of love ...or regret.. maybe he was regretting for not keeping me with them.

" My dear daughter". He started talking after a while. " You know elections days are not so far. I would be busy in election campaigns. Your brothers will too. You know that your mother also participates by convincing the female voters". I was wondered that why he was telling this to me.

He took a pause for a while and then said " Alina! We have decided to send you to your uncle Abbas."

"Uncle Abbas?" I asked in shock

" Uncle Abbas, who lives in Beijing?" Are you talking about him? I further inquired and he nodded his head positively.

But why? I asked in shock... How can you send me thousands of miles away from you? You know that I spent my childhood days without you and now when I started living with you, you have again decided to send me away. That's unfair" I burst into tears and said with my whole energy. He stood up from his chair, came close to me, held my should and said

" Because I know what is better for you and one day you will be happy with my decision. Now without saying a single word, go straight to your room and start packing. I have booked your ticket. You will catch your flight tomorrow." After ordering me he moved back to his study table giving me a sign that he would not listen to me anymore. I silently came out and with heavy feet, I started moving towards my room. I was feeling like I was moving towards a dark cave that had nothing but hopelessness and pain.

That day is still fresh in my memories. I left my home, my family, kept my memories with me. At Beijing airport, Uncle Abbas was waiting for me but I had already decided that I would no longer live with anyone. If I had to live without my closed ones then I did not need anyone in my life. Without letting my father, I made a plan to shift to a relatively unknown and less crowded city in China. Firstly, Uncle Abbas was opposed to my idea calling me too young to live alone but gradually, he agreed to my plan. He promised only to help me in settling there If I allow him to visit me regularly. I accepted his condition. I asked him to find me home somewhere which is less crowded and after some weeks of struggle, he brought me my desired home. It was located in a Wuyuan Village - a county in the northeast of Jiangxi province, People's Republic of China, bordering the provinces of Zhejiang to the east and Anhui to the north. Soon I shifted there. It was a big day of life and certainly a turning point for me when I stepped into that heavenly place. Its beauty mesmerized me so deeply. Its calmness and serenity captivated my heart and suddenly an inner voice arose from me " Yes this is the place which I have always wanted." Holding my bag, moving on meadows surrounded by fresh crops and beautiful flowers, and looking at the smiling faces of farmers who were perhaps welcoming me I reached my home. It was located in the most beautiful place. I took that house on rent. It was the property of an old couple and their son Chen Lee. It was my dream place and it was the place from where an important chapter of my life got started.