
Chapter five: Nerd


I screamed when I turned and saw Jace smirking at me.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you just saw a ghost" he said in a mocking voice.

"Why the hell are you here?"

"You pulled me here silly" he replied chuckling.

"What do you mean I pulled you here? I pulled An..." I stop mid sentence when I saw that I was still holding him.

How the hell did this happen, I was freaking out internally while I maintained a straight face.

Then I remembered when I heard Ana calling me, oh shoot.

I must definitely look stupid right now, snapped at him then pulled him along with me.

"Earth to Emma" Jace said snapping his finger in front of my face, pulling me out of my head.

"You just proved to the whole school that you're mine"

Jace said with a smug smile and I finally left hold of his hand.

"I'll see you around" with this he left me standing alone in the hallway like a deranged lunatic.

Too embarrassed to go back to the cafeteria to get Ana, I stayed in an empty class thinking of ways to undo what just happened but there was nothing else I could do.

After a while, students started coming to the class and I figured lunch time was over, I could feel all their stares, I felt they were going to bore a hole in me at this rate.

This is just crazy, how was I gonna handle all these drama till the next time we moved, urgggg

Hiding in the bathroom was becoming a normal thing for me.

Sat inside an empty stall awaiting the end of school, I had already missed a lot of the session and now I was skipping classes, wow, my nerd lifestyle was drowning here.

I pulled out my phone and placed a call to Pete and he picked on the second ring.

"Hey Em, what's up?" he said as soon as he picked up.

"I'm fine, urmm could you be at my school a few minutes before closure"

"Well I guess yes, anything wrong, aren't you also supposed to be in class now?"

"Chill I'm fine just tired so I want to go home faster and I took a hallpass to make this call. Nerds don't skip class"

I said and we both laughed but I gave myself a mental facepalm.

This nerd's new class was the girls bathroom.

"Alright then, I'll be seeing you soon"

Pete said just before the call ended. I sat in there waiting and waiting but time seemed to be moving against me.

After what felt like forever, I heard the bell, I was getting ready to jump out of the stall when I heard footsteps and giggling sounds, some girls had just come in and they were talking and laughing about the latest gist which was..... Well that should be obvious by now, me, sigh.

I was forced to sit back down, too embarrassed to go out.

It took them a good 10 minutes and they weren't done yet when my phone rang, alarming both me and the girls, I almost threw my phone in shock.

Pete was calling, must have been worried since I said I needed to leave immediately.

"Who is there?" I heard one of the girls ask, there wasn't much I could do so I opened the door and without glancing at them, made a run for it.

Seeing it's been over 10 minutes since the bell went off, there was students everywhere, and once again I felt their stares.

Ever felt so embarrassed you wished to disappear? well that's how I felt right now.

I looked down and walked as quickly as I could, getting outside the school building, heading for the park, I discovered nobody cared if I existed or not which I very much liked.

Someone else had gotten their attention, looking around for Pete or his car, which was harder to locate than I thought so I called him.

"Emma where have you been, I've been calling, you have to get me out of here"


It was only at that moment I discovered he was now the center of attention.

You've got to be kidding me...

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