
Chapter 5: Fate

"What do you mean? You…you see it all?" Grainne said in astonishment, so even if I slapped the old man, he would see it? Is he trying to blame himself? "That's right!" Carwyn replied. "So…?" Grainne looked at him suspiciously, "Are you here to ask me to apologize to that old man!" In an instant, Grainne's gaze turned indignant. "I tell you, it's completely impossible!" "Not at all!" Carwyn hastily answered, basically he was a bit confused, frantic, he was a heartless, cruel person, never would go worried about other people's nonsense that has nothing to do with you and the image you recreated for it became angry, he didn't know why, when he saw this woman being caught by someone else or when it was easy, he would get angry, it would be very heartbreaking. After that, the owner couldn't help thinking of protecting her. He was angry when he saw that man kissing her, that's why he wanted to kiss her too, wanted to erase all traces of that old man's breath. "So, why are you here?" Grainne looked at him suspiciously. "I... I'm afraid you'll be heartbroken, thinking I should come and comfort you..." Carwyn said in a low voice, if Grainne had been paying close attention to what he said, it would have been possible to see that our cold and harsh Grandmaster was embarrassed blush. "You?" Grainne breathed in and out, looking at Carwyn in astonishment. Was that true? Does he care about himself? Realizing that made Grainne feel warm inside. "So you… the fact that I hit him, the cooperation between the two of you might not work out, and you're not angry either?" Grainne spoke cautiously, glancing at Carwyn's reaction. He looked at her intently and then said seriously. "Why should I be angry? Maybe, to do business with him, I would sacrifice my subordinates. I'm not that kind of person. Although I'm not a gentleman either, I'm not the common type. I work with my principles!!" Staring at Carwyn's serious expression, Grainne suddenly felt her heartbeat like a deer and hurriedly ran a hand through her hair and stroked her head repeatedly, her face red as if it were on fire. "So you, then you…why did you kiss me?" As soon as the words left her mouth, Grainne immediately regretted it. How could she be so stupid? How could she say such silly things? Carwyn frowned slightly, looked at Grainne's red face, leaned close to her, and asked, "Want to know?" The words brought a breath full of alcohol into her face. "Yeah, yeah, if you don't want to answer, then forget it." Grainne was a bit dizzy, thinking that perhaps it was the alcohol. "I don't know either. It's just that seeing you in pain makes me feel unbearable. I want to comfort you, kiss you. It's because I don't like other people's scent on your lips," Carwyn said seriously. "I… I…" Grainne's limbs were a bit flustered. Was he saying that to confess? Grainne couldn't help but feel that thought and was a little delighted. Grainne looked at Carwyn suspiciously, staring at him continuously. He was looked at by her, embarrassed, deliberately speaking first. "Still standing there, stupid girl, get up quickly. I'll take you home." Without a doubt, one-sentence ruined Grainne's daydreaming. Looking at Carwyn's expression, Grainne silently reminded herself not to be mesmerized by him. He was incapable of liking her, not allowed. To have delusions with this man. Grainne quietly stood up and stepped forward. "Hey, where are you running too!" Carwyn pulls Grainne over, saying, "The main gate is next to it." She clenched her fist and ignored Carwyn silently. "How did I do that!!" Carwyn gave Grainne a puzzled look, "I don't seem to anger you, do I? What are you angry about anyway?" Grainne kept her excellent character, silent, not saying a word. "Damn it! What happened to you in the end!" Carwyn was also a little angry. "I didn't seem to provoke you, did I!?" Also, do not do anything? Is it necessary for you to make a face like a dead person to me?" The evening passed slowly, Carwyn rambling incessantly and Grainne remaining silent, silently supporting. But neither of them knew that there was a magical love silently creeping between the two. So, after all, why? Thinking of Carwyn, Grainne couldn't help but sigh. This man, what is he thinking! What does he want to do? Just as Grainne was lost in thought, a tall figure appeared in front of his desk."Ms. Grainne, what's wrong with you? I didn't invite you here to just sit here dumbfounded." Carwyn said with a frown. "I… I…" Grainne was speechless. What should she say? Should I ask him directly or… "If there's nothing to do, then do your job well! I don't expect my employees to bring their personal affairs into the work." After saying that, Carwyn didn't look back but just walked straight into the office. Looking at his back, she couldn't help but feel a little sad, depressed, Grainne, and you are such a big fool. You shouldn't be with him. Develop special feelings, among thousands of flowers, how is it possible that he will notice you? Carwyn stood in front of the window, looking down at the traffic below, even more troubled in his heart. What happened to him last night? Take the initiative to kiss the other girl and say many strange things? Is it because of drinking too much alcohol? Carwyn is his excuse. As soon as he saw Grainne, there was an uncontrollable turmoil in his heart, and he couldn't help but try to regain his original expression, turning his back to Grainne, afraid to let Grainne reveal his true thoughts. Why is she so special to me? No, it's not like that. The mobile phone on the table rang, Carwyn pressed the answer key, and Zhao Zhao's voice came from the other end. "Carwyn, do you have free time today? Can I come to find you? standing right downstairs in your office." "Okay! Then come up. I'll wait for you at the office." Then, after Carwyn finished speaking, he hung up the phone. He wanted to prove that the girl Grainne was nothing special to him. After arranging the meeting documents, Grainne walked to the door of Carwyn's office, like always, after knocking, opened the door to prepare to enter. "General manager, I have come to give you the documents used in the meeting…" Before she could finish speaking, Grainne was frightened by the scene inside. Carwyn sat behind the desk, hugging Zhao Zhao. Half of his clothes were removed, the two were still passionately kissing. Grainne could see Carwyn's hand stroking Zhao Zhao's chest. Moreover, she could hear the groans coming from Zhao Zhao's mouth. "Sorry, boss, I don't know… I'll go out first." Grainne stammered, immediately turned around, and walked out. "Come back…" Carwyn said from behind: "What's wrong with you?" "I… Yes, this is the document that I need to use in a meeting later. I have finished editing it. Just put it on the table." Grainne said while looking at Zhao Zhao sitting on Carwyn's body, looking at her with evil eyes. Grainne couldn't help but shiver, "General manager, if there's nothing else, I'll ask permission to go out first. " After saying that, Grainne almost ran out. Return to your seat. Grainne hastily continued the work at hand but was a little distracted. Although she already knew, Carwyn was a pompous, flamboyant, free-spirited young man who couldn't be tied down, just let her see it with her own eyes, still a little unbearable, she was the first time watch real people show like this… Watching Grainne flee in confusion from the office, Carwyn pushed Zhao Zhao away, and for some reason, he suddenly lost interest. "Carwyn, I..." Zhao Zhao looked at him confused, "What's wrong?" "Go away. I still have work to do today," Carwyn said coldly. "But, Carwyn..." Before Zhao Zhao finished speaking, Carwyn interrupted him, "Don't make me say it a second time." Carwyn looked at her coldly. "You… Okay." Zhao Zhao reluctantly walked out of Carwyn's office. Then, walking over to Grainne's desk again, Trieu Trieu looked at her without respect, "Hmm," and turned his head to leave. At this time, Carwyn was even more upset in the office, initially calling Zhao Zhao because he wanted to prove that he felt for Grainne the same way as for other women. However, when he was intimate with Zhao Zhao, every thought was about Grainne. Damn it, why is that? When Grainne entered, Carwyn could only see in her eyes a slight panic, confusion indeed he was a bit disinterested now. Why wasn't she angry? Originally intended to make Grainne angry, but unexpectedly, the result was except the fact that she was shocked, showing no more unique expression, was the opposite of herself, because seeing Grainne not reacting in particular, but a little angry, so she didn't care to me! Damn, Carwyn slammed his fist on the table. What did he want! It's confusing! Grainne looked at Zhao Zhao's back in surprise. Why did she snort? Or because I ruined their good news? But that's just a coincidence!! Grainne continued to work, but unable to concentrate, the sight she saw kept weighing heavily on her mind. Image of Carwyn entangled in the same place with Zhao Zhao! There was a bit of pain in her heart that couldn't be shaken, she admitted, she knew that that person was a gentle trap, but she couldn't help but fall.