

A continuation story of Doted by the Alpha and My Husband is a Mafia Book following Mo Tian Zi's journey to Love.

lesson101 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

(11) This is Wrong

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"I'm so sorry about that," Feeling that they were finally far away from the area where the library was from, Tian Zi finally let go of Maverick's hand but what he didn't expect was the Omega would fall into his arm making him freeze for the second time in the last 5 minutes.

"Hey, what's the problem?" Tian Zi asked and tapped on Maverick's shoulder. Although he didn't want to be hugged by an Omega, he also wouldn't want to push the person away and risk getting him hurt because he knew how strong he was. And seeing no response from Maverick Sullen, Tian Zi tapped on the Omega again however what came next shocked him for the third time.

"I don't know if--" Tian Zi said but he wasn't able to finish his words when he suddenly, he felt the raging pheromones he knew were coming from Maverick attack his body. Tian Zi quickly grabbed the Omega's shoulder and slightly pulled him away from his chest and immediately saw Maverick's flushed cheeks looking at him in a daze. For Tian Zi, the pheromones weren't that strong compared to when he was with Fyre but because he was extremely sensitive to it, it still made his body react. He quickly felt extremely alarmed before he looked around. One thought kept running in his head. The house is currently filled with Alphas. Although they are mostly bonded Alphas, that doesn't mean they wouldn't be affected by an Omega's pheromones.

"Shit. Come with me," Tian Zi had no choice but to drag Maverick somewhere even more secluded and locked up. He looked around but there was no such place aside from his Eldest Brother's new room and the library so he had no choice again but to rush Maverick to the second floor of the mansion and quickly picked the nearest guest room.

"Do you have suppressants with you??" As soon as the door was locked, Tian Zi held Maverick's shoulder again to shake him hoping the Omega would snap out of it. Unfortunately, that was too good to be true and Tian Zi was going to realize that too late. That he would realize that locking themselves in a room alone was probably the worse idea.

"He---" Looking at Maverick's drunk state, he wasn't able to finish his word again when he felt the Omega's lips on him by surprise. His eyes went wide in shock but he couldn't pull away. Of course, he attempted to pull Maverick away but with his hand hanging in the air the kiss continued, it was too late for his brain to realize that he was responding to the kiss slipping his tongue to dominate Maverick's. His hand slowly dropped to wrap around the Omega's surprisingly narrow waist. With him always in a suit, it was difficult to tell.

Continuing with the heated kiss, their hugging figures slowly reached the bed with Tian Zi leading. Even though he didn't have experience in sex, he did have a lot of instances where he almost did it and now that he's kissing Maverick, he realizes he missed the feeling. The soft and wet skin against his, he almost forgot how it felt that now that he's feeling it again, he couldn't help but want more. Furthermore, the scent was getting stronger and stronger building a thick cloud in his head that he couldn't seem to clear. All his reasons were clouded by lust that even though he knew it was wrong, his body wouldn't stop.

"Ahhh," Maverick moaned surprised when he fell on the bed, making him realize what he was doing that his eyes widen looking at the younger Alpha climbing on top of him.

"U-Uhmmm, I-I'm so sorry," Maverick squeaked as his body along with Tian Zi made a deep hollow place in the middle of the bed. He blushed deep red feeling the strong muscular body pressed against him. He had been with quite a few people but he had never been someone like Mo Tian Zi that's younger. Suddenly, he felt quite guilty for taking advantage of the Alpha.

"W-we shouldn't do this," Maverick said slightly pushing Tian Zi away before things escalate more. His heart continued to pound vigorously but he was in the condition where he could take control of his pheromones from leaking and further make the Young Alpha lose control.

"Fuck!" Hearing Maverick, thankfully, Tian Zi snapped out of himself and pulled away while brushing his hair all the way back. He almost truly got swept away by the temptation.

"I'm so sorry, " Maverick said again. This time they both sat on the bed reflecting on their mistake.

"You don't need to apologize, it's that stupid couple's fault that we're here," Tian Zi said in frustration. Of course, it is partly also his fault for not being able to stop himself but none of this would have happened if they didn't get exposed to Ian Andrews and Hanlu's mating pheromones.

"N-No, I started this. So... t-to make it up for you," Maverick replied stubbornly. This was clearly his fault. Despite his weak pheromones, he's actually a dominant Omega so he was pretty good with controlling his pheromones. He's a few years older so he should have handled the situation maturely but he didn't and now he caused trouble for the Alpha.

"H-hey!! What are you doing??" Tian Zi yelled when suddenly Maverick kneeled on the floor between his legs and soon was already on the way to unbuckle his pants. He tried to stop the Omega but for some reason wasn't able to and was only forced to sit there and watch Maverick do what he wanted to do.

"I'm taking responsibility. Don't worry, I'll make you feel good soon," Maverick said and was quick to unzipped Tian Zi's pants and later scoped out the thick half-erect rod. He had seen quite a few of it but if he was, to be honest, Maverick was quite surprised to see Tian Zi's size. He had been with Alphas but he had never been with the same shape as Tian Zi's.

In reality, this was because Tian Zi was a dominant Alpha that has the ability to knot. Rare Alphas like Tian Zi had naturally different shapes as it's thicker on the base and the head part that helped in the process of knotting. Mo Laotian was also the same but because Daniel had never been with anyone, he couldn't tell if there were differences. There was a time when was violated by men when he was younger but his memory of that time was unclear due to his trauma, it forced his brain to forget all the bad stuff he didn't want to remember.

"Y-you don't have to do this. Also, can you stop staring??" Tian Zi said, his cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Of course, even though he had regained his reasons, that does not mean his erection softened. He plans to take care of it himself later as always but he was surprised that Maverick Sullen would suddenly make the initiative.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm doing this because I want to and also to help you out but I-I didn't mean to stare. Just that, the shape is different than what I used to," Maverick confessed and finally proceeded to hold the length, sliding his palm softly up and down earning a tortured gasps from Tian Zi.

"Fuck! Do you have a boyfriend?" Tian Zi asked after hearing Maverick. Looking at Maverick's actions, even though he's easily embarrassed, he seemed like he had a lot of experience so he wondered if the Omega had a lover because it would be bad for them to do something like this.

"No, no. Nothing like that at all..." Maverick replied, he sounded like he still had a lot to tell but he didn't say more, and instead, he looked up at Tian Zi and smiled softly.

"For now, I'll help you with this as compensation," Maverick said and without warning proceeded to devour Tian Zi length by a half making Tian Zi gasped in surprise. He grabbed a handful of the Omega's hair but he didn't pull or push him away. He could tell right away that Maverick was good at this, even though he was huge, the Omega took him without a problem. He sucked on his tip at first before giving attention to the rest of the length making Tian Zi groan roughly as he turned completely aroused. In a daze, he looked at Maverick bobbing his head taking the length in and out of his throat. He had to admit, that to him the sight looked extremely hot turning him on even further.

"Damn!" Tian Zi cursed and wasn't able to help himself and throw his head back. He could feel the tip of his shaft hit the roof of Maverick's throat. It felt extremely good. The experience couldn't compare to the ones he had experienced before.

"Why are so good at this??" Tian Zi finally voiced out as he felt the need to come, to which Maverick didn't reply and continued to bob his head. He could feel the Alpha twitch inside his mouth and he knew he was about to come, of course, he too was to reach his limit.

With his body quivering, Maverick held Tian Zi's thighs before he thrust his head one more time feeling Tian Zi coming. He planned to gulp it all down but to his surprise, Tian Zi immediately pulled him away, making all the semen exploded on his face. He had no choice but to close his eyes spreading his palm below his chin to catch the ones that had dripped since there was a lot that came out.

"Fuck! I'm so sorry, " Tian Zi said immediately standing up to lead the Omega to the bathroom to wash his face. He didn't plan to come on Maverick's face but he wasn't very good at controlling his knot so he quickly pulled the Omega before something bad happens.

"It's okay. I just didn't expect you would pull me away," Maverick giggled softly wiping his wet face with a towel. And hearing him, Tian Zi couldn't help but treat the Omega tenderly.

"Because it would be bad if I accidentally knot your throat, " Tian Zi said with a frown but still his tone didn't sound irritated like he did earlier when Maverick approached him. Instead, he sounded concerned or even pouting.

"You can knot??" Ignoring all the other words, Maverick gawk at Tian Zi in surprise before his eyes drop to his crouch. This was the first time he had been with someone who can knot so he was tempted to fish his penis out again to see. He wondered, 'Is that the reason why his shape was different!'

"Hmmm," Tian Zi replied apologetically. He remembered how he treated Maverick earlier and he couldn't help but think he must have hurt him.

"Uhmmn, can I trust you to hide this happened?? As you should know, no one knew that I'm an Omega and I want to keep it that way. I came to you earlier to ask this," Maverick suddenly said suddenly remembering why he approached Tian Zi in the first place.

"Okay, sure, " Tian Zi replied. Although he was curious as to why he knew he's not in the place to ask. Falling into an awkward silence, both of them stood at their spots thinking what to do after. Should they separate without talking or they leave together as friends?? Thinking about "being friends" Tian Zi wanted to punch himself. Of course, being friends now is impossible after what had happened.

"Uhmmn, i-if you don't mind. Can I k-kiss you again?" Breaking the deafening silence between them, Maverick finally decided to talk stuttering his words as his cheeks turned red. He was still really curious how a knot would feel but he knew that was probably a bad idea so he thought a kiss would calm his mind down.

"..." Hearing the Omega's request all of a sudden, Tian Zi stared at him blankly but thinking they had already gone so far, one last kiss wouldn't really matter. Taking a step closer, Tian Zi wrapped his arm around Maverick and soon they kissed passionately as if they were lovers. Neither of them is aware that in the far future, things will get complicated.

Love, family, career. Which will matter the most?

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To be Continued...