

I can't quite remember much of that night. I can't even remember what I wore but, I remember

"her"..because she was the only thing I could keep my eyes on that night.

If I could recall I believe it was Thanksgiving night, the night my mom's best friend invited us to his family outing that they were holding that night. I didn't like him because he's been around my

mom too much but I guess I could tolerate it because my mom has been happier than ever since my dad left us.

But anyways I remember I walked into the doors of people I'd never met before, everything was going alright but then I felt a pair of eyes looking at me from afar and it turned out to be "her". She was looking at me with such curiosity. When looking at her all I could notice was how shorter she was compared to me and how her eyes were dancing around the room trying to avoid eye contact with me.

She tried to look at me again with those beautiful eyes of hers, so in return, I gave her a little smile but once again she turns her head away due to shyness. I felt like I had to ask who she was so I went to my mother and said "Mom, who is that girl over there?" I point to her just so she knew who I was talking about "Who are you talking about son?" she was a bit distracted because her friend was talking to her.

I decide to just give up because there was no point but as I was looking at the mysterious girl something was just telling me to go to "her" ..so, I just decide to walk to her to go ask who this mysterious girl is.