
To Build A Home

Their night felt so surreal yet unreal. They were both standing outside the apartment, with endearing little grins on their faces as they look fixedly at each other in sweet serenity.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Rey sensed the warmth rising and filling up between them. Ben couldn't help but to continuously stare at her deliberately in awe and admiration.

"Why, does it intimidate you?" He teased.

Rey simpers in a delightful manner. "Excuse me, mister. I'm not as delicate as you think I am." She stood her ground flirtatiously, "And puh-lease, a woman like me ain't easy to be intimidated by a man like you."

"Oh, really?" Ben inclined his upper body an inch closer towards Rey, with one hand rested on the door she was leaning on with her back.

Her heart again started to thump rhythmically, with a sudden tingling sensation in her spine. Notwithstanding, Ben kept his flamboyant gaze that makes it even more intimidating. "Ben," she mumbles, "you won't just stand there and stare at me forever, will you?"

"I would, if you think it's valid." He uttered in a playful tone. "Why, you're giving up? Is it too intimidating?"

"Not really." Rey yawned intently. "I'm so tired now, that's all."

"Alright." Ben slowly straightened up his bearing, freeing her from the stable atmosphere flowing around them.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Rey opens the door to her apartment and steps inside, with Ben following her from behind. "Where are you going? I thought you're about to leave?" Blocking his way from entering, she asks out of curiosity.

"I was. Just considered it would be nice to stay for a little longer."

"No, not — I mean, it's great to have you around but, after tonight, everything feels so different lately. You know, like what happened at the park." Rey still couldn't surmise everything that happened tonight. There was no regret; she would never regret every minute, and every second of it. "I don't know how I should feel about it 'cuz to be honest, I neither expected you'd like me, nor kiss me." Nevertheless, she found it hard to explain the complexity of emotions inside her.

"But, I appreciate it. I may as well do feel the same about you," she babbles as she confesses, and their eyes met once more that it sparkled dearly with growing affection. "nonetheless, for some certainty, it's still a blur to me." Rey was yet unsure about her feelings for Ben, even if he has already confessed his through that kiss.

"Yeah. At first, it was actually confusing. I thought it was only an infatuation but, it started to feel so real."

Rey couldn't assess the reality of their relationship. Its all been happening so fast, like a strike of lightning that's too hard to foresee. "Yet, how about we try slowing things down between us? Step by step, starting from the very bottom of it as we get to know each other further and even more better than we used to."

Ben stayed silent that he didn't say a word.

"I'm sorry if I'm too hard to get. Even so, I really had fun tonight. It was amazing, thank you." Rey added, with glowing appreciation and gratefulness on her face that shone brighter than the moonlight in the evening sky.

"You don't have to be sorry and, I get what you mean. I guess I gave in too much to what I feel. Things might solely seem complicated between us but, we're worth a shot, right?"

Rey nodded. "Of course, why not? Everyone deserves a chance." She stated, meaningfully. "And, we don't have to risk it all just to work this thing out between us. At least, it was still worth the shot."

"Yeah, you're right. It's been a wonderful night, though." Ben replies and smiled faintly at her. "Get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow."

As Ben treaded away, Rey settled in her bed to get some rest. With all the tossing and turning, she couldn't gain the composure she wants to end all the stable thoughts that kept circulating throughout her head.


It's been a few days since that night. And awkwardness filled in the air between them. They do text each other often, no more than simply short, unary messages and greetings to please one another. Probably because of that 'ordinary' embarrassing feeling you get after you helplessly kiss someone and it's been haunting you consistently, that it makes you feel guilty and discomfort for some indeterminate reason. While normally to happen at work, the two persisted in being very secretive and reserved with respect to the 'complicated feeling' they have for each other; distantly apart, they barely engage into any conversations, merely a quick stare and life goes on. Nothing else happens.

Rey woke up refreshed, with a weak smile on her features. She immediately took out her phone, assuming Ben would've texted her by this moment. Every morning, he always does the first move in texting her daily. Sadly this time, he didn't, which was kind of dismaying for her. She pondered if she should do the first act instead, though in a brief second, a knock on her apartment door caught her attention from doing so.

"Rey," A voice calls out her name from outside. "it's me, DJ. Could we have a minute?"

Rey hurried towards the door and spotted DJ, their landlord at her doorstep. "DJ, is there anything I could do for you?"

DJ was a close friend of Finn, and they've known each other for more than a decade. Rey owes them both a sincere debt, for they were able to help her during those days she was so hopelessly living in destitution, after she decided to run away from Unkar Plutt. Despite of that, what she hates about him is his stinky attitude.

"Oh, good morning Rey, I'm sorry to be a bother. Uh, I'm here to tell you something, and I hope you'd understand."

She observed the abrupt presence of negativity in his tone, that she could already feel its current pass through her like electricity. "Is there something wrong?"

"Um, I don't know how to say this to you, but..." DJ sighed heavily. His indirection escalated the pressure, and Rey isn't ready for whatever he has to say to her. "I'm afraid you'll have to leave next week."

"Leave? Next week?" She exaggerates in tremor and outrage. "Why all of a sudden? Finn always tells me that everything's fine with the rent."

"The rent isn't the problem, Rey." He pointed out. "A client from an industrial company called me last night. They had a proposal to buy this land for half a million."

Rey wanted to understand the situation. She really wanted to. She knew what this is all about, but it was unclear to her yet.

"Believe me, I also hate to to do this but, I have no choice." He urged.

"I'm sorry but, this is actually preposterous, DJ. Hadn't you even thought of the other tenants who've lived here for years? Take a look around you."

We don't deserve all this. I don't deserve all this. I thought I've had enough, but why does it seem to be the other way around of what I've been hoping for?

Rey thought to herself. She's been aware of the difficulties of homelessness since then — the significant consciousness of isolation and solitude. And she wouldn't want to undergo those same old circumstances once more. "It ain't a piece of cake to find a new settlement in a small, crowded city like Bespin in just a very short period of time, you know that."

"Apparently, I've already considered talking to them regarding that appeal but then, they didn't change their mind and went on with what they proposed. Now with that, I believe demolition starts next week."

"You really did?" Her ill temper bursting out unwaveringly into great extent."Or, is it all just because of that stupid money?"

"Rey, I did my best. And, half a million isn't that bad enough anyway. You'll have a share, no worries." DJ uttered annoyingly in persuasion.

"Precisely defined, DJ — it's all about money. And basically owing to the fact that I'm poverty-stricken, while they're all affluent people who can pay you a good price... thanks but, I don't need your money. It's all yours." Rey stated with a heavy heart, indignation piling up her chest as her eyes flickered with disgruntlement. She never expected it to go this way.

"And correct me if I'm wrong, Finn sees you as his true friend. Whereas, not to be harsh, I don't get the picture of it. Still for you, there's no more turning back." Rey couldn't take it. However, she knew she had to humble herself and respect whatever DJ's decision might be. "Even if it's conversely against my will, you left me no choice. Unless, you'd thoroughly mull over it again."

DJ shook his head and looked down in decline. "I'm truly sorry, Rey. I know you've been through a lot, and now I just made it worse."

"Touche." Rey asserted. "Anyway, forget it. I'll try to make it until next week, don't worry." It was of no assurance. She wouldn't want to leave, and she had no plans to do so. For all that, there's nothing else she could do.

"...Thank you, Rey." He beamed weakly until it faded.

"By the way, have you heard of what happened to Finn?"

"Yeah, Rose called me an hour ago. Actually, I'm on my way to the hospital, but I decided to stop by for a while to discuss to you about the matter at hand. So, I guess I'll be on my way now."

"DJ, wait." Rey voiced out as he sauntered down the hall. "If you ever have the chance to talk to Finn, please don't tell him about what we've just discussed a moment ago."

Finn always cared for Rey. And to her, it's been too much for a cost. Not that she thinks he's doubtful of her capabilities and she doesn't need him, for all that she was only concerned about him, inasmuch as he's invariably fretted about her, that he never actually had the stint to at least think of himself. "I know it sounds unfair but as his friend, I'm forcing myself to do what I think is right. In point of fact, he deserves to know but please, Finn's contemporaneously in a very dreadful state and I want him to be free from all the distress and distractions that this situation might cause him. I don't want to aggravate his situation."

Rey wanted to do this not only for herself, but also for Finn. She was indeed much obliged of his altruism and benignity, whereas the only fair act to reimburse him is in such a way of being the friend he currently needs. "Please DJ, just trust me on this one and let me do the talking. I'll tell him in due time, I promise. Care to think of him at the moment." She guaranteed herself that she's doing the right thing.

DJ nodded in agreement as he realized that Rey does have a point. All they could hope for was it to be as smooth as it could possibly be. Rey went back inside her apartment with a drained face, tension outpouring her immensely. Trying to pull herself together, she then crumpled into a chair, letting out a long, strained sigh and clutched her chest to calm the thudding that felt as if it would break her ribs.

She deliberated on the predicament over and over again, in view of the verity that this would be like pulling teeth; as arduous and grueling as it seems. Preconceived of the certitude that she'd be unable to afford living another dastardly and uncivilized life, moreover, in refuse to be enslaved and be battered coarsely again by her brutally inhuman uncle, Rey swore to herself that she'd never go back to Jakku. Never again. Verily, she'd rather intend to choose to be a hobo, than be treated contemptibly like she's good-for-nothing.

She glimpsed at her phone once more and groaned, muddled knowing there's still nothing from Ben. Couldn't help herself any longer, Rey drew out her phone back into her hand and texted him.

Rey: Ben, it's me. What the hell is up with you?

She stared blankly at her phone, waiting for his reply.

————— Text Message —————

8:32 A.M.


What do you mean?


Rey: Seriously? Is that all you'd have to say?

————— Text Message —————

8:35 A.M.


Well, what'd you want me

to say, then?


Rey: I've been wondering why you still haven't texted me this morning — nor you always do.

————— Text Message —————

8:37 A.M.


Sorry. Actually, I was about to.

I just woke up.


Rey: You're kidding, right? Haven't you realized that it's already passed 8 and you'll be late for work? Anyway, it's been a while since we first hanged - out together...

————— Text Message —————

8:38 A.M.


You just miss hanging out with me.


Rey blushed as she read his text. She reminisces on how he was such a flirt, with the intimidating look on his eyes and how he handles himself whenever he's in front of her. But, it wasn't too often to be recognized these past few days.

Rey: Dude, you're out of your freaking mind. But yeah, I do. We've rarely talked this week and it typically sucks.

————— Text Message —————

8:40 A.M.


Yeah. I noticed that too. But I'll

make it up to you, don't worry.


Rey: Don't forget that this is a fair play.

————— Text Message —————

8:41 A.M.


Fine. So, when's the plan?


Rey: Just not this week... I guess? If that's okay with you.

If only it could be so soon. However, she needs to go find a new place to live in before the week ends — it's now or never.

Vulnerably, Rey then also regarded telling him about it. Yet, she restrained for she wouldn't want him to be in her shoes, although honesty and openness to one another is a kind of devotion and commission to be able to make a relationship work out at its finest.

Rey: Something came up at the cafe I work at. Rose won't be around for a week to keep an eye out on Finn, so that means I have to go manage her post while she's away. It's a consent FYI.

She told him a lie, and it's a terrible thing to do — lying to the man you adore and yearn for. If she only had the guts to keep herself from doing so and tell him the truth.

Rey: I hope you don't mind for a week? I'll even get an additional salary for that. ;) Kidding, it's up to Maz if she'll give me an extra.

————— Text Message —————

8:45 A.M.


No, of course not. I could

drop by at the cafe anytime.

If you don't mind either...


Rey didn't know what to say in response. A lie is a lie. Notwithstanding, Ben believed it. Now, she needs to think of another excuse that would be believable enough to drag him off from his incentive.

Rey: I think you shouldn't. You're much needed at Starkiller, plus... I won't be able to have a chat with you since we both know that work is work. It'd be useless to come over.

————— Text Message —————

8:47 A.M.


How about weekends?

What do you say?


Rey: Not sure 'bout that, either. There might be some days that I need to stay a few hours late at the cafe for closing time, as well as weekends. I'll let you know when I'm free. Hope you understand.

————— Text Message —————

8:48 A.M.


Sure thing. No problem with me.


Rey: Thank you, Ben.

Rey hovered in her seat. She couldn't define the exact essence of her secrecy and as a matter of fact, a pang of guilty conscience struck out of her that she became and was aware of. Holding back the guilt within her, she closed her eyes and breathed out without haste to find comfort and ease.


Days have gone by, and the week has ended. Rey packed up all her things, disinclined to leave yet. Her eyes roamed across the room, seizing this last and final moment, reliving her reminiscences of her early days, weeks, months, and years here in this small, simple room that she once treated as her home — and will always be.

As she left, Rey wandered the streets of Bespin, homeless. And yet, it was all hopeless. She couldn't define how she'd be able to survive living evidently nowhere in vagrancy, and was close to the limit of her endurance, but, she couldn't fail herself now. She would resist it with full eagerness, no matter how much it would take her. She strolled the streets in a blank gaze, deeply lost in thought until she accidentally bumped into a randomly strange, old man and spilled his coffee on his golden suit and tie. He was bald, his face uneven with brutally rough patches of scars. The odd way he glared at her sent shivers down her spine. It was terrifying.

Lost her tongue and couldn't speak out a word, she cleared her throat. "I-I'm so sorry, sir. It was an—"

"Do you know how much this suit costs?" The old man hissed as he scowled at her ferociously with a glare. Passers-by glancing back at them, which made Rey feel so ashamed. "Hmph, I guess not. You probably know nothing. And, by the looks of you, I could easily tell that you're too impecunious enough — unable to make ends meet; yet, I'm afraid you'll have to pay the price."

Her blood was rising to a boil. Rey knows herself that it was an accident, and she have already said sorry, granting that it was truly her fault. She's true to her mistakes, and she can take that. But, being blasted with criticism by a random old man who actually knows nothing about her is what's unacceptable. It was closely alike to the treatment that she had to withstand during her interview with Ben for calling her 'incompetent'. Yet, she managed to resist it professionally since it's her accountability and her dream was at stake. However, it was different this time.

She again cleared her throat, trying to contain herself from the hostility overpowering her entirely. "I beg your pardon, sir. Because for your information, I'm not what you really think I am." Rey stood her ground and stated fiercely, "I may be sorry for being impoverished but, this is exactly how my life goes. And with all due respect, you can't just threaten me with all your demands for a foolish act I've done." She desperately wanted to scold him, and she definitely would have done it candidly without a shamed face. Yet, granted the publicity, no can do.

The old man leaned closer, his mouth tilted towards her ear as if he's about to whisper a word. "I'm letting you get away with this... for now. But I'm telling you, this won't be the last." He threatened, and walked away.

Rey stood frozenly still at where she was at, trying to suppress the diversion inside her head. If what she was told of was a coercive measure, she dared herself that she would not to be pulled down into cowardice. 


It was getting late, and Ben sat impatiently in his office, irrationally stealing a glance at his phone every single minute that passes by. Rey hadn't called or texted him for days, and its been bugging him. They hadn't been in touch with each other since last week, which is likely fretful to think of. To him, it's been so long since they interacted with each other personally. And with that, he misses her as much as she does; and perturbed as well. Without any further ado, Ben trotted out his office, deciding to pay a visit at the cafe Rey currently works at, willingly to surprise her. She has told him before about surprises, in spite, he couldn't take it anymore.

Ben soon arrived at the cafe, and spotted Rose cleaning by the counter as he walked through the entrance.

"Ben, I'm sorry, but we're about to close. You should've come earlier. Anyways, what brings you here?" She greeted him delightedly.

"Uh... hey, Rose." He replied, sheepishly. "Don't worry, I don't get used to drinking coffee during the late night. Also, I thought you won't be around here for a week?"

"Oh, no... a week's too long." Rose corrected. "Finn's in a fast recovery so, I've been away for only a day. Who told you so?" She asked him curiously.

"Rey. Who else? And, speaking of her," His eyes darted across the cafe, searching for Rey's presence, "is she here?"

"Um, Rey? I haven't seen her for days now." She blurted out.

What he heard from Rose made him feel typically worried, his chest in a deep convulsion.

"The last time we talked was when we were at the hospital—." There was a brief pause, and again, she continued, "wait, if I'm not mistaken... you two went out on a date that night, right?"

Ben simpered blushingly, with his eyes crinkling at the corners as he recalled the wonderful moments they both had and had shared together that very special night. "Yeah, it went pretty well and we had a really great time, actually. Thanks for bringing it up."

"That's great, then. And, you're welcome." She regarded him with a warm smile.

"But, the last time we talked in person were days after that, and we then texted each other those times where she mentioned you're in a one week leave to keep an eye out on Finn, in which she'll have to take your post while you're away. However, it doesn't seem like it." He's in doubt right now, overcome with perplexity of what's happening to Rey. "Above all that, I haven't seen her either this week. Did she ever call or texted you?"

"Strange to say, no." She claimed. "That's why I'm a bit worried about her and I know, so as you. I haven't heard of her for a long while and I'm not used to it. It's been killing me — frankly, it kills us both."

"Well, did you try to do anything?" He questioned her keenly.

"Yeah. In fact, I called and texted her a zillion times everyday, but... she neither answered anything. She just keeps hanging up on me."

Ben didn't know what to do, neither does Rose. They both have no knowledge what could possibly be going on with Rey — where she is and what she's been up to that's been keeping her so isolated.

"What if you go check her out at her apartment and see if she've been there throughout these past few days? Happen she's feeling so ill or anything else?" Rose deemed, cutting the moment of silence as they deeply reflected on her behalf. "She has a reason, after all and, she might needs you."

"Thank you, Rose." After taking it into consideration, Ben left the cafe and drove off to Rey's apartment.

Rose took her phone from her bag and tried to call Rey, although she ain't certain if she'll pick up this time.


Rey maintained to calm herself down. She held herself unwaveringly until her phone vibrated. It was Rose. She dithered to answer, but it left her no other possible course of action.


"Good grief! Rey, for Pete's sake! Where the hell on earth have you been?" She heard Rose shriek with consternation on the far side of the line. "You weren't answering any of my calls or texts, nor, you even hadn't in return. Ben and I were so worried sick about you, do you know that?"

There was an unanticipated sensitivity in her ears, sending instantaneous shivers down her spine. "...B-Ben?" Rey mumbled in a stuttering tone.

"He was here a few minutes ago. But, I believe he's on his way right now to your apartment to check on you."

"Wait, what?" Her voice was again overflowing with agitation. "He shouldn't be."

"What's going on with you? You've never been so hollow. And, Maz needs you here at the cafe."

"I'm sorry if I made you worry. But, you don't have to, I'm fine." Rey tries to reassure her. She wouldn't want her to know, either. Not yet. Thus, she made up another indefinite reason to withdraw Rose's doubts. "I gotta go, though. There's just some important things that I yet need to deal with. I'll tell you everything soon, I promise."

"Rey, wait—"

Before Rose got the chance to talk, she hung up on her. It was rude of her but, she had to, in regards to what she'll truly have to deal with tonight — typically living like garbage, and technically being homeless.


He was driving in a haste, his speed at approximately about 90 km/hr. He couldn't wait any longer. He was panting, due to the tight contraction in his chest. His hands were shaking nervously, with his legs becoming frail. But then, he was trying to control himself as he's taking the wheel.

After a 25-minute-drive, he finally arrived. But what lies before him was a huge imprinted sign that said,


Private Property

NO Trespassing


Under Demolition


Ben couldn't fathom it out that he overthought drastically in apprehension. As soon as a man went out the premises, he didn't hesitate to ask.

"Uh, excuse me. This building right here... what does it mean that it's under demolition?"

"It'll be demolished, obviously. They said a business corp. has already bought the land. It was all of a sudden. Anything else?"

"No. Thank you." Downhearted, Ben walked back to his car and left with unease and confusion.


Rey continued to stride under the cold, overcast night across the dim and gloomy sidewalks of the city, with tears forming in her eyes as she muse on her setbacks and misfortunes. But, with all the absurdity, she could hold it no longer. Brick by brick, her walls that makes her strong just began to collapse, leading her to flop down inevitably on the edge of the tarnished sidewalk. The skies were dark slate as it wept with her, sharing in her misery, together with the icy wind blowing the wet streaks of rain that began to drizzle straight on to her head. Rey gazed up for an instant, but then, she tucked her head down, enfolding her knees in between her arms as grief poured out of her soul in a flood of uncontrollable tears. Salty drops fall incessantly from her eyes, down towards her chin, drenching her shirt together with the constant torrents of rain overhead.


Ben drove through the night and the wet weather with difficulty. He has already gone too far when he saw Rey hunched up, immersed by the solemn downpour impinging upon her as she sat by the edge of the narrow, winding city streets.

"Rey..." He hurriedly pulled up and rushed towards her protectively. Gladly, he found an umbrella at the trunk of his car that he can use to keep her safe from the direct and outpouring deluge of rain. He stood before her, keeping her sheltered within the umbrella.

Rey felt a familiar presence of a man standing in front of her at where she sat. She gaped up at her sight observantly, and there she found that he wasn't just a nobody.

"Ben?" She muttered as she stood up infirmly from the ground. Regardless of her deep despondency, Rey felt solace when she saw him. And it was even more worthwhile the moment she dived for a firm and warm embrace in his arms, allowing her tears to rain down her ashen cheeks at lightning speed, gushing out permeably into streams.

Ben couldn't utter out any word the instant she was already in his arms. He could feel her complete hopelessness and the dismal in every teardrop falling from her eyes. "It's alright, just let it all out. I'm right here for you."

And she did, sobbing into his chest unceasingly, with her numb hands clutching at his black, leather jacket. Rey couldn't hold on to it any much longer. The sobs punched through her at its worst, ripping her every muscle, bones, and guts as the tears continued to burst forth like a river escaping a dam, spilling down her face. A hurdle of emotions slammed against her; she began to tremble, becoming so hollow, with a static in her head once more — the world turning to a blur — the side effects of her melancholy that she has to set free, therefore freeing herself from her own gloominess and scourge.

Ben held her in silence, his fingers running through her hair as her tears soaked his chest. He observed the rainfall becoming more intense, creating a cloudburst. So much rain was falling that the sound blurred into one long, whirring noise, with thunder and lightning raging harshly in the evening sky. Yet beforehand, one thing ruled his mind — "Come on, let's get you home."

A tiny lapse let her pull away, blinking lashes heavy with tears. "But, Ben..." Rey muttered out as she sniffled quietly, trying to be impervious of the tears threatening to spill undeviatingly from her eyes, with moans eluding from her lips through a suppressed sound of hiccups. The ache must have come in waves, minutes of sobbing broken apart by short pauses for recovering intake of breathes.

"Don't worry... I know." He soothed, wiping away her tears.


They were on a long driveway, lined up with oak trees on each and every corner. When they finally stopped, they went out of the car with Rey being so intrigued by the vista of a fair-sized mansion, modernly-built from such well-varnished materials. It was enormous from the view outside, but it would definitely be quite more than that in the inside, the kind in which most kids dreamed of as they grow up.

"This place is huge. Where are we?" Piqued, she asked him inquisitively.

Ben then replies, "Home."

"Your home." Rey disputed in response.

"Not anymore tonight."

Rey was even more enthralled by the looks of its interior as they both entered the grandness of the mansion. The wooden floors were smoothly-polished, same with its timbered walls. It was so well-appointed with different kinds of fittings, such as relics of the eighties and nineties, also with its loosely undrawn darkish curtains that cover the stormy night from afar.

Despite, Rey felt a mixture of incertitude to her indebtedness. She couldn't process what she just heard from Ben awhile ago. Considering that he already knows the truth about the aching sense of inflict within her, and now she feels grateful to have someone like him in her life, nevertheless, she still wouldn't want to cause him any travail. "Ben, about what you told me momentarily ago, I'm sorry. I know I'm important to you, and you want me to possibly be safe. But, I can't accept this. I won't let myself be a burden to you."

"You don't have anywhere else to live in, you know that, Rey. You've lived in hell throughout these years until now. And, you've already had enough. You deserve enough." He urges, lightly clasping her face in his earnest. "I won't let your own life then be a burden to you, do you get me? Not ever."

When Ben showed her her 'temporary' room, Rey thought it was too vast and spacious for her. It was much bigger than her apartment back then. The space, the bed... Everything in it. She took a guess that the room was his mother's.

"This was my mom's room when she was still alive, and by the times we felt so complete. But now, it just feels so empty without her." He stated dolefully, and Rey was mindful of how it felt. "Anyway, it's huge, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is." She uttered. "How 'bout yours? Is it as big as your mom's?"

"You'll see. I'll be in my room if you need anything."

"Wait, where?" Finding it would be like running through a maze, she thought. "Your house is like more than an A-class, five-star hotel, to be exact."

"Third door to your right." Ben directed, "And, do take a shower. I don't want you to get sick for being drenched by the rain."

Rey blushed for his solicitude. "I will. Thanks for reminding me."

After a warm bath, Rey tried to sleep. But, since it wouldn't claim her, she then intended to look in on Ben in his chamber, who was supposedly reading a particular book he's fond of to keep himself busy. "Hey," She addresses. "mind if I...?"

"Yeah, sure thing."

Her eyes roved across the room, and she wasn't that entirely astounded. Naturally, his was very much neutral in style — mainly black and grey all over. The walls were charcoal-tinted, suitably matching his pitch-black-painted furnishings. His chattels were also dark and sable in color. Mostly everything she's seeing right now in his quarters barely has any difference in coloration.

"Couldn't sleep?"

"Yeah. And, I'm not surprised..." She sat on the bed beside him. "Black, really?"

"Why? I like it." He said.

"Of course, it's obviously your color." In recall to her secrecy, Rey wanted to apologize. "Anyway, I want to say sorry for... I know I was wrong for not opening up to you that I made you feel worried. I'm sorry."

"Rey, it's alright. You don't—"

"Believe me," Rey interrupted. "I really wanted to open it up to you. But, a part of me was telling myself not to." She clarifies in extent, "I just... I don't want you to be a part of it. 'Cuz, just care to think of it and look at how my life goes by now. Tell me, do I... Do I deserve all this?" Her lips trembled, stumbling over the words as her body began to wrack with an onslaught of lament and tears.

"Rey, listen to me..." He uttered as he gently caresses her cheeks, wiping away the tears streaming down her face. "As I told you, you don't deserve this. The pain, all the sufferings you've been through... Yet, whatever the struggle, you aren't bound to face it alone. You have me, I have you — we both have each other. In the end, we're both in this together, okay? And, even though this is how it goes, there's always a way to get through it. Don't worry, everything's gonna be alright." He assures her, leaving a soft, sweet kiss on her forehead. He then wrapped his arms around her comfortingly, holding her tight.

Rey was shivering with her long-lasting sobs as Ben whispered comforting words to her ears. There was really something about his embrace that finally made her feel safe and free from affliction.

