
The Meeting

It was sunset. I watched with an unwavering gaze, as a fiery red orb of light slowly sank beneath the horizon, and threads of light lingered in the sky, mingling with the rolling clouds, dyeing the heavens first orange, then red, then dark blue, until all that was left of the sunset was a chalky mauve, and then that melted away in turn as darkness took over the sky. "it's getting dark, I bet she's not gonna wake up any time soon" Kakashi then decided to bring her to his apartment and let her rest there besides he knows that she'll undergo a lot of questioning in the morning.

He reached his apartment door, turned the nob and opened the door with his left hand while the other supports the girl he was carrying. He went straight to his bedroom, slowly and carefully placed her on the bed. "Her armor sure looks uncomfortable" he said, Kakashi tried to remove her armor to make sure she can rest in full comfort. He was surprise that removing it is so complicated, finally he found the belt and straps to release the breast plate as he pulls the metal away from her he found himself looking at her chest as it bounced lightly to the gravity of the armor causing him to blush, much to his surprise it was really heavy, he placed it slowly on the floor avoiding any noise that can wake her up. Then he took her arms removing the armored gauntlets and elbow guards revealing a soft smooth clear skin. A small smirk draw on his face. Then he moved to the v-shaped waist armor and removed it slightly pulling her skirt a little and it revealed a nicely toned beautifully shaped thighs that caused him to almost nose bleed. Then he removed her knee high boots. Placed the sheet to cover her and left her to slumber.

"Kakashi, you idiot! What were you thinking?" as he spoke to himself as he went towards the couch in the living room where he will sleep for the night. "Alright, tomorrow is going to be busy day" as sleep took over him.

Birds can be heard chirping. Sun rays have fallen into the room peaking from the window. The woman lay still in bed her body fully covered with a green sheet designed with small shurikens. Her eyes open slowly squinting a bit as the sunlight that crosses her eyes. She rubbed her eyes, and rubbed it again to make sure she can see clearly. She found herself in a room that is not hers. "No Erza! You're not in fairy hills" she muttered. She stood up to sit as the sheet went rolling down her thighs. She checked herself and she found her armor gone, she surveyed the room and found them lying on the floor. She hugged herself thinking who removed them. She then pulled her legs down the bed raising her arms to a good stretch as she yawns. She saw two picture frames on the table beside the bed. Both were four people in them an adult and three kids. She looked at them and saw the other picture- it shows the silver haired boy with covered face and the other was the same boy all grown up. She suddenly remembered what happen yesterday. "I wonder if this is his place, did he remove my armor that's embarrassing!" Erza stood up and wore her armor then walked outside the room.

He found a silver haired man lying on the couch his face was covered with an open orange covered book, his hands on top of his head and the other on his chest. Kakashi felt her presence and immediately opened his eyes pulled his mask up before removing the book and sat down the couch. "Good morning sleepy head, did I wake you?" She greeted with a sword on his face. "Where am I? And who are you?" she said pushing the sword a little harder slightly buried on his neck. Sweat dropping he held up his hands as a sign of surrender "You're in the hidden leaf village, I am Kakashi Hatake also known as the copy ninja- kakashi of the sharingan, a ninja of jounin rank" needless to say anything he's quite confident that his name is well known. She just continued her death glare at him not moving the sword an inch, confusion flooded her eyes "My name is Erza Scarlet, Queen of the fairies- Titania as I'm sure you've heard who I am. Now answer my questions with all honesty unless you want to see the afterlife" she growled. Kakashi was just staring at her blinking with his hands raised near his face. "It looks like she never heard about me yet she is confident that I know her" he tells himself. He reached down his pocket and took a kunai, used it to quickly push the blade away from his throat before anything else happens, earning a surprised look from Titania he smiled and answered her "trust me, I was telling you the truth"

She did not move a muscle, her mind is a mess right now. She moved her head to the side to hide the worry in her face. She winced suddenly catching her head with her free hand as her head began to ache pulling her hair in frustration. "Are you okay" the man asked, "ye-yes, I'm fine" she placed the sword back her dimension pocket. "You're a ninja you say?" she asked and kakashi just nodded in response 'You wouldn't happen to know a wizard guild nearby or anywhere here, would you? I could manage to find my way back to Fairy Tail if I knew exactly what's going on" hoping for a good answer