
Love Beyond Border

Nazli, an American girl, travels to Turkey to find her parents killer and seek revenge. Her father was killed when she was just four years old; she remembers sitting on the floor, crying, as someone murdered her parents in front of her. The trauma left her with a blurred memory of the killer's face. However, upon meeting Kerem, a charming young man, she unexpectedly falls in love with him.

Wonderhub · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs

Echoes of past

### Hospital Conversation: Ayse and Kerem

**Setting:** The hospital room is quiet, save for the faint hum of medical equipment and the occasional distant murmur of hospital staff. The sterile smell of antiseptic fills the air, mingling with the scent of flowers from a get-well-soon bouquet placed on a nearby table. Kerem lies in the hospital bed, bandages visible under his hospital gown, his face etched with both physical and emotional pain. Ayse, his mother, sits beside him, her eyes filled with a mix of concern and sorrow.

**Ayse:** (Her voice is soft, tinged with a mother worry.) "What do you want to prove by hurting yourself, Kerem? You aren't just punishing yourself; you're punishing me too. Your wounds are still fresh."

**Kerem:** (He stares at the ceiling, avoiding her gaze, his voice bitter.) "That's what I regret, Mom. My wounds haven't healed even after 20 years."

**Ayse:** (She leans forward, gently touching his arm, trying to reach him.) "I'm talking about the wounds you received today, Kerem. Why do you always put yourself in harm's way?"

**Kerem:** (Finally looking at her, his eyes filled with a deep, lingering hurt.) "And I'm talking about the wounds we received 20 years ago. The pain from back then hasn't faded. It's still here, festering."

**Ayse:** (Her voice takes on a soothing, almost pleading tone.) "Time is a great healer, Kerem. It can mend the deepest scars if you let it."

**Kerem:** (He scoffs, shaking his head slightly, his frustration palpable.) "What if the wound gets worse with time? What if every passing day just deepens the pain, making it harder to bear?"

**Ayse:** (Her eyes well up with tears, her heart breaking for her son.) "Kerem, I know it hasn't been easy. Your father's choices, the way he abandoned us... it left scars on both of us. But you can't let that dictate your entire life. You need to find a way to heal, to move forward."

**Kerem:** (His voice rises, filled with a mixture of anger and sorrow.) "How, Mom? How can I heal when every day is a reminder of what we lost? Of the life we could have had, if only he had chosen us?"

**Ayse:** (She takes a deep breath, trying to maintain her composure.) "Kerem, your father made his choices, and they were wrong. But you have the power to choose differently. Don't let his mistakes define you. You deserve happiness, a chance to live without the burden of his betrayal."

**Kerem:** (His voice softens, but the pain remains.) "I don't know if I can, Mom. It's like a shadow that follows me everywhere. Every time I try to move on, it's there, reminding me of the past."

**Ayse:** (She moves closer, taking his hand in hers, her grip firm yet gentle.) "I know it's hard, my son. But you have to try. For your sake, for our sake. Don't let the past rob you of a future. We've survived this long because we're strong. And together, we can face anything."

**Kerem:** (He squeezes her hand, a hint of hope in his eyes.) "I'll try, Mom. For you, I'll try. But it's going to take time."

**Ayse:** (Smiling through her tears, she kisses his forehead.) "That's all I ask, Kerem. Just take it one day at a time. And remember, you're not alone. We'll get through this together."

The room falls silent, the emotional storm between mother and son beginning to calm. Ayse's comforting presence and Kerem's tentative resolve mark the first steps toward healing the deep wounds of their past.

Beren knelt by the indoor plant she had been tending to. "This dried plant needs to be in the garden," she said to herself. "Plants grow better outdoors. This one will thrive there too, right?" She glanced up, only to see her sister Ceyda approaching with a stern expression.

"Beren, you're busy with gardening? Are you least bothered about what happened today? Do you have any idea how anxious Dad is?" Ceyda's voice was sharp, cutting through the tranquil air of the garden.

Beren sighed, standing up to face her sister. "Yes, he will obviously be anxious. The guest went back without meeting us. He must have felt very bad. I shouldn't have gone with Yusuf. I am to blame. If I hadn't answered Emir's call, I wouldn't have informed Yusuf. Sister, I thought Yusuf would feel bad if anyone else told him about it. That's why..."

Ceyda interrupted, frustration evident in her tone. "Are you out of your mind, Beren? Why are you ruining your married life? What kind of woman are you? Instead of stopping him, you sent him to meet your stepson."

Beren's face fell. "Yes... Oh no! But, Sister Ceyda, isn't it right for Yusuf to meet his son? I am his second wife. I came into Yusuf's life after she did."

Ceyda shook her head in exasperation. "How do I make you understand, Beren? It doesn't matter who came first and who came second. You are living with Yusuf now, aren't you? She doesn't have any right over him, right?"

Beren's eyes widened in realization and worry. "Yusuf went to the hospital after I informed him about this and met his son. He also met his first wife, Ayse."

"I've heard that Ayse still looks very beautiful. She hasn't changed much in these twenty years," Ceyda added, her voice dripping with concern.

"What now?" Beren whispered, dread settling in her chest.

Ceyda's expression turned grave. "If Yusuf and Ayse start meeting each other, the old flames may reignite again. You know very well that a man always has a soft corner for his first wife."

Beren's heart sank. She knew Ceyda had a point. The bond between Yusuf and Ayse, no matter how long ago it was forged, still had the potential to stir emotions. "What should I do, Ceyda? How can I ensure that Yusuf's feelings for Ayse don't come between us?"

Ceyda took Beren's hands in hers, her voice softening. "You need to remind Yusuf of the life you share now. Show him the love and stability he has with you. Be confident and strong. Remember, you're not just the second wife—you are his present and future."

Beren nodded, determination settling in. She would fight for her marriage, for the love she had built with Yusuf. But deep down, she couldn't shake the fear that Ayse's presence might unravel everything she held dear.