
The resurrection of the Asura king

After enduring endless hardship and suffering, the Asura's of the Asura realm finally managed to resurrect the Ancient Asura king. The Asura has hoped that the Asura king would not only wage war against the Heavenly realm but also gain superiority over the six realm because it is said that the Asura king possesses unlimited power. Xuan ye the Asura king killed countless of beings which makes the heavenly emperor furious that he plan to kill the Asura king. So the heavenly realm and the remaining realm fought strongly against the tyrannical Asura king. During the war, so many immortals were killed. Then heavenly emperor and the three great immortal(dijun) then planned to come together to seal the Asura king.

"Everyone think the heavenly realm is powerful and undefeatable but I have not seen anyone in the six realm who could compete with me. Xuan ye said

playfully as he held his sword.

"You have committed countless sin and break the immortal rules do you think we immortals are just going to let you continue as you please. Said one of the Dijun.

"Okay, since you seek death I will let you have a taste of my Dingkui Sword.Xuan ye said with an imposing murderous energy and aura.

"You don't dare to fight me"Xuan ye said as the corner of his lips slightly curve up.

"Xuan ye since you don't want to atone for your sin then I have to kill you today. Supreme majesty said as he point his sword at him.

"Yo what is that name they call you, Supreme idiot or what? You are such a fool, you think you could kill me with that sword of yours. Tell me, what are your last wishes, maybe I could help you fufill it, Xuan ye mocked Supreme Majesty.

"Xuan ye never underestimate your enemy because it is a fearful disadvantage of those who battle. Supreme majesty said

"Only the weak have fear Xuan ye said as he became furious, Dingkui does not fear.

The Asura king battled against the great immortal in an all out war. The heaven and earth start to change colour as the day and night were turned upside down, as the war continued vigorously. The rampant Asura king was subdued by the Tianxu Formation of the four great immortals. The Asura king was sealed with his sword in Tianxu cave where the forgetful river reside.

The immortal has gathered themselves in the hall awaiting the good news from the supreme majesty. In a minute later Supreme Majesty and the three immortal came in heavily injured.

"Is the Asura king dead. asked the heavenly empress.

"The Asura bloodline is immortal, their soul does not vanish but can only be sealed. The Asura king is now sealed in Tianxu cave which has now turn to a forbidden area,while the rest of the Asura's has also been sealed in the barren land.

Supreme majesty felt weak and decided to go into seclusion to recover his lost spiritual power since peace was now generated back to the six realm.