
Love Attraction And Lust

BADASSGIRL143 · วัยรุ่น
70 Chs

Another Annebelle

" Ledies and gentleman we like to tell you that our plan. Is take over in 15 minutes.. so please tight your seatbelt.. " that announced. I look besides me the lady who's far sleeping but now she woke up.. how that happened let me explain..

Hour's before.. me and hazz we both are having our time. And like drinking and planning to what movie we can what.. it's our first flight so we have to enjoy that.. so we plan that we did not sleep and and enjoy our time. With our drinks food and movies.. but than it's just University don't want that..

Some of old lady come to us . And request us that we can exchange the seat with her. And you know she is has in business class tickets.. well me and hazz book tickets in short time. So we don't get any business class tickets. But it's about time so we didn't thinking much..

About the old lady.. she said that whomever the man are sleeping besides him. It's like irritating but like that irritating.. means it's not that he flirting or anything.. he's just sleeping and he snoring.. and that she lady can't sleep. And we both are understanding her problem.. we also know that it's our first flight.. but I we decided to help that lady..

Hazz said she will ready to exchange her sat with her. But when it's landing time she want to come back for me.. of course she wants to.. it's about our first time. And we don't want to know people.. and it's our things.. and we are happy that that agree on this.. and like this we switch the sites..

The old lady is very nice.. we talk sometimes.. like normal people do. Nothing special.. after that we both when sleep.. and my and hazz all plan fail.. but it's oky to help someone who needed more than us.. maybe she's tried.. and she want her beauty sleep.. well who's don't want to.. I also want to.. so we didn't talk much.. and sleep..

When they announced that we are going to take over. That lady very kind. And complete her promise that she say earlier.. and I see that hazz also come to our sites to ready to come back to me..

" Thanks girls to help me out.. I really needed it.. " that lady said. And she looking at hazz.

" It's nothing ma'am.. sometimes happened like that.. we are get business class tickets because we want to get our own time. For special treatment.. but some people just ruined it.. I understand that.. " hazz said with every irritatingly..

" How's your night child.. " that lady asked her..

" Well I know the idea how to ignore he's snoring so I just use this.." she said. And she show us the clothes pin.. and me and that lady we both look at each other and laughed at her..

" Well its not more.. when I did to him. It's look funny to him. And I really enjoyed it.. do you have to see he's face when he woke up.. and we had little argument.. but it's oky.. after that my time goes very well.. " she said..

"How you I mean carry with you..  I mean I never think that.. I still can't believe that you did this.. " she said and giggles..

" Actually I did.. I know that I also told this bell but she think that it's not that important.. but I still take it.. and now I am proud of myself that I took it with me.. you have to see he's face.. even the hostage also laughed at looking at him.. " she said..

" Ma'am we are going to take off. Please take your site.. " the hostage come and interrupt us.. that lady nodded. And once again smile at us and leave.. but again come back..

" You can call me Anne no more ma'am oky.." she said to us.. and me and haz both are looking at each other and than look at her..

" Ohh don't tell us that your name is annebelle.." hazz tell her.

" Why.. your name is also annebelle.. " she asked..

" No it's not her but it's mine.. " i told her..

" Ohh my my.. than I will never forget you annebelle.. my copy cat..," she laughed and said that..

" And my name is hazal.. nice to meet you Anne.. " haz said to us.. and than we all nodded and than she's gone. And we both are sat our sites. And ready for landing..

" Ladies and gentleman I like to tell you invest again that we are landing in few.. we also want to tell you guys for happy journey.. and good morning.. have good day.. thank you.. " she said.

" Damn it's about time. We finally in New York.. can you believe that.. " hazz said. I just shake my hand. Serious I still can't believe that we both are in New York and left the London..

" This is it.. wlcom to New York baby.." i said to hazz. And we both laughed.. and when we land we didn't even know we both are in bussy in our chatting.. but we fine that we reache safely here..

We both are get out to our sites and than started to walk toward exit.. all hostage are greeting us to Good morning and happy journey.. and than we collect our bags..

" That bitch i will kill her.." someone yelled and me and hazz to turn and see who yelled using bad words..

" Sir please don't create any seen it's not good for you.. " the hostege trying to clam him down..

" What is happening.. " i ask looking at there.

" Bell.. we have to go now.. it's same man whom I did with him. And I know he's calling me with the names.. but just ignore him. It's nothing to compare what i did with him.. " hazz said. And I laughed.. and see her face. She's little bit scared.. than I nodded. And we did what she said.

We get out of the airport.. Grayson said that he told the Staves that some of he's driver come to take us to our new apartment..

But before to go.. we call everyone an told them that we reached NY safely.. so they don't want to worry about that.. after that we search our name of the board. So we can go there..

We Happy that we didn't get lost. And we some old man are standing there with our name on it.. so we are walk to him. And he look at us. And that grab our bags and take all backsites.. and we also site backsite.. and here we go..

It's morning 7 o'clock in here. We are 5 house back to our London time. There is maybe a night right now.. we are happy that it's about only 5hours to compare to our times. So it's will be oky.

Half an hour after we reach our destination. And man help us with our suitcases.. and than he also give us our apartment keys. Means Grayson already do things for us before we reach here. I am happy for that..

We both enter our apartment.. and it's cool like and little different to our old one. But it's still feel like home. So over all it's cool.. we check there is three bedrooms. They are average.. but it's it's beautiful.. and our kitchen.. well it's also beautiful.. I like it.. I mean over all are beautiful.. so yeahh.. I am happy that he did he's very good job for this..

Me and hazz take our room. And than we plan that we can rest first than we can plan what to do this.. and i gree with her. And we both are took our new bedroom and new bed.. new everything.. and sleep like it's our  old apartment.. I am happy for that.. it's doesn't feel like unknown place.. it's feel like home..

" Get up your lazy ass.. bell.." hazz come to me and wake me up..

" Go away.. " i said without looking at her. I still hugging my blanket an sleep..

" Bell.. I am saying last time If you didn't wake up.. I swear to go... " She said and I am up. And site in my bed Indian style..

" Good now go and change.. it's 2 o'clock in noon.. we have to get up and start unpacking our stuff. We have to lots of work to do girl.. " she said. And I nodded. When I again trying to sleep she again come and threatened me.. " don't you dare to think about it to sleep again.. we already sleep much.. now it's time to wake up.. " she said. And slam the door hard so I can wake up fully . I know she always do like this.. she know how to wake me up..

Now I am fully wake up.. I open my eyes. Rubbing it.. and see the my new bedroom.. and observe it.. I like my room.. no matter what.. little bit in inside I know it's just room. Now I have to convert in home.. my bedroom.. Bell's bedroom.. funny me..

I get up on my bed. And grab my bag open it an grab bursh and toothpaste for me. And walk over to my bathroom.. I didn't see my bathroom yet.. but when I enter.. damn.. it's really good . I mean it's not bad.. it's little fimiliar with my old one.. so all is same.. so it's make me happy.. feel relaxed that all is cool.. there is nothing that I don't like it.. if I don't that I will change it and make it that I like it.  And this is me.. I know how to do it..

I quickly brushed my teeth.. and wash my face.. and get out to my bedroom.. look for hazz.. where is she go now.. then my eyes stuck in the counter there is note she stick it.. I read the note.. these says that she's going out to the grab some coffee for us with some food. Oky.. so it's only me..

So thought that I will little make your to my apartment.. see that hows look like.. it's not big that I get lost myself.. and it's also not that small. Means it's avarage apartment.. so I am oky with to spend my six months here happily..

I come to the kitchen and look all things.. and started to making list that what we want to got for ourselves.. we have to buy food. like lots of food. We are going to be bussy in our work.. and I know the CEO will not give us easy task to survive us.. so for this we have food for anergy to face him..

After good 20 minutes.. hazz come back.. with muffins and coffee. We eat and enjoy our time. We also talk about to unpack our things. But I hold up. Because I know when we start. It's going to be late. Than we can get out from here in night.. I mean I know we can.. but it's now place.. we just got here. We didn't know about this. So we have to be careful.. so I told her that we can go first shopping for our daily needs.. than we can start to unpack our bags.. and she agree with me.. discussing this all we again handed to our rooms.. I unpack my suitcase and grab some jeans and t-shirt to wear.. we are going to food shopping so we don't have for to dress to much.. grabbing my things what I needed most. Than I take warm shower to relax myself..  it's feels so good..

Looking at my mirror one last time that I look presentable. I grab my handbag. My phone. Wallet.. and my casual shoes and than I get out my room.

" I am ready hazz.." i yelled and come to the living hall.. my living hall is little big to compare to my old apartment.. I don't know we have to buy TV or not. I mean we don't get chance for this. Or if we want to we will use my laptop.. so don't have to west money on them..  few minutes after hazz also come out to her room. She also wear same thing that I wear.. but little different she wear short Jeans..

" Come on.. let's go.." she said. I nodded with her. I grab keys and we both are get out from our apartment.. lock the front door.. and. Check it twice.. and than we both are handed to our destination..

" In noon. when I come. I check there a mall we can go there for our food shopping.. it's not that far away.. " she said. And I nodded with her..

" It's really cool there we all things have little closer.. so we don't have to get cab or anything.. we can walk.. plus there is lots of restaurants..  coffee shops.. that we can spend our time there.. and also ordered for if we think that we don't have strength to cook or anything.. " she explain everything.. it's cool that we see all things our on.. and it's cool that everything near to us.. so we don't have to go far..

" And most importantly.. there is club.. and it's so fancy.. I saw it.. and I think it's really cool place to go to Party.. it's not look like simple cozy.. I will show you and you will thank me later.. and all in one i fall for this place.. " she said with giggling..

" It's that it.. so I really don't mind it hazz.." I told her. She laughed and I also join her..

We both are click some photos to update to our social account.. to tell them we how lucky we are to spending six months in New York independently.. yeyyyy..