
Chapter96 – Crepes-04

"Hey, whenever you need me, I'm only one call away ok Lily?" Caiden asked, pulling Lily into a hug as they stood at the door steps. Kevin had already loaded Lily's boxes into his SUV and was waiting patiently for her

"Ready to go Lily?" Kevin asked, looking around her empty room one last time.

"Yeah." She said, taking her bag in her hand and walking out behind Kevin. Caiden stood in the living room, waiting patiently for her. Lily rushed up into his arms, giving him another tight hug.

"Thanks for everything Caiden. I don't even know where I'd be if it wasn't for you."

Caiden hugged her tightly. "Take care, ok?" He said pressing a kiss on the top of her head. After a couple of seconds, Caiden release her. His eyes landed on Kevin who was staring at them with an unknown emotion looming in his eyes.

"Make sure she's alright." Caiden told Kevin who simply nodded at him before reaching out to Lily.