
Chapter89 - Maple Syrup-03

Lily waited patiently alongside Kevin as he greeted the guests on his way to the entrance. The weather had warmed up the slightest bit, but a chilled breeze still passed through the mountains every once in a while.

As Lily's eyes began drifting across the area, they fell on something that made Lily freeze. Her body went stiff as soon she saw the reporters and paparazzi taking pictures of them.

A shiver passed through her spine as she realized the dangers of these pictures. One photo had enough power to rip her away from her life and place her into hell, and there was no way she was letting that happen.

Instantly, Lily turned away from the flashing cameras and hid herself against Kevin's broad shoulders.

"Lily?" He asked with concern, waving the guests off. "Are you alright?"

He rested his hands on Lily shoulders, giving her a slight pat as his eyes bore into her own, looking for any hints of discomfort.