
Chapter62- Say Yes-03

"You, Elle, and your problems. I mean, you girls are so freaking complicated." Caiden said groaning.

Lily narrowed her eyes, glaring at Caiden. "Excuse me! You men are a million times more complicated! And if that's not enough, you're also stupid!"

"Oh yeah? How so? If we like a girl, we simply walk up to her and ask her out." Caiden refuted. "At least we don't stalk them for a months on Facebook before getting the guts to go up to them." He added, rolling his eyes.

"Oh please. I never stalk anyone." Lily waved off.


"Hey!" Lily whining. "I'm not even lying."

"Really? Then prove it." Caiden said smirking.


Putting his hands together, Caiden rubbed them together with a mischievous grin on his face. "In a game I'd like to call Truth or Truther."

"Fine. Game on!" She responded, trying to muster up her best game face.