
Chapter51 - Miss. Rose -03

Lily took a deep breath before breaking the news. "I got the job but I rejected it."

"What!?" They both shouted in unison.

"But you told me you would give it a shot! Come on Lily! Is this because of what Kevin said?" Caiden said, irritated at Lily's discussions. All he wanted was what was best for her. He'd been caring for her like a sister and to see her success was all he needed.

"No. It's not Kevin's fault." Lily said shaking her head. "Don't blame him."

"Then what happened?" Elle asked, her voice unusually soft.

"I went to his office thinking that he wouldn't be anything like what Kevin had said. But I was wrong. " Lily said playing with her fingers. "Hill was everything Kevin said he would be. And.....and much worse in fact." She said, sighing.

"Please don't tell me he tried anything on you." Caiden pleaded, guilt surging through his body.
