
Chapter142- Salty -Air-03

"So what's the first thing we're going to do?" Lily asked Kevin as the both of them walked down to the lobby of the hotel, waiting for their car arrived.

Last night's date had been amazing but the fun and games were over. They were back in action, stronger and more determined then ever. Ready to find all of the answers that they had come all the way to California, to seek.

"Well, to find the true end to this story, I'd say it would be smart to go to where it all began." Kevin replied.

"My house." Lily whispered.

"Yes." Kevin nodded. "You're house, neighbors, the people of the city you lived in. All of these can help us get to the root of whatever really happened with your parents. For that, we need to get you home. Your real home."

"Pebble Beach. I used to live in Pebble Beach."