
Chapter127 - It was All a Lie-02

"I was so scared." Kevin breathed out, unable to contain himself. "Scared that I lost you." He confessed.

"Kevin...." Lily whispered, reaching her hand up to his cheeks and softly brushing them over his smooth skin. Her fingers trailed down to his hand, taking a hold of it and giving it a weak squeeze of reassurance. "I'm alright now."

"And I promise I'm never letting anything harm you again." Kevin said immediately, turning his body towards her. "I hope you trust me Lily..." He whispered,

"I do trust you." Lily said, confidence in her eyes.

"Then tell me..." He pleaded softly.


"Who did this Lily?" He asked. "Who did this to you?"

The question caught Lily off guard. Of course Lily knew who did this to her. But she never thought she'd make it out alive to tell the story. The true story about the real Lily. "I..."