
Chapter104 - Minty Macarons-01

The sun crept through the cracks of the curtains, it's rays falling on the two souls that were sleeping amongst each other under a pillow of trust, a blanket of love and on a bed of friendship.


Kevin's soft voice brushed against Lily's skin. Her eyelids gently lifted, allowing her coffee brown orbs to shine before the man that admired them the most. A smile crawled onto Kevin's face, his blue eyes growing brighter, at the sight of Lily's own.

She scrunched her eyes in the cutest of ways, making Kevin's heart melt like snow on a bright sunny day, while she looked around the room.

Lily was still in the same position as she was the night before. Cuddled up in Kevin's lap, which had become her safe-haven over the last few days, she found herself looking up into his sapphire blue eyes.

"You ok?" He asked in a husky morning voice that Lily could easily get used to.