
Chapter100 - Were Loved, Are Loved-01

Today was the day.

The day they'd be leaving for Paris.

Although there was the excitement of traveling looming in her heart, Lily's fear of flying was driving her mind crazy. In fact, she hadn't gotten an hour of sleep the night before.

Every time she'd shut her eyes, flashbacks of the past reappeared before her eyes, ripping her heart into pieces all over again.

And even though she was dreading going on this trip, there was nothing she could do to protect herself. It was her job to be with Kevin and assist him on these occasions and she couldn't let her phobia of flying get in the way.

Kevin Brown >> Good morning Lily. This is just a reminder that the flight is going to be taking off later this afternoon so make sure you've got everything you need packed.

Lily Rose >> Morning Kev! I have everything ready and the bookings for Paris are all confirmed.

Kevin Brown >> Great. I'll be coming by to recieve you with Benson.