
Chapter 9- I Got You Girl-02

The man looked at Lily with a stone face before bursting out into a fit of laughter, making Lily nervous. From the way the man was behaving and walking, Lily could tell that he was definitely drunk. Very drunk.

"Closed? The cafe is closed? But what about that show you were giving me earlier, bending over all those tables."

Lily's heart began to thump against her chest. Not only was this man completely drunk, but by the looks of it, his intentions didn't seem so great either.

"You've been teasing me for hours girl. And now I'm gonna have some fun." The man began walking closer to Lily. Her heart was practically beating out of her chest as she started walking back in fear.

"S-sir you need to leave. This cafe is c-close." Trying to hide her fear, Lily made out the best confident voice her could. Unfortunately, the shuttering in her voice gave away her terror as she backed away.