
My highschool Deja Vu Love ^⁠_⁠^

Chapter 1: The feeling of being new

I stood at the entrance of the gigantic house with my Dad "Gordon Amber", I can't believe this is going to be our new house, I said to my dad.

Before I forget, let me introduce myself. My name is Lilian Amber , I love pizza, love kpop and hate boys.

... Back to the present....

My dad shouted from from the parlour " put on some shoes and come greet our neighbors"

"Coming dad " I said reluctantly..

I got downstairs and OMG you should see this guy

Tall, spotless,white teeth, brown messy hair, emerald green eyes, with a perfect v-shaped jawline . I should've been happy but No! It was the last person I wanted to see ever again, my former boyfriend, my blast from the past ..

I couldn't bring myself to say anything, until my dad said "lily won't u say hi" that made me snap out from my bizarre trance and I said hi to his mum and sister without making eye contact with him . Then I turned around to leave.. but he winked at me , I just ignored and dashed to my room acting like I didn't care.

Later in the day , my dad called me and told me I was going to start attending my new school the next day

I shrugged and said ok but in my mind I told myself " I wasn't really ready to face the perks of being a new student all over again". But I just cuz my old school is really far from here so thinking about going back is out my possible options, moreover I think enrolling into a new school will get my mind away from the past" ^⁠_⁠^.

After that I went to arrange my stuffs in my room while he went to see what the people bringing out and arranging our new house were doing.

The next day, my dad woke me up and asked me to get ready for school before I run late. I checked my clock I saw that it was getting late already and I didn't wanna ruin my first day of school, so I quickly dashed to my bathroom and had a shower then wore a baggy designer jeans with a cute but tight crop top. I put a little makeup on cuz I wanted to look good and feel good. I grabbed my new designer school bag which my dad had ordered for me before we got here.

I left my room and went downstairs to find my dad preparing breakfast of bacon and eggs . I waited and he served me in no time .We both ate while he kept on advising and encouraging me, I was tempted to tell him to stop pestering me but I just kept mute because he was only trying to help and plus I loved and respected my dad.

When we were done, we cleared the dishes..We had to do all this ourselves because our maid Celina wasn't around.

I and my dad got to the school, gosh I don't know why but my heart starting thumping... I was nervous 👀👀👀.

My dad noticed and told me it's gonna be ok ,so I smiled at him and we both entered into the school compound. As we both walked to the principal's office I couldn't help but wonder how their uniforms and classrooms would be like .

I was jerked back to reality by my dad who dragged my hand and led me into the principal's office... Oh I forgot to tell you the name of the school is so lame 😭😭😭 it's "Royalville High School For King and Queens"... so I had to greet in my most lady like manner to leave a good impression.

The principal's name was Miss Gladys and she asked me to sit then gave me an orange flavoured drink hehe which I glady accepted then drank while she discussed with my dad.

When they we're done,I was taken to my class and Miss Gladys asked me to come get my uniform after classes were over for the day . On my way to class.. I silently prayed not to make any mistakes in front of everyone. I introduced myself with ease and took my seat beside .. an empty seat at the back 🤧 that was easy I said with relief.

When the bell rang for lunch.. I was surrounded with different girls and boys who wanted to befriend me and I answered all of them, but there were two girls who I took interest in so they became my new best friends . Their names we're Michelle and Gabriella ( I call them Mikey and Gabby for short) .

Very soon the classes came to an end and they followed me to collect my uniform then escorted me to the gate.... I didn't know they we're in hostel yet .

When I got home, I met the maid at home .I went to my dad's room and greeter him before heading to my room to take a shower and rest.

After taking a shower and scrolling through my phone for updates.. I slept off... A few minutes later , I was woken up my the maid Celine to come have dinner.

I went to the dining table and met my dad waiting there for me already, we started eating, I noticed him staring at me like he wanted to say something but was holding back

I couldn't take it any longer so I asked him what he wanted to tell me . he then said "lily you will be staying in hostel".. my spoon fell to the ground out of shock . I almost felt like crying .

I asked him dad why he said " his going to be travelling a lot due to his work". and that was why I would be staying in the hostel.

I asked him when I was going to start staying in the hostel and he said the next day .. and I should write the list of things I need that Celine would go buy them and bring them to me after school tomorrow. I just said ok and then ran to my room , I didn't want him to see me crying.

I know he was doing all this for my own good but I couldn't bear the thought of living without him... first mom now dad. I cried my eyes out before I fell asleep.

The next day I woke up with a headache so I skipped school as dad was not around so I followed Celine to get my things.

The next day .. dad dropped me off at school with my things. As I waved him goodbye , I spotted my friends running towards me By the time they reached me I was already laughing at them and they we're panting, I knew they had questions but I waited till they stopped breathing so hard.

It was Mikey who asked me why I brought so much stuff.. then I said I was going to be in the hostel. they squealed in delight because they we're also im the hostel.. They helped me carry my stuffs and I was assigned to their room where four other girls stayed. I was happily welcomed and they all helped me arrange my stuffs.

Wow. im sorry I took so long to update.. I had to think of new scenes to add so the chapter would be long enough. I hope my lovely readers like it.. Im a new writer I hope u support me well.. hehe

baby1_2_3creators' thoughts