
Love at first sight

**Chapter Two: The Spark**

The days that followed were a blur of anticipation and excitement for Emma. She found herself glancing at her phone more often than usual, smiling at every message that came through from Lucas. Each text was a spark itself, igniting conversations that lasted late into the night. Their messages were a mix of playful banter and deeper inquiries into each other's lives, hopes, and fears. It was as if they were building a bridge, word by word, over which their souls could meet.

Lucas, on his part, felt an eagerness he hadn't known in years. With Emma, every interaction felt significant, each moment filled with potential. He appreciated her quick wit and the ease with which she expressed her thoughts. It was refreshing, invigorating, and utterly new. He found himself sketching less and less of abstract designs and more of scenes that included her—a table for two in a quiet corner of a café, two figures walking side by side along a bustling city street.

Their first date was set for a Friday evening at a small Italian restaurant known for its intimate ambiance and excellent cuisine. Lucas arrived early, nervous energy coursing through him. He chose a table near the back, away from the gentle buzz of the other diners. As he waited, he rehearsed conversation topics in his mind, each one discarded for fear of it sounding too rehearsed or too mundane.

Emma walked in, her presence like a calming breeze. She wore a simple blue dress that complemented her eyes, her hair falling softly around her shoulders. Seeing her, Lucas's anxiety melted away; she greeted him with a warm, genuine smile that reached her eyes, immediately putting him at ease.

"Sorry I'm a bit late, the traffic was unforgiving," she apologized as she took her seat.

"No worries at all, I just got here myself," Lucas lied smoothly, his heart still racing but now from the thrill of her nearness.

Dinner unfolded like a scene from a well-scripted play where everything falls perfectly into place. They shared a bottle of red wine, its rich flavor a perfect match for their hearty pasta dishes. Conversation flowed freely, ranging from their favorite books and movies to poignant memories of their childhoods.

It was during dessert, a shared tiramisu, that Lucas found the courage to delve deeper. "Emma, can I ask you something a bit more personal?" he ventured, his tone slightly hesitant.

Emma looked up, her expression open and inviting. "Of course, Lucas. What's on your mind?"

"How do you feel about all this?" he gestured around, implying the date, their budding relationship. "It's all happening so fast, isn't it?"

Emma considered his question for a moment, her spoon pausing mid-air. "It is fast," she agreed, "but doesn't it also feel just right? Like a book you can't put down or a song that seems to have been written just for you?"

Lucas nodded, the analogy striking a chord within him. "Exactly like that. It's as if we've skipped the preliminary chapters and jumped right into the heart of the story."

"That's a beautiful way to put it," Emma smiled, her eyes twinkling with affection. "I'm glad we're on the same page, Lucas."

As they walked out of the restaurant, hand in hand under the starlit sky, the spark between them was undeniable. It was more than attraction; it was a deep-seated connection that promised to grow into something profound. They didn't need words to confirm what the evening had solidified. The spark had indeed ignited, setting them on a path neither could have anticipated just one week after their eyes first met.