
Love and Lies | The rose and The thorn series

Lucy, a woman from a normal family, gets caught in the Mafia mayhem when her boyfriend gets caught. She doesn't expect anything unusual, just a common instinct to be set free. That was until she falls in love with the mafia leader, Marcus. Marcus adores Lucy only because she looks like his dead girlfriend, Susan. He imagines her as Susan and finds out that Lucy is very different. He regrets concluding that looks were enough for Lucy to replace Susan. The tale starts twisting when Lucy learns about Susan and finds out the truth, but it seems that is not the "only" truth. A guy who thought who lost his only love, a girl who thought she was abandoned by her only love. Will they ever be able to accept each other??

nikethsivani_ · สมจริง
15 Chs



Today was my worst day ever. Well, maybe I should say this week was the worst one. I got kidnapped, my boyfriend abandoned me in a hell hole from where I get kidnapped again. I was beaten and touched inappropriately, to make me scream. I wasn't sure whether they had a particular intention to do it, the guy looked like he was having fun.

While I was here, I often wondered about any place worse than this, but I failed. Now, I had to remember a place where I was beaten up for no reason, molested for no reason, made to bleed for no reason. I missed my parents, I remembered how they'd advise me about the outside world and never once that I imagined that it could be true.

Being with Marcus made me feel safe for no reason. For some reason, I knew he could protect me, just like today.

It all seemed like a normal day in the hell hole until someone dragged me from the balcony after drugging me. I woke up to witness a man getting killed. That place smelled of blood, just like the butcher store.

"What are you thinking?" Marcus breathes on my hair, circling his fingers on my forehead. I pretend to sleep, even though I knew he'll find out.

"Nothing," I answer, swallowing every bad memory from today. I wanted to talk to Olivia.

"Talk to me, how do you feel?" He asks me again, kissing my palm. I was starting to wonder whether we're couples. I remember telling him that I don't love him, but I was starting to wonder whether it was a dream.

"Bad, "I answer, looking at him for the first time. He traced his fingers on the cut which was marked on my lips, making my stomach flutter. His eyes were the same colour I saw last time, but it was more soft and concerning. I wonder what would a mafia man know about being a girl and her feelings.

"Do you trust me?" He asks, I'm not sure what to answer.

"I don't know," I say, being completely honest.

"I'll protect you," He assures me, his eyebrows touching.

"You don't have to be nice to me all of a sudden Marcus. I'll feel better if you just let me go, let me live the life which you made me abandon," He looks at me, with concern yet unmoved.

"If I hadn't the pub that night I would've never been here! I wouldn't have let a couple of guys molest and hit me wherever they want Marcus! None of this would've happened to me," I start crying, I was finally venting out to him. Maybe it would trigger the heart which had been buried with sand and gravel.

"Let me go, please" I whisper, hugging myself. I pull away from him, turn to the other edge. I actually felt better after I vented things out.

"I can't betray the rules laid upon me Lucy, but I promise that I'll treat you better," He says.

"Then treat me better, let me go," I plead again. This time, he stands up and walks outside. The winter breeze brushed my pale face.

I finally think about Elena, I wish that she wasn't dead by now. I pull myself out of the blanket and pull it over my shoulder. I wear the bedroom slippers and walk towards the maid area while the floor creaked. I was scared but felt protected at the same time. I felt that it was partially my fault to hang out with Ethan without completely knowing about him.

"Elena," I whisper when I see her lying on the bed. The bed had no cushions, it was a plain steel cot with a thin pillow. She was wincing in pain, I sit beside her and place her hands on mine.

She nods when she heard me talking. The elder maid was cursing under her breath as she placed wet cloths on her forehead.

"Will she be alright?" I ask her.

"God will save her," She says and continues nursing her. Elena seemed physically alright, but she had a fever.

"You should go, you don't want to be sick do you?" The elder maid shooed me away before I could protest, leaving me alone in the dark alley.

"What are you doing here?" It was Aiden.

"I wanted to check up on Elena," I say.

"At this hour?" He raises his eyebrows.

"I couldn't sleep," I lie. I was tired, but I was scared of the dreams I might have if I sleep. It seems stupid, but I didn't want another vivid memory of what happened today.

"Are you okay?" He asks me.

"No," I answer. I felt that Aiden was a kind person, who'd support me if things ever go wrong. Not that he actually cared for me, but at least he had a heart.

"Do you want to eat something?" He asks me, offering me his hand.

"Yeah," I answer.

We walk towards the left side of the corridor. I take a note to walk with Aiden in case he says he has got to go, I'm not sure whether I can find my way. He wasn't shirtless or in his nightgown, which meant that he was either working or sleeps in formal attire. I wouldn't be surprised if they sleep in formal attire, they had work to do at weird hours.

He cooked himself, not bothering to wake up the maids who were sleeping. The aroma filled the room within seconds.

He placed eggs that were topped up with bacon. The bread looked golden in the dim light, it was toasted and buttered. He pours juice in two glasses and places one next to my plate. I didn't waste any time for decency, I ate like a kid who had been starved for days.

"Thank you," I say after I wash my dishes and grab my juice.

"It's alright," He smiles.

"Why are you so nice to me?" I ask him, suddenly curious.

"Because you're the only one to whom I can have a normal conversation," He answers.

"How about you treat those maids good? you'll have someone to talk to," I ask him. It definitely makes sense.

"They're scared of us, and besides, they wouldn't dare to pick up a conversation even if I tried to," He chuckles as he swirls a coin on the table.

"What are you doing?" I see Marcus standing at the doorway.