

The next morning Jolene woke up to Ariel getting ready, as she rolled over while half dazed she asked "Going somewhere?". Ariel looked at Jolene through the mirror, "Yes, Alex and I have a date this evening. You know it's already noon right?". Jolene rolled her eyes, she didn't care. After sitting up in bed Jolene reach for her phone.

"Looking to see if Micah texted?"

"No Ariel. I don't really care if he has or not."

But, he had. Jolene didn't say anything, she didn't want to hear Ariel scream and squeal over a simple text. She opened it.

9:30 AM- Michah:

Hey.. I'm still really sorry about the other night.. I had fun though.

12:05 PM- Jolene:

Hey, it's cool, it happens. I did too I guess.

Ariel seen Jolene texting and raised a brow, "Who ya texting J?"

"No one."

Ariel bounced onto the bed snatching Jolene's phone!

"You hussy! MICAH TEXTED YOU!"

"Can we not make a big deal about this? He isn't interested and even if he was, I'm not."

Ariel huffed as she gathered her things to leave, "J, you have to give this act up. You can be his friend, it won't kill you...."

Jolene felt bad for snapping at Ariel but didn't say anything as Ariel left. Maybe she was right, she could use another friend right now. She decided to message Ariel and apologize.

12:30 PM - Jolene:

A, I'm sorry for snapping... Maybe you're right about just being his friend... I won't promise anything, but I also will give him a chance..."

While texting Ariel, Micah texted her back.

12:32 PM - Micah:

Well I'm glad you had fun... Sooo.... Whats up?

12:32 PM - Jolene:

Nothing, Ariel just left and I haven't been up long. You?

12:34 PM - Micah:

At work, sorry if I don't talk much, but I will when I get out of here.

Jolene left him on read, she didn't want to bother him at work. While sitting in her bed, her father walked in.

"Good evening sleepy head. Have fun last night?"

"Hi daddy, it wasn't that bad I guess..."

"Jolene, I haven't said much about this situation and didn't really intend to, but I can't watch you be like this any longer.... You can do two things at this point... Continue to sulk and cry, or take this as a learning experience and get back out there."

Jolene let a tear fall down her face as she spoke, "What exactly am I suppose to take from this? Not to love? Not to fall? Not to trust?"

Her father walked over and sat beside her, wrapping her in his arms. His hug was warm and soft.

"Not to put your entire self into a relationship if the other person isn't going to. And this doesn't just go for dating, this goes for life. Don't go out of your way to love and care for someone, do things for them, if they aren't going to return the same thing to you."

Jolene looked up at her father, he had a worried expression on his face.

"You're right daddy... Thank you... and don't worry, I'm okay, or at least I'm going to be."

Her father didn't say anything else, he just patted her on the back and walked out of her room.

Jolene knew her father was right and knew she couldn't keep wallowing in her own self pity. Jeremy didn't care anymore so why should she? She decided she was going to get up and finally do something, anything. She began to clean and clean and clean. Hour after hour had went by, she ended up cleaning the entire house without even realizing it. After she was done and sat down she glanced at her phone, Micah had texted her.

8:54 PM - Micah:

Hey, I'm off work now if you want to talk..

8:55 PM - Jolene:

Ok. Did you have a good day.

8:59 PM - Micah:

Ah, it wasn't to bad. Glad it's over.

9:01 PM - Jolene:

That's one way to look at it I guess. Surprise surprise, I didn't lay in bed today. Actually got up and cleaned for mom.

9:03 PM - Micah:

Well that's good. Have fun

9:08 PM - Jolene:

Oh yeah. Sorry I'm taking a minute to answer, I'm watching a movie.

9:09 PM - Micah:

You're all good. Whatya watching

9:12 PM - Jolene:

Dazed and confused, it's one of my favorites.

9:13 PM - Micah:

Cool. Well I'm gonna let you go watch your movie... I gotta get in bed for work tmr.

9:15 PM - Jolene:

Okay. Have a good day tomorrow, night.

9:16 PM - Micah:

Night J.

Jolene smiled as she read the last text Micah sent her. It was the simplest one 'night J', but it made her feel warm inside. Her mother noticed the smile on her face and wanted so badly to ask about it but knew if she did Jolene would just shut her out. Jolene felt herself smiling and quickly *wiped it off.

"Mom... I think I'm going to go lay down. Goodnight."

"Goodnight baby."

*wiped it off - Quickly changed facial expression.

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