
Love Addiction

Jayden is a playboy. Zang is a stubborn girl. Every girl wants him but he wants Zang. He want to make hervhis, but she is not interested in him. He tried maby ways to make her fall. At last she is forced to marry him. What do you think? Will she fall for him??

Suzain · วัยรุ่น
21 Chs

He's upset

In restaurant

Zang's P.O.V

As i was very hungry he took me to the near restaurant we chat around, played games, watched movies. Yeah and i told melissa that i won't be coming to her house.

Jayden : So....., what do you think about the program?

Zang : What program?

Jayden : i mean are you coming with us?

Zang : oh i se... wait. didn't you told everything to dad?

Jayden : I did but beside that you are free now why won't you come with us till the end of the bacations?

Zang : No i won't.

Jayden : But why?!

how can i say that i dont want to go he'll be upset. We are childhood friends so i have to say something without hurting his feelings.

Zang : Cuz i want to spend these vacations with my friends

Jayden : Am i not your FRIEND?!

Zang : i mean you have a lot of work there, and how will i enjoy. I know you'll make me to work with you. Nah mr. jayden i know everything. Now i m not that scared girl. I am clever now so don't underestimate me!

But when i say those words he started.

Zang : Hey! you are laughing at me?!

Jayden : haha...you are not scared? are you joking? I saw you, you were running from a little cat which was far away from you. Idiot!

Zang : you know i dont like cats!

Jayden : i know that you are scared of cats!

Zang : okay i give up! Happy!

Jayden : Nope! you know we have a rule for giving up

Zang : Yeah. The one who give up have to do things that the winner will say.

Jayden : Promise me that you'll do it.

Zang : What is it?....Is it about cats?

Jayden : No dumb.


(laughs) Jayden : okay. So.... come with me to my farm, i'll take care of you..... more than myself!

Zang : bu.....

as i was about to say something he interupted

Jayden : no you cant refuse. you better know the punishments!

Zang : Aaahhhh........ you are so anoying!!!!

i want to go home!

Jayden : Wait.. we haven't done yet, zang!

Zang : sorry but i need to go home

Jayden : so its a no?!

I don't know what to say but i don't want to go nor i can fulfill the promise. I didn't say anything and was sitting there blank ready to go home.

Jayden : fine then.... your choice. Let's go!

he stand up from the chair amd without looking me he just headed towards the car. I know he's upset that i refused him but i have no other choice than this. After getting into the car the whole drive was awkward silence. He was just focussing on the road and i was staring out of the window. After reaching home we both headed to our rooms.

i took a shower and changed into pajamas with full sleeves and its wown trouser

and then i saw there was some missed calls from melissa. I called her back.

Zang : hey!

Melissa : hey! where were you?

Zang : in the washroom.

Melissa : you are always there zang. why won't you sleep there

Zang : hahaha.... why are you mad?!

Melissa : did you see the missed calls?!

Zang : okay, okay i m sorry

Melissa : leave that tell me how was your date?

Zang : Stop it melissa we are not dating we're just hanging around. And now he's upset

Melissa : did you refused his proposal?

Zang Could you please just shut up!!!

Melissa : okay

Zang : he want me to go with him to his farm

and i refused

Melisaa : you idiot how could you do that if i was you i wont miss any seconds and would say yes

Zang : i know you are flirty!

Melissa : atleast i can use my brain

Zang : now what?!

Melissa : what do you mean by now what?! just go with him idiot

Zang : i dont want to i want to spend vacation here with you guys

Melissa : do some adventure girl you have this opportunity and opportunity cimes only ones in a life.

Zang : okay bye....

i hung up. I love doing adventures. Melissa's words are moving around in my mind. So i decided to change my plan. i go to jayden's room but he was sleeping so decided to tell him tomorrow morning. He would be surprised.

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