
Love: A Twisted Curse

Love is a gift, at the same time it is also a curse... "From this day on prince of darkness, I curse you with the six stars of David..." At this point, Lucian had to cough to prevent himself from laughing out loud at Nikel's ridiculous curse. "The day you find love in the hands of a human maiden, the day your destruction begins." Lucian, demon prince of wrath had been cursed to die by love by the great archangel Nikel during a bloody battle. Four thousand years later, the curse manifests and Lucian, who had avoided women found himself falling in love with a young human maiden. The secret about his curse also gets out and his enemies seek for a way to kill him by using the curse. Love is a wonderful feeling, and Lucian knowing that his love for her would lead to his death still tries to fight for his love and fight for his life. Will Lucian conquer the curse and manage to live happily with his love or will the curse manifest and lead to his death in the end?

Chukwuemeka_101 · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs


Derek grinned maniacally as he typed a long message in Elora's phone and pressed the send button to Lucian and deleted his number from Elora's phone. Elora had left her phone in the car while she had gone to buy some stuff so Derek decided to exploit that opportunity and break up whatever friendship she had with this so called Lucian.

'Very soon, all these nonsense will stop. The D Day is coming... and it's coming very soon.... Very very soon.' Derek thought to himself as he laughed evilly inside his head.



Bzzzz! Bzzzz!

The phone rang for the three hundredth time and Lucian tossed the phone away. He had been trying to reach Elora but she wasn't picking his calls.

'Maybe something has happened to her.' he thought and used his powers to spy on her only for him to discover that she's ignoring his calls on purpose– and worse still, she was with her boyfriend.

Earlier, he had received a message on his phone. When he saw that it was from Elora, his heart jumped in joy and his hand sped to open the message but once he read the contents, his heart fell in sadness and his hands began to shake.

It was a long text from Elora telling him that he should never bother calling or attempt to reach her again. The message contained a lot of hurtful messages but the general point was that he shouldn't bother about her again.

At that moment, Lucian felt his heart break into a million pieces.

'Why do I feel like this? Why's my heart in so much pain? Is this what it is to love?' Lucian thought and cursed Nikel for cursing him.

He was kneeling on the floor in a dejected state as he held his chest and fought to stop the pain he felt– but unfortunately for him, emotional pain was not so easy to deal with.

He had locked himself in that room ever since Elora refused to pick his calls and had refused to eat or drink anything because his body needed to see her. He couldn't bear to meet his minions in this state, he wasn't in a sound state of mind and so he needed to be alone.

There were small hairs on his chin because he hadn't shaved since and his shirt was unbuttoned, making the almighty Lucian look unkempt and vulnerable.

'what is this? What the hell am I doing?' he asked himself,

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door.


He sighed, he had told his commanders not to let anyone disturb him till he came out so he wondered who would possibly be taking the risk to come to him in his private chambers– especially now that he was unstable.

"Who's there?" His tone was harsh,

"It's Lilian." She replied, Lilian was his fifth battalion commander, the one who always tried to seduce him.

"Come in." He sighed, he had already stood up from and was now sitting on his throne with his chin resting on his fist. But no matter how cool he tried to look– he couldn't hide the frustration and pain that was hidden behind his eyes.

"This lowly servant greets her master." Lilian genuflected with her head bowed as she walked in.

Lucian waved his other hand in response to the greeting and asked, "what brings you here?"

"Sir," Lilith looked up at Lucian with concerned eyes and said, "I've been worried about you sir, you haven't come out in days and I sometimes hear groans of pain from you when I'm outside..."

Lucian raised an eyebrow in surprise and silently cursed himself from being so sloppy about his pain. Nevertheless, he was a bit impressed that out of all his battalion commanders, it was the lowest ranked that paid attention to his feelings.

"...please sir I just want you to know that if there's anything you need..." As Lilian said this part, she pulled her low cut V neck shirt down to reveal the cleavage of her big teats, "... I'm ready to help you in any way I can."

Lucian sighed. Lilian was always fond of trying to seduce him and he was already used to her antics but today... There was something different about her. Her eyes had a glint in them– like that of one who genuinely cared about him.

'Am I hallucinating?' he thought,

He was about to tell her that there was nothing wrong but then the burn mark on his abdomen shone bright and burnt him making him to grab his abdomen and shoot forward in pain.

Lilian was a bit scared and surprised, she had never seen anything make her master act this way so the next moment, she was already beside him.

"What's wrong master?" Her voice betrayed her deep concern for her master.

Lucian looked up at her with hurt in his eyes and asked, "how do I stop this..."

"How do you stop what?" Lilian shot back,

" How do I stop thinking about this one particular person? I just can't seem to stop no matter how I try..."

'Huh? What's master talking about?' Lilian thought, 'could it be that he's in love? That's not possible right?'

"...you said you would help me in any way you can right? Please... Lilian, Help me." Lucian couldn't believe that he was the one saying all that and he couldn't even stop himself. It was obviously the effect of the curse– it was making him weaker and vulnerable to things that he wasn't vulnerable to before.

A small smile appeared on Lilian's lips as she heard Lucian's last statement,

"I can help you." Lilian said as her clothes fell down in one instant revealing her voluptuous naked body and she stared at Lucian with lust and desire in her eyes. "Devour me master."

Lucian couldn't resist her anymore because the next moment they were both rolling on the floor– their bodies pressed together in a savage display of lust.