
Love - A Karaki Fanfiction

This story is officially completed. Check the most recent chapter for why. ___________________ In this story, we dive into the enemy type relationship of Izuku and Bakugou's child Kimi. Kimi hates the popular boy Karashi. Just the thought of him kills her. She never expected to fall in love with him and even realising she's transgender in the last year of highschool, making her privately gay for Karashi. Karashi usually hates Kimi but things take a change as their relationship grows beyond friends. He falls in love with her as well and stands with her every day making Kimi strong throughout all the transphobia that's happening. The both of them realize that life's to short to hold grudges against themselves and they grow past the grudges strengthening their bond evermore.

Tori_Demand_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

A Steamy Night: Part Two

I lie on Kacchan's chest and pull the blanket onto our bare bodies.

Is he thinking the same thing as me?

If one of us died it would hurt both of us so much and there would be no one who would care for the one who survived when we were at our lowest. Who would care for Kimi and Kenji if I had died? Who would have guided Kimi when he went through bullying because of his transition?

"Kacchan?" I said. "Hmm?" he sighed. "What if you never survived the explosion.. what would have I done to keep the family strong and in light?" I asked.

"Izuku.. I'm here.. Don't think about the fact I could have died in that.." he said. "As long as I'm alive I'll be caring for you, Kimi and Kenji. I'll be there for everything" he said. I pull off the covers and reach for the first t-shirt on the bed and pull it over my head.

I crawl back to sleep on Katsuki and pull the blankets over the both of us again and fall into sleep. As I sleep Kacchan ruffles my green locks and then shortly falls asleep, his breath falling onto my neck. 


It was a quarter past midnight at Karashi's house. Both Kimi and Karashi were past up their bedtimes drinking can after can of sugary soda and eating chips while watching movies on Karashi's laptop. "We're still in on pulling an all nighter right?" Karashi asked. "Who said I wasn't?" Kimi answered. They both stare at eachother and giggle.

"I love you" Karashi said. "I know you do" Kimi acknowledged. Then Karashi bends down onto Kimi's face and kisses his head. Kimi blushes. "What, are you horny now" Kimi asked quizzically. "Maybe I am" Karashi answered smirking.

Karashi kisses Kimi again but on the lips and they both fall back onto the bed. Karashi rolls slightly so that Kimi was under him. He pins Kimi's arms against the headboard of his bed. Kimi kicks him in the ribs gently. "Oi.. your parents are still up, I can hear them from downstairs" Kimi announced.

"Who says we have to be loud, I can fuck you here quietly" he said. "Don't you dare.." Kimi said staring at him directly in the eyes. He stares into my eyes as well. "Your staring doesn't scare me at all" he said smiling. Kimi reaches out and smacks him on the face. "So you're asking for a pillow fight now?" he said quizzically.

"I- How the fuck did pillows get in this conver-" Kimi proceeded to say before being smacked with a pillow. Kimi grabs a pillow from underneath himself and hits Karashi back with it. He manages to hit him really hard because Karashi's face is red. Karashi then dives for Kimi's waist resulting in a faceful of pillow. Kimi had been a step forward placing Karashi's discarded pillow there. "Who wins this one?" Kimi said grinning. "We're not done here" Karashi said raising a cushion onto Kimi's head. 

Kimi tackles him onto the other end of the bed before pinning him.

"Ok jesus you win" Karashi said his face turning red. He looks up at Kimi who was above him. Kimi releases Karashi's hands from his grip. Then Karashi wraps his arms around Kimi's waist, placing both of his legs behind him before kissing him on the lips once again. They fall back onto bed kissing.

"I say we take this another level higher?" Karashi suggested. Kimi was at a loss of word so he just nodded. With that, and a movie playing in the background, Karashi pulls a blanket on his and Kimi's head, before leaving Kimi with unability of walking. 

lmao what the fuck is wrong with me

i'm sitting in geography class first period writing this shit with my brightness on full. i do not give a fuck about what the boys sitting behind me think. all i know is that i'm famous just for this and i finally got the fame i deserved for these fanfics i've been brewing since 2021. It's been four years since I started working on Dollhouse and now... it's a 50 chapter e-book with more then 80k views.

You guys (my fans) are the reason why I still write. I feel recognised for once cause I was always the kid no one talked to when I was young and now look at me. A young fanfic writer blowing up on the internet.

Well we'll have to wait and see what happens.

Thank you all so much again for reading till this story.

This is Tori_Demand_ out for today.

Maybe one day I'll be in the hall of online fanfiction writer's fame.. Only time will tell.

Tori_Demand_creators' thoughts