
Love's Mystery Within (PSYCHO-PASS X reader)

Ahmya Asuga is smart and swiftly great in her own knowledge of a crime but when she started working for the P.S.B. at a very young age and is a strong and serious woman as she is always calm no matter who's talking. At first, she was working for the analysis division but then, her high solved crime story came up and moved her up to an inspector. Very unexpected when she found out her new boss was working with the enforcers and following to the point she doesn't know how that happened. Vote and comment thanks Fairchild out~

ElenaFairchildfair · อื่นๆ
3 Chs

Becoming an inspector in the M.W.P.S.B.

6:00 am

Ahyma POV:

I groaned in the morning and checked the time on my alarm and it said '6:00 am on the dot' as I sat up and walked towards the bathroom to shower and do all lady necessities. Later I picked my new uniform as I was starting to work with Division 1 the best inspectors ad enforcers that have ever worked well so far, I began to wear white long sleeve blouse a black jacket and black pants with a bag that I always bring in case I get too tired using heels I'd rather be using sneakers in the office, so when I feel energized with my feet and I also check if my hue if is not over the light colour before leaving to work. Oh and I usually cook for myself when I'm super hungry for food in my house but I go in a hurry to eat some hot fresh cooked food at a cafe ordering a sweet caramel caffeine frappe mixed with ice and with wiped-cream on top. Everyone always kept wondering about my early days at the interview that isn't I too young for this job but I accepted it anyway. However, I was in Division 2's analysts for the Crime Investigation Department for 3 years.

Flashback a week ago...

Knock knock

"Come in," chief Kasei said with a serious tone of hers as usual. As I entered the office she continued, "Please sit, child." as I did as I was told and asked, "Why would you like to speak to me, ma'am?" I said it with full respect as I sat down in the chair across from her and she spoke again,

"I have heard you are the youngest to enter the Public Safety Bureau in Division 2 at a very young age and have solved a crime to find the real culprit within 1 week before the deadline of the upcoming news"

"Yes ma'am I made sure that our team would never fail but I was the only one who solved it on my own and later told every one of my own solutions to the crime itself I've been working on for it none stop till that point," as I told her what I wanted to say to her with full seriousness as she explained another shocking news for the first time in my life,

"Well, the Sybil system and the Public Safety Bureau has decided to transfer you into an inspector for Division 1 with Nabuchi Ginoza and a new rookie named Akane Tsunemori who will be arriving next week to which that means your both gonna be rookies on your first day on the job and later I will be contacting you from here to ask daily what are the activities inside Division 1 but that part would be a secret between the both of us is that understood, Ms Asuga?"

I thought for a moment and started clearing myself and sighed at her and responded, "Yes ma'am I promise to do my best in this division as I did before in Division 2."

Flashback ended...

However, it started raining, 'Great just my luck but luckily I brought my umbrella' I thought and smiled to myself as I ran to the car and drove to the PSB as it started raining hard and as I checked the classic watch that was left by my parents when I was only 9 years old as a Christmas gift, to see what time it was and it was currently 7:40 am. At least, I won't be late I won't be scolded by the old man Ginoza in my first day on the job and also Chief Kasei did mention that he was a stern and from all the gossips I've heard that he is the scariest man in the whole Crime Investigation with one look from him and boy was I gonna be in one hell of a ride in this business.

As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the P.S.B. as I check my watch again and it showed it was currently 7: 59 am. 'Great, I made it.' I thought in glee as I parked my car and then, started running towards where the inspector is which I was pretty sure that under the tent there he was.

Inspector Nobuchika, Ginoza my new boss and is in charge of Division 1.

Nobodies POV:

Ahyma ran towards the tent and was met by her new boss from Division 1, he had an oval smooth white face as he was wearing glasses that were covering his mysterious dark green eyes and his short dark-green hair with his long bangs covering in front of his forehead.

Ahyma ran up to him and introduced herself, "Ahyma Asuga reporting for duty sir!" as she saluted to him and he looked down and noticed the first new and youngest recruit from Division 2 to his surprise she was attractive.

Ginoza's POV:

As I was waiting up for the new rookies of this Division I noticed a very young woman and I realized that it was, "Ahyma Asuga reporting for duty sir!" she announced herself in front of me as she was a vision of beauty and she was very attractive to my surprise her pure black long hair, silver round eyes wear elegant glasses above her small nose, her pale small lips, an oval face, well-formed body, small waist, long legs and her adorable small ankles. And that's when I realize I was about to get clouded but I cleared my throat and said,

"Well I'm inspector Ginoza I will not have time to give you the rookie treatment as in today your job starts-" before I could finish the other new rookie arrived and said, "Akane Tsunemori reporting for duty sir!" as she also saluted me and repeated the same line,

"I'm inspector Ginoza and this is the other new and youngest rookie who was currently working for Division 2 inspector Ahyma Asuga who will also not get the rookie treatment the same as you. From here on out you, two will be working with me for the time being."

Nobodies POV:

"Yes sir and we will follow your orders," said Ahyma with complete faith and trust on her new boss Ginoza. Then, all of a sudden a big car with the numbers 103 came in front of them like the back door opened and there came out 4 people. One was devilishly handsome grey eyes, short tousled dark brown hair and pale skin with a tall and muscular build, the other one was around his '60s with spiky brown hair and a stocky build as he is wearing a dark brown suit, white dress shirt and dark tie, also wears a trenchcoat over it and his cybernetic left arm, the third one was a short young man with brown eyes and spiky orange hair secured at one side by teal barrettes as he's wearing a black jacket with rolled-up sleeves, a black shirt, red tie and black pants with two white belts as he is wearing a blue windbreaker over his jacket and finally a woman blue eyes, long black hair that in a tied-up ponytail, has a tall slender build and wearing a black coat over her black suit.

Ahyma thought looking in curiosity as she asks the inspector out loud, "Who are they?"

"They are called the Enforcers, in other words, our 'hounds' in this case of explaining to you two specifically they help us sniff out the people who are above their hue, however, they all do our dirty work for us inspectors so our hue doesn't get clouded," Ginoza-Kun explained as a squared black covered cart moved it's way towards them and the enforcers as it opened there were 3 dominators in place and inspector Tsunemori grabs one as Ahyma grabs hers too and once she grabbed it a voice said through the dominator,

"Initializing valid user crime coefficient 0.1 inspector Ahyma Asuga Division 1," as Ahyma almost stepped back in surprise as one of the Enforcers spoke, "Hey you,"

Ahyma turned around only to be in front of the black-haired enforcer, "Yes sir?" she asked.

"Aren't you a bit too young to be an inspector? How old are you kid? Shouldn't you be a college student or something?" the enforcer commented at her without the intention of insulting her age but Ahyma didn't like it when they talked like that and she answered back very pissed💢,

"Well to be quiet frank you people have to stop judging peoples age just be because their younger than you, doesn't mean I'm inexperienced you know baka, hmph."

And at that, the orange-haired boy snickered and at the same time blushed at her while saying, "Damn Kougami you just had to piss off the youngest of all inspectors geez (snickers)and a beautiful one too," as the Ahyma looked back at the enforcer and figured in her thoughts,

'So his name is Shinya Kougami huh? He must be the ex-inspector I was admiring about until he went downfall 3 years ago and his hue went high before I arrived,'

"So nice,(with a hint of sarcasm) to meet the Great Shinya Kougami the one I admired as one hell of a detective I thought you'd be in your 40's by now," smirking the last part said Ahyma with a hint of calm and admiring as well as teasing tone.

At that Ginoza somehow chuckle at that and quickly returned to position and cleared his throat and announcing them their mission, "Alright as you can see in your watches you have all the information you need to know for this case were about to handle today."

As everyone checked on their advanced watch all except Ahyma thought, 'Do we have to?' as she took out the advanced watch that only middle-aged man noticed and also spotted an old classic watch on her left wrist and asked her in a whisper, "Hey Ms Asuga, why don't you have it kept on like that other watch, I haven't seen in a while instead of having that one still on your wrist?"

At that Ahyma then, whispered back in reply, "W-well...because I don't like it even if it is useful and all I will always use this one instead of the other gadget that I hate so much besides it's none of your business Mr er-"

"The name is Tomoni Masaoka enforcer," he added with a grin that made her feel like her father were here and at that, she said with a real smile, "Okay I understand now and thanks. As soon as we finish this case we can have a nice chat grandpa," she calmly added as Ginoza finished explaining about their first mission. Before anyone went to ride on of the inspector's car but Ahyma ran up to them with her umbrella on her head asked, "Hey enforcers!"

"Hmm?" all the enforcers at the same time asked.

"Introduce yourself already I want to know your identities before I keep insulting you guys with dumb inappropriate nicknames like that idiot 'scary Ginoza guy' calls you all so come on tell me." She said with a serious face and each one gave their introductions to her,

"Well, I'm Shusei Kagari" as he winked at her but she ignored it as he pretends mentally to be hurt by her rejection.

"Shunizuka Yayoi," she said it bluntly the dark-haired woman.

"Tomoni Masaoka." the old man answered repeating his answer she asked him before.

"You already know my name since you explained and heard from all those rumours about me but anyways, I'm Shinya Kougami," he said as he started smoking from his cigarette.

She smiled at them and said, "I hope we all get along just fine but I won't ask for that but we just do what needs to be done alright?"

"Of course inspector," they answered as she was about to look for her car another car stopped in front of her way and the window came down and her new partner and her new boss were inside inspector Tsunemori's car,

"Get in," said Inspector Ginoza with a serious insisting tone while the other rookie nodded her head at her. Then, Ahyma gave in and entered the car sitting on the back seat. As they started to drove off.

How was it great and don't worry, I promise to update in the future love you all and keep smiling and love yourself.

Fairchild out~