
love's hopeless

what if the person people see you as you're not and they think you had everything but i have they are wrong very wrong, in my life i met her at 19th birthday to be honest that was never a meeting and i don't know anything bout her only this that i'm in love with her, my kingdom is in sort of crisis some enemies who use black magic are trying to take over my kingdom amd to save my kingdom i gotta do is to marry someone so my parents and the elders of palace decided that i need to marry the princess of forest tribe but i can't cause i only love her she is only thing that makes me feel that i'm no prince cause a prince can have everything his heart could desire 'I HAVE A DESIRE I WANT HER TO BE MINE' but in what makes me say that 'LOVE'S HOPELESS' cause she don't love me and my love don't bring any hope nor happiness cause the person is here to kill me is HER and SHE IS WITCH

Jade_Mclane · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

she is a total secert

okay so you guys remember what i told you bout three months ago so after that night what happened was that i woke up and try to ask her bout last night all she said was not a thing okay so she left without saying anything after that day it's been three months i'm trying to find her but it's like she don't exist could it been that she was in my thoughts but that would be i lie i can tell myself cause that gaurd also remember her but i can't remember what happened that night not even a single thing its like i can't control my mind when i think of that night it seems like someone had me under their control that night , and you know what the worst part is that i can't remember why i love her it's like she had me under a spell is that what it fes like to be in love my family want me to decide a bride so i could rule but i don't want be i ruler you know what is the thing that hurts is i can't think of anyone else and i hate that part i think this is what people call 'TRUE LOVE' sometimes i ask mysf is it really love cause all i've heard bout love is it happens when you spend your time with that person but i don't remember the time i spent with her 'she is a total secert ' even to me why i keep thinking that but you know life isn't ways gratefull so today when i woke up it was proved