
Love's Canva

"I'm Dimitri Kouris." This was the beginning of my demise. We were like a match made in heaven, I fell for his looks, he was everything i wanted in a man, from the moment he said hi, he stole my heart. I could go a second without thinking about Dimitri Kouris. The true definition of Handsomeness, strength and mystery . But contrary to the very many fairytales I've read and love at first sight tales I've heard, this was quite different. Started sweet, ended tragic, oh well!! thought it would but it continued and turned sweet again. A true tale of bittersweet. We were two heartbroken individuals happening to stumble into each others lives and our meeting completely changed our individual courses. Read to follow Cally and Dimitri's journey through these ups and downs as they fall in love but can't seem to escape their past lives. Calliope Bullock, the florist. Dimitri Kouris, the artist.

stanleyP · สมัยใหม่
6 Chs

1- Turn Greece to my home

Greece, is a dream destination for many, holds a special place in the hearts of those who visit. Its captivating architecture continues to inspire awe, the ocean view, even upon repeated viewings. Renowned artworks and historic ruins never fail to leave visitors speechless. Couples choose it as their honeymoon destination, and tourists prioritize it on their travel bucket lists.

As for me, I turned Santorini, Greece into my home.

At the tender age of ten, my family embarked on a trip to Greece, and like everyone else, I instantly fell in love with the country. I made a solemn promise to myself that once I turned eighteen, I would move here. True to my word, on my eighteenth birthday, I bid farewell to my hometown and set foot in Greece. During the eight years leading up to my move, I made extensive preparations. I learnt Greek, although it seemed unnecessary as most people I encountered spoke English. I carefully planned which college to attend and where I would live. Saving up the required funds proved challenging, but luckily my parents offered to cover my college expenses, which eased the financial burden. In the end, all the effort was worthwhile. Now, at the age of twenty-four, I am the proud owner of a flourishing florist business. Flowers have always been a passion of mine, with their vibrant colors and sweet fragrance never failing to uplift my spirits. When I was younger, my grandmother had an expansive garden where she taught me all about flowers. Opening my own flower shop feels like a way to keep her memory close. "Good morning. Isn't it a beautiful day today?" Gio, the cafe's owner, greets me from behind the counter as I step inside. "Certainly is," I reply, a smile forming on my face, and grab my cup of coffee from the counter. Despite my protests, Gio insists on having my coffee ready every morning. I bid him farewell and swiftly leave the café, just as quick as my arrival. The early morning atmosphere in Santorini, Greece transports you to a different realm. The streets are less crowded with tourists, and the sun peeks over the horizon, painting the clouds in hues of tangerine orange and bubble-gum pink. 

Every aspect of Greece mesmerizes me, from the quaint local shops to the world-famous Oia Castle. While I reside in Oia, Santorini I occasionally venture to Athens and Thebes. If it were possible, I would live in all three places. However, I have my sights set on Crete as my future home once I conclude my floral business. There's something about that city that makes me feel truly at home, whether it's the charming colored buildings or the crystal-clear waters—I can't quite put my finger on it. Today, like any other day in Santorini, Greece, I wake up early to prepare for work, although I'm lacking the usual motivation. Nonetheless, it's Friday, so I can't complain. Passersby on the street greet me with smiles and kind words, the philoxenia experience is divine to say the least, it was as if we've known each other our entire lives. Although not all people are like that, there are some other individuals rushing past, completely oblivious to the captivating scenery. Their minds revolve solely around work and money. Yet, flowers never fail to add that extra pep in my step. Their delightful scent and vibrant hues infuse me with a rush of serotonin. The exterior of my shop, named 'Calliope's Flowers', is adorned with blooms of various colors, as if they are welcoming visitors into a world of beauty and enchantment—a prelude to the wonders that lie inside. What could possibly go wrong? "Morning, boss," 

Elias greets me as I approach the front desk, a warm smile on his face, with a hint of a mid-life crisis lurking behind his eyes. "You're here early," I remark, raising an eyebrow. This early arrival is uncharacteristic of him. Elias was one of my first hires when I opened my business, and over the past two years, we've become best friends. Originally from England, he relocated to Greece in search of a fresh start after his heartbreak with a high school sweetheart. It appears that starting anew worked wonders, as he now radiates a sunny disposition even on the gloomiest days. "I thought I'd come help you get ready today," he says with a smile, but I'm skeptical, handing him my coffee, surprised when he declines. This behavior is entirely out of character for him. He sighs, setting down the papers he was holding and resting his head in his hands. "I've met someone," he confesses, his head still cradled. "Elias, that's fantastic!" I reply, placing a comforting hand on his back. "Why do you seem sad?" "Is it too soon?" he asks, raising his head to meet my gaze. Considering my own experiences, having only been in one serious relationship that ended in heartbreak, I harbor a certain apprehension about falling in love. Love is a bewildering entity that can either result in heartache or lead you to the one. At this point, I'm uncertain if I ever want to deal with love again, especially when I haven't completely moved on from my past relationship. "How do you feel when you look at her?"

"Him," he corrects me, and I nod, recalling that Elias is bisexual. "Okay. How do you feel when you look at him?" I inquire further.

"Like I'm on top of the world," Elias chuckles softly, a blush tinting his cheeks. "His name is Adrian." From the way he said Adrian's name, I can tell Elias is smitten. The look on his face and the glazed expression in his eyes provide the answer he seeks. "Go for it, babe," I playfully nudge him with my hip. He laughs and shakes his head before picking up the stack of papers he had set aside. "I have to meet him soon," I add, taking a seat at my desk and toying with a stray flower that found its way near my keyboard. "Well, he invited me to an art exhibition tonight. One of his friends is the artist," I glance over at Elias, urging him to continue. "You should come. It starts at eight tonight." Since moving here and opening my business, I've been overwhelmed with work. One might assume that running a flower shop is simple, but it's far more challenging than expected. Every day, hundreds of flowers arrive, and numerous customers purchase them. I must ensure each flower is adequately watered and arranged to perfection. Taking a break for the evening would do me good. "Sure, I'll go," I make up my mind, eliciting a warm smile from Elias.

An evening involving wine and light conversation sounds absolutely perfect.