

Louis McArthur is not a boy, he just has the biology of one. Louis is not considered by many of his friends and himself to be a male. McArthur is a transfemale.

It all started back in her sophomore year. She had always felt strange about herself throughout his entire life. Wearing dresses seemed fun to her, more so than normal.

Her parents always tried to lead her towards stuff they considered a "normal boy" should enjoy. For 17 years of her life, she had dressed in a costume.

Unfortunately, her parents were not the typical religious family either. They openly were disgusted by those who were not straight and by those who didn't follow their set of societal norms. While that could be considered normal to some, others would say that her family were extremists and disrespectful.

Louis was born on Easter Day, her mother often called her a miracle baby. This was due to the fact that her mother had been told by a doctor that she would never be able to have kids.

As a result, Louis being born on Easter was considered to be more of a curse than a blessing. This was because Easter was an extremely important time to his family. It was a large celebration of religion for them.

With religion came family, and her family was also not the most accepting. The only one who knew that Louis is "not exactly Louis" was her cousin, Zander McArthur. Zander found out about three years back that Louis was in fact not Louis, but Lou. It was a slight shock for Zander at first, but he soon became understanding and extremely accepting of his cousins new found happiness and identity. So, whenever Zander could call Lou by the preferred pronouns "she & her ", he would do so.

Thankfully, Zander had not told anyone in the family. Unfortunately, Lou would have to keep her identity of "Louis McArthur, the miracle boy."

And this is her story.