
Lotus Empire

This is the story of the Lotus empire where bleed shed is very common and revengeful. The lotus clan is mysteriously disappearing. And are trying to figure out how to stop it from extinction.

LolaHasu · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Road to revenge

Aranea's pov

We traveled out of the Elysia and are heading out to the bar that are aunt works at and also lives in also well where our little cousin lives as well. We walked in the bar and it was empty. "Where is she? Aunt Ari!" Saki calls out. No answer. "Aunt ain't here let's go." I started walking to the door until. "Who the hell walked in!" We heard a woman call out. "Old woman come out of hiding! I ain't playing I'm not in the fucking mood!" I screamed out. Then the door upstairs comes off meaning my aunt kicked it off. She then walks in with her eyes all black and her hair floating up as if she was about to kill someone which she was ready to. "Aunt it's us." I said. Her eyes widened. "Saki..Aranea..I'm so sorry I heard what happened are you guys okay?" She hugs us both tightly. "Yeah we are good to see you again but wait where is our cousin we have never seen her ever since you gave birth to her." The moment I asked she started crying.

"Your cousin was abandoned years ago..." She finally exclaimed. "WHAT-" Both me and Saki blurted out in shock. "I had to abandon my daughter because your deadbeat father has killed your uncle in war not to long ago and he tried to come back too kill my child and me but I left her in a mystical forest and hopefully she's okay but I haven't ever seen her ever again. After I abandoned her I tried to make sure that he would follow me away from the location I hid her so she wouldn't be in danger. I stayed in hell for 14 years so he could lose track of me. But I've missed 14 years of my daughter lifetime and I don't even know how she will grow up to be or what she looks like now but I know everything is my fault though." She breaks down and looked at my sister and nodded. I hugged her tight. "No...you did what you could do to trace him away from her. If anything we will go find her no matter what it takes I promise auntie." When I said that she looked shocked. "Aranea I can't let a pregnant niece of mines overextend herself that would be too dangerous.

"Well I have to help in some way!" I yelled. "SHE'S FAMILY AND I RATHER NOT HAVE YOU CHASE AFTER HER AND SHE MIGHT KILL YOU AND I RATHER RISK MY LIFE IF IT MEANS TAKING A RISK DYING FOR IT." I screamed and walked out. I may be pregnant but I'm not human I'm a female dragon. The goddess dragon of fire and corruption. I ever own a dragon named Liliah but I sent her off because she had to fight another war against the other dragons trying to destroy the world. I know she soon return because me and her are close and have a bond. My necklace would glow when she's near. My sister is told she's goddess Tiamat but way more than that but I wonder how much more I don't know about her powers. Aunt Ari is full demon but I wonder what that makes our cousin.

As I ponder on that here comes my sister following me outside trying to catch up to me. "Aranea I'm coming with you." She responds. I nod knowing I can't deny her. She then smiles brightly as I let a happy sigh and walk towards the forest outside the bar. "Wow this forest is big no way we will find her." Saki breathes out. I laughed at her. "Awwww don't say that sis." I point at a sign as it says "Don't enter this area or I'll kill you." Saki gave me reassured look and I nod back and we enter in the area. Forgetting it's getting dark I light my hand on fire guiding us in the forest until fireflies light the way to a house in the forest.

I stopped Saki. "Wait don't walk any closer!" I pulled her back to me and a fire ball is then flying towards us and I jumped up towards it and eats it. I growled loudly. "WHO ARE YOU SHOW YOURSELF!!" There was red eyes in the bushes and those soon after turned in to a phoenix flying above us. Saki in shock. "TCH.." I transformed into my dragon form. "Aranea!" Saki screams after me. "I know." I then flew above to meet the phoenix eye level. I then bite it's neck slamming the weak phoenix into the wall and hitting it into a crater. But as a result, she uses a solar nova blasting me back. "Damn that was power." The phoenix then shoots the rocks above me and hits my wing and uses wind to it's advantage to gash my wings forcing me to retreat.

She then swoops on top of me and knocks me to the ground. "Ugh...." I see the phoenix turn back to a human and a girl at that. She seemed to be young about 14 at most. Her eyes glow fiery red. "Any last words." She says. Saki transform into her dragon form and uses the water around the outsides of the forest and makes a tsunami and it causes a tornado to wrap around us. Saki is trying to shake this girl off me by using a distraction like that and I used that to turn into smoke and appear behind her and tried to punch her and to my surprised she caught my right hook and used one as I caught it. "Tch you learn fast." I smirked. She smirked and laugh. "Right back at ya!" She backs up. I look at her eyes as there appeared to be the lotus eyes me and my sister have too as they glowed and mines glowed as well.

"LOLA!" When I called that out she was really surprised. "Wait how do you know my name?" Right I forgot she wouldn't remember us. "I know you don't remember me but I'm your cousin Arenea Lotus and that over there is older sister Saki Lotus and we are here to bring you back to your mother she's missed you so much and wants to meet you properly." When I explained she got really angry. "WHY WOULD YOU WANT ME TO TAKE ME TO MY MOM SHE GOT RID OF ME BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T WANT ME FOR SHIT! I HATE HER!" She starts yelling and eventually bursts into tears. "Trust me I've been where you are Lola-" "As if Aranea you haven't been in this forest for 14 years of your life like hell you know how that fucking feels get lose bitch!" She curses me out. "EXCUSE ME I'M NOT A BITCH U ON THE OTHER HAND ARE ACTING LIKE A BITCH YOUR MOM IS WAITING AND DYING TO MEET YOUR STUBBORN ASS AND YOUR MAD BECAUSE YOU THOUGHT SHE ABANDON YOU DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT HAPPENED SHE WAS SAVING YOUR FUCKING LIFE SO YOUR SELFISH ASS WOULDN' T OF DIED AS A BABY. I'M DONE TALKING TO YOU AND IF YOU WANNA BE REAL WITH YOUR FEELING WE'LL BE AT THE BAR BYE LOLA!" I walked away and Saki followed behind me. We walked back in the bar and I sat on the couch. Saki walks over with a note from Ari saying "If ya'll do find her bring her back to Torim sorry I had to leave to take the train thanks my nieces and be careful."

"No point she doesn't care about meeting her anyways." I sighed until I heard the door open and there was Lola soaking wet from the rain. "Lola so I'm guessing you wanna see her?" She nods. I nod back getting up and ushered her to the bathroom. "Welp let's rest here for the night and we are heading for Torim to talk to her kay." She nods and I leave her to shower and get ready to sleep. I look at the engagement ring I got from my boyfriend. I smiled. "Heh soon we will be back with each other again no matter what I'll keep fighting for you." With that I drifted off to sleep for the next morning.