A few hours passed since breakfast. The four teens lounged in the shop, doing their own things, but didn’t stray further from each other.
Sync was sitting on the counter with his third coffee for the day. Dacron and Cooper were on the couch, the former burying his head in a comic book while using the latter’s lap as a pillow. Marcus was lingering near the mechanical tools on the other side, scanning his eyes over each of them.
“Darin told me that you were going to the pub yesterday. You didn’t come,” Sync said, addressing Dacron as he ran over his fingertip at the edge of his coffee mug. The latter averted his inquiring gaze and heaved a sigh.
“Didn’t wanna see Darin’s annoying face,” Dacron grumbled.
“Hnm…” Sync hummed in understanding and didn’t pry more. He turned to Marcus and asked, “You wanna go to the pub? Darin invited you, right?”
Marco rubbed his nape, frowning. “Ah, yeah… Well…” He glanced at Dacron, who was still frowning at his comic book, and then back at Sync.
The emo lad eyed Marcus skeptically, then rolled his eyes. Sync seemed to get more disappointed with the lost soul the more they interacted. Marcus wasn’t surprised.
“Of course he would,” Sync mumbled to himself. He stared at Marcus for a moment, contemplating. It left the lost soul wondering what he was thinking.
Sync puffed his cheek after a while, his mind made up. He tilted his head, gesturing outside the shop as he addressed the lost soul. “Let’s go, Ciaran.” [1]
The lot soul was visibly startled. His shoulders jerked up a bit, and his eyebrows furrowed as he whipped his head to the emo-looking lad, who was grinning at him. Marco knew he was being taunted by Sync and decided to go along with what the other wanted.
“Mhn, let’s go,” Marco drawled, staring at Sync’s deep blue eyes as he stood in front of the other. The lost soul savored the few centimeters he had to the other as they had their mini stare-down.
The other two teens watched them, visibly worried by the sudden tension. Dacron sat up, his eyes finally parted with the comic book.
“You’re going now?” Cooper asked with his brows furrowed, his cat-like eyes darted at the emo lad. Sync met Cooper’s eyes but didn’t respond. The auburn-haired teen sighed, “Yeah, okay. Tell kuya Darin we’ll be there sometime.”
Sync grunted in reply and turned his gaze back to Marcus. He jerked his head and began walking out of the shop. Marcus followed him silently.
The two teens whispered not-so-quietly as they turned their backs.
“Ah, look at them having a silent conversation,” Dacron sighed. He plopped back to his position and turned the pages of his comic book to resume reading. “Maybe being a telepath is a trait of an iceberg? They both excel at it.”
Cooper huffed in agreement, “Damn icebergs.”
Marcus tuned out the two. He puffed his cheeks, feeling unusually perturbed. His brows had been creased ever since Sync uttered his name.
“Oh. What time is it?” Sync suddenly stopped and turned to the lost soul.
Marcus blinked at him. He nonchalantly pulled out his phone from his pocket and tapped the screen twice. The familiar sight of his wallpaper greeted him. It was a picture of a small cottage on a hill taken on a cloudy day.
“It’s quarter to eleven,” Marcus answered as he tucked his phone back into his pocket. He glanced at the shorter teen, who hummed at his answer.
They made it all the way to the entrance of the shop before Sync came to a halt. Marco can see his bike parked nearby. He tilted his head a bit, silently questioning Sync why they stopped.
“Guitar,” the emo lad muttered, more to himself than an answer to Marcus. He was about to head back inside when the lost soul grabbed his wrist briefly before letting go.
Sync glanced at his wrist and then back to Marcus. A frown was plastered on his face because of the sudden contact.
“I have a gig at the pub later. I’m just going to grab my guitar. Now, if you’ll excuse me?” Sync incredulously asked, filled with sarcasm. Marco nodded, uncaring. “Just stay here.”
“Ah. How far is it?” Marcus asked when Sync got to the stairs. He could feel the glare directed at him from the pissed emo teen. “The pub, I mean.”
“Quite far. Why?” Marcus hummed in thought and brushed off the question.
“Dummkopf,” The lost soul heard Sync grumble as he made his way upstairs. He huffed, quite amused. His tense muscles finally loosened up a bit.
He directed his gaze at the two teens lounging on the sofa who were already staring at him and probably throughout the conversation he just had with Sync. He tilted his head, silently asking. The two just waved their hands.
Marcus tapped his pockets, searching for his wallet and keys.
‘Okay, it’s here.’ He went to his motorbike, dusted it off as best as he could, and leaned on it as he waited for Sync.
The latter showed up a few minutes later, carrying his guitar case on one shoulder and a black skateboard on his other hand.
“Come on, let’s go.” Sync motioned him to get moving. Marcus just tapped his motorbike’s seat while looking at him incredulously. Sync huffed but went to him nonetheless. Marco handed him his black helmet, which the latter just glanced at before looking him in the eye.
Marcus sighed and shook his head before putting the helmet on Sync’s head himself. He patted the top of the helmet twice, nodding, while the shorter teen stared at him incredulously. The lost soul got on his motorbike and started the engine.
“Hop on,” Marcus ordered the latter, who reluctantly did so. He waited for Sync to settle and adjust his guitar case and skateboard before he began heating up the engine. “Be a good lad and navigate for me, yeah?”
“Jah, whatever. Just go right,” Sync grumbled.
Marcus squeezed the helm and turned it three short times as a warning to his passenger before diving off. Sync, despite his struggle with his stuff, managed to hold onto the edge of the rear before he got thrown off by the sudden move.
“Verdamnt,” the emo teen muttered, which earned an amused scoff from the lost soul.
“Just turn right here,” Sync commanded. “Then go left, then right, and another right. Just keep driving ‘til I say stop.” He ground out the last bit, sounding so done.
“Aye. Aye. Captain,” Marcus monotonously replied.
They remained silent for the rest of the ride.
Marco roamed his eyes around as he drove, taking in the surroundings. The only familiar path they passed by was near the convenience store since that’s where Dacron and Cooper briefly toured him yesterday. The rest of the way was a new environment for him. It was quite literally a breath of fresh air.
Arcadia was a relatively small town with simple yet beautiful architecture, but the landscape was on even another level. The road was a dark-colored asphalt and still without visible cracks or unusual humps. The streets were also well-kept. Not even a single litter lying around, as far as the lost soul’s eyes could see. It’s truly a beautiful place.
The lost soul’s bluish-grey irises glistened, shone more cobalt than the usual grey, and with silvery and copper specs under the midday sun.
The ride lasted another couple of minutes before Sync tugged Marcus’ shirt to get his attention. “See that post with a huge L.E.D. sign right across the gas station? That’s the pub.”
Marcus hummed, acknowledging the information, and maneuvered his motorbike toward their destination. He slowed down and parked his bike alongside the other vehicles on the side of the pub. Sync hopped down as soon as he turned off the engine. The emo teen struggled to take the offending helmet off of his head. Marcus huffed in amusement as he watched him struggle.
“Here, let me.” Marco reached out and waited for Sync to calm down before removing the helmet from the latter’s head. The shorter teen’s sharp gaze bore at him during the process, but he just didn’t put any mind.
“You’re like a wee wain,” Marcus unconsciously muttered, more to himself, but the other heard him just fine.
Sync flipped him off before heading inside the unexpectedly quiet establishment. Marco just grinned at his childish act. Now that Marcus got to know Sync, a little bit of him at least, even for a few hours that they acquainted, he got a glimpse of who Sync really was behind his usually nonchalant attitude.
Marcus roamed his eyes around the area before he followed suit.