
Lost Realms portal adventure

Isaac was just a normal kid. he never expected to be transported to another world. He just wanted some rollerblades for his birthday. Isaac wasn't lucky boy. He never find out of his parents got him those rollerblades because on his way to school one day he fell into a portal. Portal that took him to another world. A harsh world. A medieval world. The people that summoned him there didn't care if he survived this world are not. They just wanted an easy payday. People from other realms pretty penny regardless of whether they had any skills or talents at all Argenta never wanted another slave. She was at the end of her life. After 2000 years in a harsh world She was ready for It all to end, But then to slave traders brought her IsaacAnd she didn't want him to die in their hands...

Angelina_Bennett · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


I didn't know what was going on or what I had to do with it, but my head hadn't stopped spinning yet. I doubled over, and all my breakfast ended up on the floor. The two gibberish speaking men suddenly sounded very angry with me. The taller one of the two grabbed my jacket yanking me back to standing up straight. I couldn't understand what he was yelling at me, but if I had to guess it wasn't nice.

He yanked my backpack off, and my skateboard out of my hand.

"Hey," I protested, "Those are mine. You can't do that."

I reached for them. Before I could get to them my head snapped to the side. That entire side of my face got hot, and red. My eyes teared up.

"You can't do this," I tried to back away but by then he had a firm grip on my arm, "My parents are gonna call the cops. You're gonna get arrested."

The fear got to me just then. These guys didn't care about the cops. I panicked, and started fighting with all my might, but that just seemed to anger him more. His foot lashed out, and hooked me in the side. I fell, and my vision went blurry as tears began to overflow my eyes.

My side hurt. I would've puked again if I'd had anything left in my stomach. I just lay on the floor for I don't know how long before the man started to come after me again. I tried to scoot away, but he was too fast. He grabbed me by the front of my shirt, and drug me back up.

He said something to me in his gibberish language that I didn't understand as I grabbed his hands trying to get him off of me again.

"Fuck you," I shouted as I yanked myself close to one of his hands, and bit down.

The man started cussing in his gibberish language, and I tried to bite even harder. Something conked me in the back of my head, and all thought was driven from my mind. I found that I was on the floor again as my whole world wobbled back, and forth slowly. Did I really just bite someone?