
Lost Path

lazyape · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

Learning Control

After talking with Anna, Hubert asked her if she is fine, and anna answered that she is now ok. Then explained, "because of your success in your evolution master, and the crystals effect's towards your body. The blood that i got from you was very effective, It healed and rejuvenated my physical and spiritual health. Not only that master, but I can already use 10 percent of my previous strength without damaging my body and soul", Anna said.

Hubert smiled and said, that is a good news for both of us...

For now, and the rest of the coming weeks, let us just rest and stabilize our conditions. After making sure that we are ok, then that's the time we would travel to kaldita and see what we can get from the city.

By the way Anna, can you add some illusions in the gravity chamber that you made? Its really boring to practice in that chamber alone. So if you can, I would like to use the chamber to measure the growth of my strength.

No problem master that is just a simple matter, you just need to wait for about an hour and the training facility would be added with a new function. Afterwards anna went to the gravity chamber and added some functions that would be helpful to huberts growth.

While anna was adding some functions in the training room, hubert started meditating and reviewing the things written in his manual " book of life". He was visualizing all of the forms he started practicing since he knew anna ( saber tooth, mammoth, dinosaur).

By far what he really mastered were the first two forms. He already has them at 100 % completion rate. So he stopped visualizing the first two forms; afterwards he concentrated visualizing dinosaur form and the sabermamoth form (combination of the first two forms).After an hour had passed anna went back to the living room and informed her master that the training room was now ready.

Thank you anna, I'll be going then. By the way, don't forget to prepare some food after a few hours. I am sure that I would be starving when I am done familiarizing myself with my newly acquired strength. Yes master don't worry just go ahead and adjust yourself with the strength you got after your evolution, take your time and enjoy your training. See you later then anna, Hubert said.

In the gravity room. Hubert activated x5 of the usual gravity, afterwards he ran and punched, kicked and used all of his martial skill on the gravity chamber. But felt that he was too light so he changed the numbers to x10, x20, x40 afterwards x50 but the same thing happened. So he adjusted it to x 300 and the gravity had a great effect on him.

At this moment he was adapting himself with his power and noticed that his punching force has advanced greatly. He was now producing a power of 8000 kg - 11000 kg of punching force, and this is based only on his fleshly strength. His usage of mysterious energy was not included with the measurement of his bodily strength.

He activated his energy and performed some punches and kicks , to his surprise his punching power was doubled. At this point he thought, what if i summoned my saber mammoth soul or my war guardian soul?. Would it mean that I'll get super strong, maybe my strength would go beyond multiplication of 10?. Hubert was bewildered.

After familiarizing himself with his newly acquired strength. He activated the illusion effects, and afterwards a person that looked like him came out. The illusion without notice just pounced at him, attacked him and performed techniques that Hubert learned and experienced.

What gave hubert a headache was that the illusion was more proficient than him in using his techniques, skills, patterns and expertise when battling someone. The efficiency produced by the illusion when using all of his skills was at a whopping 90 - 120 percent of huberts potential. This means that the illusion can utilize all of huberts hidden possibilities, and after a few minutes hubert lost the fight.

He was satisfied with what he experienced and reflected on it, eventually he learned a lot and gained new knowledge on how to control and utilize his power properly. Next, he again summoned another illusion and battled with it for a few minutes, But the result was the same: he still lost. This did not discourage Hubert; instead it made him more excited. While fighting with the illusion and losing to it, he was becoming more efficient and effective in controlling his power. After a few more duels, he was now controlling his body at 70 percent.

After many more bouts, he was now combining his energy with his fleshly strength and was now on par with the illusion. After an hour of fighting the illusion was destroyed, this was his first win since he started fighting the illusion. Huber tried a few more rounds and picked up some techniques on how to handle and utilize the usage of his energy.

Later on he was now fighting with 2 more illusions, this made his energy depleted and empty, even his bodily strength was already plumping down. He was now tired and exhausted.

Getting out of the Training chamber, he went to anna and asked for food. Afterwards he went back to the chamber and continued his training. This happened for 5 straight days. Hubert's schedule was; Meditation when he woke up, Practice his forms, go to the training chamber , eat , go to the training chamber, eat, meditate, visualize and then recall what happened to all of his fights, then rest.. This became his stand still schedule for 5 straight days.

Training for 5 straight days, his control and utilization of his current strength and energy was now both at 100-120 percent proficiency. This was a great leap compared to before.

In his 6th day of training, he was already fighting with 6 illusions of himself. He also adjusted the pressure and made it 500x of the planet's normal gravity. He was trying to push himself and see his limits without summoning his other souls. He was also trying to figure out how many numbers he can take without external help. This stabilized his foundation and was now stable.

On the 7th day he went to the training chamber and summoned 10 illusions. The fight went for half a day. Hubert only won because he summoned his saber mammoth and combined with it. For the rest of the day, he again fought with 10 illusion then added some more making it 12 and familiarized himself with the saber mammoth combination. He also used the dinosaur essence in some of his fights making his proficiency rose up like a rocket. This continued for 2 more days

Next, on the 10th day, he tried summoning and combining with his war guardian soul. And booom the gravity chamber was broken, maybe the pressure of his continued training for days had exhausted the chamber making it a little bit fragile or maybe... the war guardian's pressure broke the training room, no one knows.


What Hubert did not know was; Because of the elemental crystals and god crystals embedded on the underground facility, it would create the best foe for you which would help you unleash all of your potential, it would also support you bring your hidden talent to its highest form. The god crystal, if used properly could bring your capabilities out, and will develop your gifts and aptitude raising it and leading it onto the next level. It can also make your mind clear and at ease, making the person using the crystal learn and grasp new techniques and skills in a very fast phase.

Also the god crystals and elemental crystals that were used making the training rooms are very legit. It would make any structures embedded with it unshakable and stable.

God crystals are extremely rare even in the higher planes. If one piece of that crystal just showed up for a bidding, it would create a great fortune for that auction house. Then imagine how lucky Anna and hubert were by founding a cave with too much wealth for them to use.

Guys thank you very much for your comments and support, It is one of the things that's pushing me trying to write more. So stay with me at this novels journey. Love and peace to all of you.

lazyapecreators' thoughts