
Lost in this World

After his master was wronged and exiled to a faraway land, Jin seeks to clear his master's name, despite knowing that the end of this path is revenge. Along the way, he takes several unexpected turns, which make him question himself and his place in the world.

_lostMan_ · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Chapter 15 : The beginning of the journey towards Orel

"There is no time to talk now, this incident may escalate a lot, you must leave immediately."

Lily took us to a basement in the guild that leads to a tunnel underneath it.

As we were on our way, I asked her, "I heard that these two are from the fourth squad, but what is this Ragnarok squad?"

She said seriously, "It is the second squad and its leader is Loki, listen don't ever get close to him he is not a good person at all."

I said in surprise, "Didn't you say he is your brother! And also he helped us."

"True he is my brother but our thoughts are completely different, he does anything for his own benefit."

"He is really strong I felt the change in the atmosphere when he arrived."

Lily replied, "It is said that he is equal in strength to the leader of the first and third squads and these three are rumored to be the strongest in the kingdom."

And after a while of walking we found a door at the end of the tunnel, Lily stopped and said, "I can't take you any further than that."

I said gratefully, "I don't know how to repay you for this favor."

Lily smiled, "I still have some questions for you but we will postpone them for our next meeting, promise me that."

"I promise."

Her facial features changed then she said, "My advice to you is to leave this city because the situation is more complicated than you imagine, when one of the squads intervenes in something, things usually don't calm down easily especially since you may be accused of assaulting members of one of the squads and trying to stop the course of justice and so on."

I was confused after she said that (What did I get myself into? It's a big problem.)

I asked her, "Where should we go?"

"I advise you to go to the capital Oriel, it is a big and crowded place, you can stay there until things calm down a little here."

I thanked her again and she bid us farewell and I decided to take her advice. Luna was quieter than usual and her face showed signs of sadness.

Suddenly as we were walking Luna stopped in her place.

"What's wrong why did you stop me?"

Tears poured from her eyes and she started crying. I approached her then said, "Why are you crying?"

She said in a faint voice, "I am the reason for everything that happens if I had gone with them from the beginning none of this would have happened."

I shouted loudly, "Stop doing what others tell you! If you want to do something do it and if you don't want to do something don't do it! Make your own decisions!"

She said hesitantly, "But!"

I turned my back then said in a low voice, "I let you stay with me and that was my decision and I bear its consequences so I'm not sorry for that" then I paused for a while then said smilingly, "And also it's good that there is someone who can cook instead of eating charred food every day."

After I said that I heard her laugh for the first time since we met. Seeing this smile made me forget these troubles for moments. This made me think that I did something good for once in my life and that I was the reason for drawing a smile on someone's face even for once instead of causing sadness to others always.

We walked stealthily so we could get out of the city without trouble and when we reached the forest surrounding it the sun had set and night had thrown its black cloak studded with shining stars. The moon was full that day so we were able to reach the place where I stayed overnight easily.

(I really liked this place it's sad to leave it like this.)

I lay on the ground looking at the stars while Nina came to my memory and I don't know why. (Is it because Luna reminds me of her?)

"Should I prepare food now?"

"No problem if you are tired we can eat anything."

She said firmly, "No I'm fine I can do it."

"This taste reminds me of someone else's food."

"Do you miss that person?"

I said frowningly, "I don't know anymore as if my heart no longer lives but on feelings of sadness and pain as if…"

I finished it in myself (as if I lose part of my humanity.)

She smiled lightly. "Don't worry about it sometimes I say incomprehensible words."

She shook her head in denial. "No I understand you perfectly."

I said jokingly. "Don't try to say words bigger than you."

Anger appeared on her face. "I'm not small I understand perfectly what I say."

I smiled saying. "I was just kidding."

"Sleep well because we have a long journey tomorrow."

I couldn't sleep at all that night but Luna covered herself in deep sleep. In fact, insomnia became my companion so I only slept for a short time as if my condition was deteriorating day by day.

"Sorry for waking you up early but we have to go the sun is close to rising."

We walked our way to the capital guided by the map that Lily gave me. We mostly took the roads in the middle of the forest so we wouldn't meet anyone.

"Let's rest here for a while."

I got tired of walking because of the pain of my wounds because I hadn't changed the bandages for a while so we sat in a spot near a small river. I brought some water and started washing my wounds with cold water.

Luna said, "Wait."


Luna took some water in her palms then the water started moving and floating in the air.

"So you have the element of water why didn't I notice that?"

"Yes I can use the power of water well I used to watch my mother do that she was great at controlling water."

Although she said that smilingly, I felt the hidden sadness behind this fake smile.

I took the water and made it float on my wounds. The pain stopped after that. It was better than if I had done it myself.

(Is this water colder than the one I was using? Could it be…)

She said frowningly, "How did you get that wound?"

I leaned my back against a tree behind me then said, "Because I was weak."

She said excitedly, "You are not weak. I saw your fight against those two people. You managed to drop them to the ground even though you were injured."

"That's the best I could do. If the fight had continued, it would have been my end even if I was in full health."

"I heard that person say that you have only one basic element."

"That's true and because of that I can't use long-range attacks. All I can do is enhance my body only."

Her eyes sparkled saying, "Despite that, you were amazing and I loved your style."

She paused for a while then said shyly, "I want… to…"

I sighed saying, "Say what you want directly."

"I want you to teach me how to use the sword!"

(Good that she started to make some decisions for herself.)

"Okay no problem I will teach you."

Joy appeared on her face when I accepted. I agreed not because I wanted to teach her how to use the sword but because when I looked into her eyes I found a small flame of ambition and will and I wanted not to extinguish it.

"But before I teach you, you should know that this style that I use combines some sword arts with physical combat. In short, I created this style and I don't know if it suits anyone else."

"And now hold this branch and imitate my movements."

"Pay attention to your foot position!"

"Don't rush into the attack!"

"Always pay attention to your opponent's movements!"

And so we trained every time we stopped day after day and she began to regain her health after she was skin on bone. She even became more active than me by far. I think she is talented by nature. She learns quickly and she is quick-witted and also her reaction becomes better and I also started my wounds heal well.

(I hope to heal completely before we reach the capital.)