
Lost in this World

After his master was wronged and exiled to a faraway land, Jin seeks to clear his master's name, despite knowing that the end of this path is revenge. Along the way, he takes several unexpected turns, which make him question himself and his place in the world.

_lostMan_ · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Chapter 14 : Majestic presence

I could not leave the place, for she forced me to stay and take care of her. On the second day, her fever began to subside.

"Where am I?"

I said with a smile: "I'm glad to see you looking so well."

The girl was very confused, then said fearfully: "I'm sorry, sir. I slept for a long time and did nothing!"

"What are you saying? You were sick."

"But I have to work even if I'm sick. That's what everyone I served said."

I said: "But you don't serve me. I told you that you are free to do whatever you want from now on." (Although I say that calmly, hearing that about those bastards who force her to work even if she is sick makes me angry).

"Now that you're better, I'll take you to the city or wherever you want to go."

She said emotionally: "But sir, didn't you tell me that I can stay with you when I get better?"

(Damn, how did she remember that when she was in that state?)

I said frustrated: "It seems that I have no escape from that."

She showed signs of joy after hearing that.

"I haven't asked you your name yet. I heard that man call you by it, but I forgot it."

"My name is Luna."

"So be it."

"And what is your name, sir?"

I folded my arms, then said firmly: "When you stop saying sir in every sentence, I'll tell you."

"Okay sir… I mean, okay."

We then went to the city to ask Lily if there was time to complete that mushroom mission.

"Wait for me outside here, and I won't be long."

I entered to ask her, but I didn't find her. So I asked someone else who works there, and he told me that I still have until tomorrow, otherwise I will pay half the reward as a penalty.

(I didn't know that. It's better for me to finish it today).

When I came out, I didn't find the girl.

"Luna! Where are you?"


(Is it possible that someone kidnapped her?)

I kept looking anxiously in front of the guild. The place was very crowded and I couldn't move well. After a while of searching, I found her standing with two people. One of them was a young man with long black hair and brown eyes, and the other was a girl with short red hair and green eyes. They looked close to my age and wore a white outfit with pieces of shiny silver armor on it.

That young man was holding her hand, then said: "Why are you standing here alone, little miss?"

Luna said confusedly: "I'm… waiting for someone."

The girl asked her: "What is the name of that person, dear?"

"He… I don't know his name yet."

"Charlotte, it seems that this girl is kidnapped."

She grabbed his arm tightly, then said: "Let her go."

He hit his other fist towards me with the force of the wind, but I blocked it with the scabbard of my sword, then pushed back slightly from its force.

He said arrogantly: "How dare you touch me without my permission?"

Everyone turned to us and started whispering.

"No doubt about it. He is Alexander."

"What are members of the fourth squad doing here?"

"He's dead."

I said to myself: "It seems that these people won't understand."

I pulled out my sword, saying: "I don't want to fight you."

He laughed and said: "You are either brave or stupid. I will teach you a lesson to know your limit."

(I felt a great force from his blow that even felt the shock in my bones. He is on another level.)

"What's going on here?!" Lily came angry.

"Alexander, don't you respect your presence in front of the guild and attack one of its members?!"

He pulled out his silver sword from its scabbard saying: "This person kidnapped that girl."

Lily approached Luna and held her hand then asked her kindly: "Did this person kidnap you?"

"No, never. I go with him willingly."

He said angrily: "We can't rely on her words. He might be threatening her somehow!"

The one called Charlotte said: "This man looks suspicious even that the girl doesn't know his name. I don't believe that the guild allows something like this."

She filled her body with the power of fire and continued: "As members of Exia squad, we won't allow such people to do these heinous things."

I surrounded myself with the power of darkness holding my sword tightly and taking an attacking position.

(As expected, this won't end well.)

And before anyone made any move, Luna ran towards me and hid behind me clinging to my cloak.

Lily said: "I think this settles it. She chose him over you in the end and I don't feel any fear from her towards him. I'm sure she went willingly."

Charlotte said angrily: "Nothing confirms that he doesn't blackmail her to do that."

Alexander continued: "We are outside the guild's jurisdiction, so don't interfere, Lily."

Then Alexander hit his sword in the air, causing strong winds.

(I can't see.) And before I could see well, I found Charlotte in front of me. She kicked her foot hard towards my face, but I blocked it with my arm. Then she turned in the air and hit her other foot in my chest, throwing me back and hitting a wall.

(She's too fast! And this person distracts me then Charlotte attacks me. It's a very coordinated style.)

They continued to attack me one after another, and I couldn't block most of their attacks. (I didn't want that, but I'll have to use my left eye again.)

I closed my left eye and unleashed it, then said angrily: "I won't let you take the girl!"

Alexander laughed and said: "You haven't seen anything yet. We are just playing with you for now, but you left us no other choice. We will make you unable to walk for a while and hand you over to justice."

"Do that if you can!"

I attacked Alexander with my sword, but he easily blocked it. Then he hit his fist in the air, sending the air with the force of a bullet towards my face, so I lowered myself to avoid it. And in a moment, I felt Charlotte behind me thanks to my left eye.

"You fell into the trap!"


I dodged Charlotte's blow because of knowing her location beforehand. And before she regained her balance, I grabbed her by her foot and threw her towards Alexander, hitting him and they both fell to the ground in cries of surprise from everyone.

The place became noisier than before, but that was my last move. (I can't continue. This wound started bleeding again and it hurts a lot even when I use my left eye. This is bad!)

The two got up again and felt very humiliated. I noticed the signs of extreme anger that had appeared on their faces.

(I've exhausted all my strength. I can't continue using that eye because my body hasn't healed yet from the last time, otherwise it might happen like the last time.)

The two prepared to attack me again and I was completely surrendered.

"This is your limit, you rats of Exia squad! An injured person dropped you to the ground no wonder your rating is fourth!"

Everyone looked at the speaker in astonishment then silence prevailed throughout the place.

They were a group of six people all wearing black clothes. I didn't distinguish their features well because I was tired.

"Loki! You have nothing to do with this!" Alexander said that loudly.

Loki smiled broadly saying: "When Ragnarok squad arrives, it's better for the weaker squads to withdraw from the place."

The presence of this person was majestic that no one dared to whisper even I felt the huge power they have. It reminds me of Leon.

One of the people next to Loki looked surprised and said: "That's unbelievable! That person …"

"What is it, Dan?"

"This person has only one basic element!"

Loki smiled widely saying: "Things got more fun now, boy you aroused my curiosity more."

(How did that person know this from that distance?!)

I felt Lily's hand pulling me inside the guild and Luna followed her.

"As long as you are inside, no one can approach you."

I said gratefully: "Thank you, you saved us."

Lily said with interest: "Don't mention it but I want to ask you something, where did you get that sword?"

I said: "Someone gave it to me about a year ago."

She said disappointedly: "I see, don't mind it I was wrong in my guess."

I asked her: "Why didn't they follow us?"

She said: "They can't do anything inside the guild and also Loki prevented them from approaching."

I said in surprise: "Do you know him?"

"He is my brother."