
Into this world



​A million pieces on the floor…

We grew up thinking that life was good, life was perfect but the truth of the matter was, it wasn't, life was a mask for the darkness.

We lived in the light, the side of the world ruled by kindness and happiness while the dark lured you in and sucked the soul from you. We never ventured into the darkness, ruled by the black queen. She was a strange lady, her skin pasty white but her eyes and hair were the color od coal. Dark pits of nothing if you ever met her eye. Her rule had consumed the dark side, lured them in with a smile she wore as a mask until the time came and it slipped away. I wasn't sure why people followed her down and into that world, a world called wonderland. We learned of it in books but no one in the past few years had ventured into wonderland and returned, it was like a black hole that sucked you in.

Over the years we had learned to live in the light without the dark world of wonderland that it soon morphed into a story we read. The black queen and her house of soldiers, pawns she controlled in a game she played with the habitants of wonderland.

The years changed those in the dark though, the world that seemed to be a tale in a story told to scare children into listening at night. Then the story changed, the black queen and her soldiers morphed into an evil queen and chess pieces as her pawns. It turned into a children's book that was not used to scare children at night, and the story of wonderland became just that. The people who lived in the light never thought of those that lived in the dark in wonderland.

I flipped through the pages of the book I was reading, trying to find the page I had stopped on. There was silence in the air as I sat there, with my mind miles away and my thoughts on something aside from the words before. The sun shined bright above me, the warmth heating my skin a si sighed and dropped the book on my lap, leaning back on my hands. I let the sun beat down on my face and closed my eyes, the light still behind my eyelids as I started to drift off into a dream but then the light disappeared. I snapped my eyes open and gazed up at the figure towering over me, who blocked the sun from my skin which made me glare. She laughed and sat beside me.

"You must get bored out here." She said.

My sister was the complete opposite of me in every way, her blonde hair was like spun gold and her eyes were the color emeralds. My hair was chocolate brown and my eyes were hazel, some would think we were adopted as we did not look a like but videos confirmed that we were sisters. She flourished in the light and I stayed in the shadows, I rather have my nose in a book than be in the spot light. That was just us though, to be the polar opposite of the other, it was fitting but that didn't mean my heart wasn't pure.

I looked at my sister with a small smile for I knew she did not like to be outside unless she had to and there must be a reason for her to be sitting her beside me out by our parents pond in the back yard. It was a gorgeous sunny day, the birds were singing in the trees that swayed as the wind blew through them softly, it helped with the heat. I smoothed the wrinkles in my long blue skirt and gazed back out at the water that seemed to lure me in by the small ripples that danced across the surface.

"I would never get bored out here." I said softly.

My mother was always working and my father was away fighting a war that I feared along with everyone else that would never end. It was like it was just the two of us but I knew most days it was just me. I grew up lost in a story because that seemed to be my only friend in the whole world until I hit high school and I gained real friends but they didn't take away from the books I loved and read. Coming out here was my quiet time, me time I liked to call it but it seemed my sister had broken the spell and needed me for something.

"I fear you will go mad dear sister if you read any more of those silly stories." She said with laughter in voice and a smile on her face but I could see the seriousness behind those words because I knew her. I knew my sister was trying, I knew she wanted the best for me but I knew the path she wanted me to take and it wasn't the one I wanted to follow. I grew up under her wing since my parents were not around much, but she was in the spot light a lot more than I wanted to be.

I picked up the book I had been reading and tried to ignore my sister who sat there staring at me as if I was a new piece of art.

"Yes, Danny?" I asked her and put the book back down.

"There is this party tonight, I want you to come with me. Mom is working late again and I hate when you are home alone, not because you are a child but because you should be out having fun. I haven't seen you have fun in a long time, since…" She trailed off at the end.

She didn't have to say it, I knew where she was going with that statement, my best friend betrayed me and I was left alone while she partied with my friends which are now her friends. They left me and sided with her. It was annoying to be honest because I introduced them but in the end the stories she told about me, drew them to her side and I was an out cast. I was said to be strange and a stalker, which I never was but she made them believe it and so here I sat away from the crowd and alone. I found my new friends in the characters within the pages I read.

"It has been a few years now, I know I must get over it and accept that they picked her side of the story. It was annoying to say the least for I felt I was going mad here.

"Come out with me tonight, there is someone I want you to meet."

I looked at my sister and saw the look in her eyes, this was the reason she was out here and I wanted to laugh. She was trying to play match maker and I laughed inside. I knew there was a reason for my sister to visit me outside.

Before I could answer her I saw her turn sharply toward the water and so did I, we both knew what those clouds meant as they rolled in as dark as night. The rain would soon follow and then they would open up and pour tears down upon us, it would drench the ground we sat on and lightning would light up the night sky. The thing with the storm rolling in, it brought darkness and rain for more than one day, when it rained it poured and poured and this pond would fill up.

"We are still going out." My sister said. I saw the determination in her eyes as she got up and headed inside the house, the moment she was gone I let the breath I was holding out. I didn't want to go to a party and meet someone who was friends with my sister, not that she didn't have good taste in men but it was her taste not mine. Most of the time the men she wanted me to meet were into her or her type, they didn't care about me or care to get to know me they just wanted inside information to capture her heart. I didn't like being a pawn in peoples games and so that was a part of why I kept away from the ground, it wasn't just my sister these people wanted information about but my parents as well. There is a side to our family that we keep under lock and key, secrets my parents hold and some want to know those secrets. I was to young they told me to know what the secret was and so I was left in the dark about why my parents were a target for many things but this war was strange and out of this world.

I was tired of being a pawn in this world, in this life as it seemed I was always being used. I didn't bother to close the book I was reading as I sat back and continued to read the pages I flipped through. The water calm before me even with the black clouds rolling in across from us, the rain would come and drench this land with feet of water it seemed.