
Happy Deathday

My eyes snapped open to find I'd fallen asleep on the couch and dad wasn't home. Oh, yes, it's our birthday today. What do I mean when I say our? I mean mine and Melody's, my twin. Even though I was 15 today, I only felt emptier than the day before. Like everything had flipped upside down, and every piece of the puzzle was missing. I stood up. No change in decoration, nothing to celebrate us. No presents... No cake... It was different from every year in succession for 14 years before this. I was hungry, but didn't care. I walked slowly down the hallway to my bedroom. Why in 6 days, did everything have to go wrong? I stopped. First, mom and dad get a divorce, and next I'm suddenly living with my dad, my mom completely out of my life. I felt my eyes get moist. I couldn't cry. Not in front of Melody. I walked up to the bedroom door and knocked. My usual knock, 4 quick taps and then eternal silence. Silence everywhere. No response.

"Melody? Are you... Still asleep?" Nothing. Not an inch of a sound. "Um... I left my sketch pad in there so... I need to come in." I decided to just open it. I twisted the knob. It happened in slow motion. I pushed the door forward, as I took a step. My mind stopped, then went forward, then backward. My knees gave out. I sat there, the image burning itself into my head. The chair, tipped over on it's side. The rope, which suspended her body was tied to the ceiling fan. It rocked slowly, back and forward, the sound of the rope stretching out echoing throughout my head. I felt like I should cry, but I couldn't. I felt too empty to cry. I stared, straight into those milky chocolate brown eyes, which reflected mine, so devoid of everything. They were dull. Dull, and empty... And... And dead. Just like I wish I was. She hadn't even left a note behind. Her skin was a sickly grey, and her face lacked any expression. I got up, silently, turned around, and left the room, the image caged, locked, scarred, and buried in my memory.