
Lost In The Echo

A war broke out between the Humans and Monsters. But for (y/n) she could careless what is happening between them.She has always been on her own.Humans disgust her cause how they treated her kind. Yes she is a Monster but one that been on the suffuse for along time to know how bad they are . Monster there okay for the most part. Will G show her that she is not alone that there is someone that cares?

Renee_The_Vampire · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

To A New Town

I am finally healed up and we went on our way through the snowy mountains after a few hours we found a small town to stop and get a few things.

" This looks like a nice place to get some more food" G said.

" yeah but we cant stay long so lets get what we need and leave" I said

" Gotcha (y/n)" G said.

We walk around looking for a shop that is selling food, we stop at a little cart that has some good vegs in it. I look over the food to make sure I pick the ones that are best and that are not bad. I payed for the vegs and we went on our way.

"how much money do we have left?" G asked

" let me see the vegs was about 70 gs and we had 400 gs that leaves us with 330 gs. Why do you ask?" I said/asked

" well its going to get colder you will need a new jacket cause that one is ripped " G said

I look over my jacket and he was right it was ripped and has tares in it. I left out a heavy sigh and look around to see of there was a cloths store.

"there is one over there we can see " G pointed to a story.

" that will work lets go in" I said and we go inside.

we looked around to see if they had any jackets that would be heavy enough for the cold. i couldn't find one that i would like or that would be heavy enough.

"hay how about this one" G said

I walk over to him and looked at the jacket he has in his hand. It almost look like his but the fur was gray and the jacket was lavender color. I took and and smiled I then look at the price of it and it was 100 g. Well what can I say it can't be help but dam its so expensive. I took it from G and when to pay for it so that would leave us to 230 gs. We walked out of the store and i put on my new jacket. It was a lot warmer and comfortable then my old one. Then we went on our way through the snowy path. G was right it was getting a bit colder but thanks to the jacket i was alright.

"we should stop and rest somewhere its starting to get dark" G said

" If I'm right there is a old hunters shack up a head we can stop there and rest up" I said

G nod his head and we when on, we came up the path and seen the old hunters shack. We walked up to it to make sure there nothing wrong with it or anyone in it. It looks empty and its in good condition . So we set up for the night and relax that is until the snow storm hit delaying us for another day.