
Lost In The Echo

A war broke out between the Humans and Monsters. But for (y/n) she could careless what is happening between them.She has always been on her own.Humans disgust her cause how they treated her kind. Yes she is a Monster but one that been on the suffuse for along time to know how bad they are . Monster there okay for the most part. Will G show her that she is not alone that there is someone that cares?

Renee_The_Vampire · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Threads Of Fate

After we are done eating. G went back to his base where his Friends are.As For me I stayed at my home. Its the only place I know and I don't really trust anyone.But so fair I'm starting to trust G each time that I see him. I get the feeling that I am safe with him. I am not sure why that is. But I have to stay on my guard cause anyone can turn on me at any time.But I will see what the threads of fate has unwind for me.Who knows every thing might work out in the end.I thought I go out to get more supplies sense I am running low and G don't come here all that much and I can't always depend on them all the time.I got some stuff that I will need just in case that I run in to any humans.If I do I can drink there blood or save it cause I am running low of that as well. walked out and headed to another part of the city. As I walked I spot a place called Grillby's . It look run down and abandon.I walked in and see all the glass from the windows is on the floor. The bar looked damage that's to be expected.After what the humans started this dam war they destroyed every thing.I started looking around and see there was a few things that are still edible to eat. Some fries that have been seal and some drinks with burgers. I put them in my bag and head out. I walked around to find a store that might have some more stuff in it.I walked in and see there is still some can food and little zebra cakes. (sorry if you don't like them foods you can change it your what you like) I walk out of the store and see some humans coming my way. I hid back inside the Store and went our back. Even if I am Running low on blood i will live on what i have.I started heading back when a human grab my arm.

"What the hell you doing out here you should be back at base"The man said.

"I'm sorry but you got the wrong person"I said.

I pin him to the ground and bite his neck. God I missed the taste of fresh blood. I drained him dry. Then I walked away and went back home.As I walked in to the house I was greeted with a hug from Papyrus.

"(Y/n) where have you been me and G was worried sick about you"He said.

"Aw I'm sorry Papyrus I didn't mean to worry the both of you I just had to go out to get some things"I said.

"And what things would that be?"G asked in a angry tone.

"Just a few cans foods and some fries and some hamburgers and some Zebra cakes"I said.

" You could have got your self hurt or killed" Papyrus said.

"Oh Pappy don't worry about me I can handle myself i have for along time now"I said.

"That maybe but you still could have gotten killed"Papyrus said.

"If I could be killed I wouldn't be able to die any way"I said.

"Wowie really how is that so?" He asked

"Its just the kind of cures I have to bear for being a Vampire"I said.

"Your a Immortal Monster that's cool!" He said.

"It has its moments when it comes down to it"I said.

"So you can be killed.But come right back to life?" G asked.

" That is the way it goes for my kind hell i don't even know if there is any still a live after there was killed by vampire hunters"I said.

"wait so there is away for to die?" G asked.

"yes by giving up our immortality to someone we love or to someone that is close to us like a family member"I said,

"I see"G said.

"But the only way for me to give up mine is nothing cause I have no one really close to me to give it up for or any one that I would call a lover"I said.

G was silent finding out that I can't die easy.But I can still die if i give up my Immortality.Which wont happen unless its someone I am close to or even love.But there no one I really love so that wont be a problem.As for someone I care about well. I am starting to care about G and Papyrus.Even if I don't know much about them.Its just they are starting to grow on me. I guess if one of them was near death or I was I give up my immortality to one of them.I know it might get me killed but I don't really care.I been wanting death for along time and if its for someone like them I would. I would have to given it to Jinx. But I was to late. I didn't get to her in time.But fate has its ways in working on someone like me and my soul.