
Lost In The Echo

A war broke out between the Humans and Monsters. But for (y/n) she could careless what is happening between them.She has always been on her own.Humans disgust her cause how they treated her kind. Yes she is a Monster but one that been on the suffuse for along time to know how bad they are . Monster there okay for the most part. Will G show her that she is not alone that there is someone that cares?

Renee_The_Vampire · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs


The morning sun shines in the sky I had to take a nap a little cause i was a wake half the night making sure nothing would attack us wail we sleep. After the nap and G is awake we continue on our journey to the human capital. As some time passed it started to get cold lucky i had packed for this just in case we got in to the snowy mountains. I pulled out a heavy sweater and put it on, G looked over at me and waited til I was done.

"To Chilled for you Dove?" G asked

" Unlike you the cold does not go right through me" I joked

" that is true but should it be warm?" he chuckled.

"Well ever sense the war started the weather has been out of wack now mountain tops get snow. Some are warm and others are like a desert." I said

" Oh so it was cause of the bomb they did to the land?" G asked

" yep that pretty much it" I said

" So where do go from here Dove?" G asked

" If I remember right just go thought these mountains here and in to the desert" I said

G node and help me get our stuff packed and we walk off in to the mountains. There was a few times that I have almost fallen off. But G has grab my hand each time, I am grateful that he is there to help me or i would have fallen to my death. I would have took the short say but it as dangers as the long way so it wouldn't have mattered. We go down the snowy path and it started to get bad the snow is coming down hard and the wind blowing strong.

"we have to take cover from this snow storm" I said

" okay where do we take shelter ?" G asked

" there should be a cave near by that we can take cover in" I said.

" okay" he said.

we walk and then seen the cave that we could stop and test til the storm is over. Lucky i had brought some wood so i can get some warmth G is most differently used to this kind of weather cause the underground had snowstorm. But for me i am not used to this i love it being nice and warm. I get the wood out of my bag and start to make a camp fire.

" its really coming down" G said.

" yeah it will probably take a few hours or so for it to pass" I said.

" okay for now we rest?" G asked

" yeah nothing is going to come here or after us in this storm we will be alright" I said.

" that's good " G said.

We just watch from inside the face as the snow falls making whats on the ground deeper. I don't hate the cold. I just like it nice and warm. It just keeps falling covering out tracks from when we was walking up here. I get lost in my own thoughts. I then felt arms go around me or should i say bony arms. I look over my shoulder and see G behind me. I look away blushing slightly my heart just starts racing when i am near him. I need to stop i cant let my self get close to him.

"you seem cold Dove let me warm you up" G said.

" sense when did you turn in to a smooth talker" I look at him.

" hehe i can do more then just that Dove" G said.

" yeah yeah keep that up and you might give the wrong idea one day " I sassed

" Oh is that what you think Dove" G Smirked.

" nope heheh " I chuckled.

I look to the fire and get lost in my thoughts again. Weill everything work out usually stuff like this don't always go as plain. But have to keep moving on and see this through to the end. But why do i keep having this feeling when G is near me. I feel somewhat calm and relaxed with him.its just weird for me to feel this way even being around him. In any case i wont let that get in the way of the mission