
Lost In The Echo

A war broke out between the Humans and Monsters. But for (y/n) she could careless what is happening between them.She has always been on her own.Humans disgust her cause how they treated her kind. Yes she is a Monster but one that been on the suffuse for along time to know how bad they are . Monster there okay for the most part. Will G show her that she is not alone that there is someone that cares?

Renee_The_Vampire · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Found and Attacked

We went to the next human base. I told G to stay put. As I went to see if MK is there. I went inside the humans base easy sense I look human. When I got to there jail I seen him there chain up.I walked up to him.

"Hang in there kiddo I am here to get you out"I whispered.

"Thank you miss "He whispers as well.

I looked around to see if anyone is around before going in and get him.It was clear so I got in and got him out. We got out of the Jail and when thought the base when the sirens went off. I told the kid to go ahead and told him G is waiting.He took off like a bullet. I hid behind in a building for cover.The human was scrambling and searching for the kid but no luck.I just hope G and him got out safely or i wont live with my self if they didn't.

"Were is that dam monster!" someone yelled.

"We don't know how he got out sir"another said.

I sneak out the back way and got out with out being seen.I went over to see G and MK are there and they was gone. I knew that G got him out of here by teleporting. I ran in to the forest to try and lose them. Then I hear dogs barking.

"Shit this is not good at all"I said.

I ran to the river and hid in the cave there.To wait and see of they go away or that they keep looking for me.

(G P.O.V when he seen MK)

I waited til i seen Mk come running out.

"Wheres the girl?"I asked him.

"Shes still in there but the humans are everywhere looking for us"He said.

"Dam i shouldn't have let her go in alone"I said.

Then the humans yelled out and looking for her and the kid. I knew i had to get the kid out of here.So I teleported us away from there. But I also had to go back for (y/n). But when i was going to go back for her. I got knocked out and heard someone say.

"Sorry G she is a human and we cant trust them"voice said.

I knew it was Undyn. She still thinks (y/n) is still a human. Then everything went black.

( (y/n) P.O.V)

Its been 6 hours and they finally gave up. I started to head out of the forest when I see a spear come at me.

"What the hell"I yelled getting out of the way.

"Die!"They shouted.


but she keep attacking me.There just have to get away and get her to see that I am not human but how can I. Its not night yet and that's the only time that i can be in my true form.But it will be another 8 hours before night falls.She end up hurting me badly.I hope I can stay alive til then.I was able to escape her when she started getting tried. I took off running as far as i could go.Til I found myself at a base of a mountain . At lest got away from her before she could kill me. I go in to a cave there and started a fire to keep warm. I look through my bag to find some bandages but didn't see them.

"shit they must have fallen out when she attacked me"I thought.

I lay back on the wall trying to relax.Now I just have to wait til night when my wounds will be fully healed.

(Undyn's P.O.V)

Dam it I lost that human.I have to find her before she ends up killing us all.Then the king and everyone else will be safe from her and other humans.When I find her I will kill her. I look all around the forest for the bitch but can't find her. So started heading back the base to see if she want back there or not.when I seen she didn't I keep on my guard. to make sure that if she does come back i will be ready for her and she wont hid the fact she is a human.I just have to wait til i see her again.Then she is as good as dead.

(G P.O.V)

I woke up remembering that Undyn was going after(y/n). I have to get to her to see if she is alright. I teleported and seen a blood trail leading away from where her and Undyn fought. I followed it to the side of a mountain to a cave. I went in and seen her laying against the wall badly hurt and in a form I never seen her in before.

(you can change anything on her if you like I am just using it as a example thank you)

" (Y/n) is that you"? I asked.

she didn't speak just nodes her head yes weekly.God Undyn is going to pay for this.I went over to her and picked her up and Teleported to her home.

"Every.....thing hurts"she whispers.

"I know and I am going to patch you up and then take care of Undyn for hurting you"I said.

"N.....no she....needs to see me like this.."She said.

"Okay but you need to heal"I said.

she shook her head no and tried to get up.But went back down in pain.I lay her back down then Undyn walked in.

" Leave Undyn now"I said angrily.

she look at (Y/n) and her eyes widen to the size of eggs.I am very pissed off at her still.

"S....se....see n....not human"(y/n) said passing out.

"I.....I am so sorry i thought for sure she was"Undyn said.

"You thought wrong now get the hell out and if i see you near her again i am going to give you the same treat meant you gave her but much worse" I snapped.

She took off running and I went to get bandages for (Y/n). I got back to her and started cleaning her wounds. She flinch a few times from the pain but then stopped as I started putting the bandages on her.I stayed by her side til she wakes up.