
Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of Thrones fanfic

Having found out the truth about the nights watch from Wynafryd Manderly, Jon snow can't help but feel his father is trying to get rid of him by sending him to the end of the earth. Jon decides if he has to leave he can at least choose where he's going himself. After stowing away on a boat heading towards Essos Jon gets caught in a rather nasty storm, that coupled with hitting his head and knocking himself out leads him to being stranded in one of the most inhospitable places on planetos. With a surprising guest Probably should've just joined the watch 200,000 words Arc 1: Sothoryos Arc 2: Basilisk Isle Arc 3: Westeros Arc 4: Essos Arc 5: Stygai Arc 6: The Long Night Patreon.com/Captainalfie78Works I do not own a song of ice and fire or their respective books all that is owned by the big man himself GRR Martin

TheManUnderTheBed · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
73 Chs

Perfect World

(Location: ???)

(Time: ???)

(Sansa POV)

I slowly open my eyes as I try to remember where I am 'The last thing I remember was Jon picking me up and running to the hill' I slowly think as I rub my eyes and attempt to lift myself up.

But as I put my hands down by my sides to lift myself up I find I'm on a soft mattress and rather than the scorching heat that was burning my skin there was a cold breeze blowing against me.

As I look around I realise that I'm back inside my room at Winterfell, I can't help but feel baffled as I lift my legs over the side of the bed to get up and put my slippers on.

I go to my window and look outside, I can see the entire courtyard from my room and it seems like it's just a normal day.

'Did Jon get us home? How long have I been asleep' I thought to myself as I went to my dresser to put on a suitable outfit to leave the room in. As I grab the doors to my dresser I noticed my arms were pale and unblemished as if I'd never even seen the sun.

'Was everything that happened just a bad dream' I wonder to myself as I start to dress. I then hear a knock at the door.

"Who is it" I ask while behind a dressing screen taking off my night clothes.

"It's me Sansa I'm coming in" I hear my mothers voice sound from the outside of the door.

I hear the door open from beyond the screen and hear footsteps as my mother approaches.

"I thought I'd have wake you with a bucket of ice, it's almost midday why have you stayed in bed so long love" Mother says while coming behind the screen and cupping my cheeks

"Is everything okay? Do I need to fetch the Maester" she asks with concern in her voice.

"I'm fine mother, I believe I just had a strange dream" I say in a quiet voice, still not over the fact that what me and Jon went through wasn't real.

"Well if you're well then come down quickly for lunch your father has good news" Mother says with a smile as she holds my hands before letting go and walking out of the room.

"Mother!" I say quickly, the sound of my voice makes her turn around and look at me questioningly.

"What is it love" she replies to me.

"Do you know where Jon is" I ask in a slightly desperate tone.

My mothers face loses its smile and without another word she leaves the room.

'I guess mother still hates Jon, I'll have to find him after lunch' Sansa wonders as she puts on the last pieces of her outfit.

(In the Great Hall)

I find myself sitting next to my Mother and Arya as we are eating lunch together. Though I'm only picking at my food as I find myself rather distracted it seems like nothing here really has any taste.

"Sansa, did your mother tell you that I have some good news involving you" Father says while smiling at me

It snaps me out of my thoughts as I lift my head up to make eye contact with him as he was sitting just opposite Mother 'It must be good news I think I can count on one hand how many times father has smiled' I contemplate while giving him a small smile.

"Yes mother did tell me you had something to say" I say trying to control the excitement I had, I've always loved surprises as they usually involved gifts from the south that looked ever so lovely.

"Well as you know I'm good friends with the current King, Robert Baratheon" Father says in an even tone.

"We have been in contact recently by Raven and we've both come to the decision it's best to join our houses as they should've been" he continues as he removes a letter from his sleeve and presents it to me.

"You will be betrothed to the current Crown Prince Joffrey Baratheon" Father says with a large smile on his face.

"Congratulations, sweetheart" Mother says as she rubs my arm.

"Wow Sansa you're going to be queen I'm so jealous of you" Arya says while bouncing up and down in her seat.

"It'll be nice to have a new brother, don't get me wrong I love Bran and Rickon but I'd love someone to spar with" Robb says with his usual wide smile as he takes a sip from his cup.

I hardly heard anything they said as I was in total shock 'I'm going to be queen' I think to myself while looking at the betrothal contract that father gave me.

As realisation sets in I stand up and yell "IM GOING TO BE QUEEN!" I couldn't help it, this was a dream come true I was finally going to live my fantasy of living in a big southern castle surrounded by gallant knights and beautiful maidens, watching honourable warriors enter tournaments and fight to win for the pleasure of crowning me the queen of love and beauty.

I can't help but gush as I hold the letter to my chest while looking at my whole family smile and be happy for me.

"That is not the only news Sansa" Father says as he interrupts my gushing.

"When the prince heard about the beautiful maiden he would be wed too he had to honour you in some way, so from now until you get married he will be gifting you something every day" father says while getting up and leading me by the hand outside the great hall.

Outside was a beautiful white stallion with a silky white mane, it looked like it could've been made of snow.

"This is the first gift" Father says as he takes my arm and leads me to the horses side.

"But father I can't ride a horse very well" I say in slight embarrassment, it would be such a shame to waste such a magnificent horse on someone who couldn't ride it well.

"He had heard that so he deemed it appropriate to send your second gift a bit early" father says with a small smile on his face as he leads me towards the stables.

In there was one of the most beautiful carriages I'd ever seen, it was pure white like the horse was but had golden patterns forming beautiful pictures and the inside had lovely velvet seating with plump pillows.

"He believes his Lady Wife should always be comfortable when she travels and to leave the rough work to hour Lord Husband" Father says while leading her back out into the courtyard.

"Now I must take my leave as it will take quite a bit of time to organise the wedding as everyone in the seven kingdoms will be attending" father says before kissing my head and leaving.

'Today really is the best day' I think to myself while wondering around the courtyard.

'I can't help but feel like I've forgotten something' I ponder slightly before ignoring it and walking around and enjoying my day, completely forgetting about the strange dream from the night before.


As I was getting ready for bed I decide to have one last look at the window into the courtyard, it's completely empty but the gate to the keep remains open.

'That's weird usually that gets shut at night' I think to myself as I lean against the side of the windowsill.


I get startled as I hear whispering 'Am I going mad' I wonder to myself 'Maybe I should go and check what's happening at the gate' I think to myself as I don a small dressing gown that was given to me by my mother as a betrothal gift.

As I reach my door and open it I see my mother outside and it makes me jump.

"Where are you off to so late Sansa" my mother says with a smile.

"Are you hungry, shall I fetch you some lemon cakes" she continues.

"No mother I was just going to check and see if anyone was at the gate I thought I heard someone but there's no one there" I say while pointing my hand at my window that was still open.

"No no Sansa, no need to out of there you're fine here" she says still smiling

"Off you go to bed now, we've got a busy day tomorrow, your father has arranged for traders form across the narrow sea to come to winterfell and show off all their dresses and wares" she says in an excited tone.

"You're gonna have to be up bright and early" she continues.

"Okay mother" I say going back into my room taking one last look at the gate to the keep before lying down and sleeping.

(Night before the wedding)

These past few months have truly been the greatest of my life, it seems like every day there is some new fun to be had.

I finally get along with Arya, she's stopped engaging in all the boyish stuff she usually does and now she can make such beautiful dresses, she promised me she would make me one for my wedding with the help of mother. Im really excited on how that will turn out.

Robb goes to the wolfs wood everyday and brings back at least 3 ducks ' I didn't even know he knew what my favourite meat was' I think with a slight smile on my face.

Though it feels like something is missing.

I can't help but feel overwhelming sadness in my heart when I see Robb sparing with Roderik or showing Bran how to use a bow.

I look out towards the open gate still heading the whispers.

'I'm gonna find out before I get married I'll find out who was down there before I leave this place forever' I think to myself resolutely as I put on my dressing robe and slippers.

I open my door quietly as I sneak out managing to avoid mother 'why is she out here at this time' I wonder to myself.

Not only do I have to avoid mother but it seems like every member of my family is patrolling the castle at night even Bran and Rickon

'This is insane' I think to myself as I manage to get outside into the courtyard.

It's well lit but even so I can't see passed the gate it's like a complete void inside.

Staring at it starts to trigger a memory and placing my hand over my mouth with tears forming in my eyes I suddenly remember what I've been missing this entire time.

"Jon" I whisper as the realisation sets in that our time together wasn't a dream.

"I'm afraid Jon has gone little lady" a voice states in a sad tone.

I turn around and to my surprise I see Old Nan sitting outside the barn stitching something in her hands.

"Old Nan? What do you mean he's gone" I ask in a concerned voice.

"He never escaped and soon he'll be taken like everyone else who's trapped there" Old Nan says in a calm voice as she concentrates on her embroidery.

"What do you mean he never escaped, how am I here, how did I escape then" I say in a short tone trying to understand the situation.

"Well you haven't escaped yet but after your wedding tomorrow you'll be free and you won't have to worry about that place anymore" Old Nan says with a small smile on her face.

"What will happen to Jon" I ask clenching my fists.

"He'll join the children just like the rest of them" Old Nan says severely.

"If I walk through that gate what will happen I say turning around to face it" I ask.

"Then you'll find yourself in a hellish nightmare where chance of escape is all but impossible" she says finally looking up.

"And if I s-stay" I stutter out as I begin trembling.

"You'll Wake up tomorrow and you'll walk down the aisle and marry a handsome Prince who you'll many children with and everyday will be as good as the previous one as you rule the seven kingdoms with your husband" she says in a soft tone as she keeps looking at me intently.

Tears are pouring down my face as I clench my fists in frustration I then breath out and in whole wiping my face.

Then with a smile on my face I turn around to Old Nan

"I'll see you soon, both of us will" I say with a wide smile on my face.

Old Nan looks at me and then starts chuckling and then fully blown laughing.

"Starks never cease to amaze me, I will see you soon Sansa" Old Nan then disappears in a swirl of embers.

'What in the seven hells was that' I wonder to myself with my jaw currently on the floor.

Forgetting about that weirdness I turn around and start walking towards the gate.

'I'm coming Jon'

(Location: Sothoryos)

(Time: Mid Afternoon)

(Sansa POV)

With blurry eyes I slowly wake up only to be met with a wooden ceiling, in a panic I turn my head around discovering wooden bars as well.

'I'm in a cage' I thought to myself as I started to panic but before I could make a noise someone put a hand over my mouth.

"Shhhh don't make a sound, they like to sleep during day light and if you wake them, well you don't want to know what will happen" the voice of a girl states.

I calm myself down and nod my head to her and then I slowly sit up and turn around only to be met with the visage of a beautiful girl. Tanned skin with violet eyes and wavy chocolate coloured hair. She was dressed in rags and didn't look like she could

Be any older than 15 but still had a full figure and looked amazing.

She sighs in relief "Goodness I thought I lost you for a minute, you stopped breathing but all of a sudden you started again, at least I managed to break your fever. She says in a light tone

She then gives me a smile "I'm Rhaenys Targaryen, I usually don't give my last name to strangers but considering where we are at the moment i feel like a little trust is warranted" she says winking at me.

'Seven hells I should've just had the wedding'

(Location: Fruit Grove)

(Time: Mid Afternoon)

(Jon POV)

"SEVEN HELLS AND ALL THE FUCKERS WHO LIVE THERE!" I shout as I dodge yet another tree that's been thrown at me.

"Seven hells and the fuckers who live there" the birds in the true mimicked

"Why are you following me, fuck off!!!" I shout as I keep running through the trees with a 60 foot creature made of pure muscle close behind me.


"Fuck off"

"Follow me"


The birds keep repeating as I'm sprinting to the edge of the grove. There is only one entrance big enough for the humanlike creature to enter through so if I can slip through the gaps in the trees I should be able to get away or at least get a head start.

I hear the monster get closer as it continues to throw things at me, if it wasn't for my small size and agile body I would've been skewered a hundred times over by now.

'I'm nearly there, come on!' I think to myself as I keep running but I suddenly stop feeling the earth tremble as it would when the monster walked on it.

I look back and see nothing there only to tilt my head up a little bit and see the huge creature mid jump with both of us arms clenched above him as if he was about to slam the earth with both arms.

'Oh Fuck' I think to myself and before I can react his arms come down a dozen feet behind me but the force of his slam shakes the earth and lifts me up.

'On the bright side at least I'm getting throw towards the edge of the grove, but the downside is I'm going to hit that tree pretty hard' I think to myself while flipping through the air.

I try to orient myself and make myself straight thinking that maybe i could avoid the trees if I made myself as thin as possible.

And to my surprise it worked I did scrape myself on a few branches but I managed to get throw clear of the grove.

Only for a large paw to reach from between the trees and try to grab me. But before it could I was grabbed from behind and dragged just out of it's reach.

'That was close' I think to myself in relief but then I suddenly remember that someone grabbed me and quickly loosen his grip on me.

A man with fair hair and violet eyes looks at me he is already holding his hands up to appear no threatening.

"That Baby ape won't be fooled for long, sooner or later it will figure out that it can't get through and it will come through the main entrance, we need to be gone by then" he says in a serious tone.

"Who are you, why would I run off with a man I've never met and better yet seems to know all about this hellscape" I say In an angry voice as I look him dead in the eye with a hand on my belt.

"You can trust me I know you you are Jon snow, your father was my best friend and I was really good friends with your mother" he says so me solemnly.

"I've never met my mother and my father would've mentioned his best friend, who are you!" I say finally drawing my sword.

He sighs and puts his hands down and then takes out his sword. Truly I'd never seen anything like it the blade seemed to shine like starlight and it seemed to thrum with power.

"I am Arthur Dayne"

(AN: So it was more of a Sansa chapter this time around I don't be changing POV from Jon too often it'll

Mostly be if I feel there needs to be a bit of character development or if there's a memory where Jon wasn't present, anyway I hope you guys enjoyed her chapter and a bit of her developing as a person let me know what you guys think)