
Chapter 17

Daniella's P.O.V

"Daniella! Where were you yesterday, we were worried sick about you, where were you baby," I heard that voice and quickly looked up, 

"Vin! What the heck?"

He came running towards me and starts questioning me about Davids.

"Wait, you were with her beb? Danella! Don't tell me that you spent a night being licked by that bitch! Are you not satisfied with a dick that I always give you, aren't you satisfied bitch?" He growled at me, shaking me so hard. 

I did not get a chance to reply to aything that he was shouting about.

I don't get why Vin is always goofy at me when am with someone else, especially a different gender, 

And looking at David's, she truly looked at different gender.

In her denim black pants with the white shirt on top, she looked more masculine, 

Forgive me but she is handsome,

Am sure girls in school want a bit of her, I remember how Clara was busy ogling her the previous day in detention.

But why would Vin just think of me as some girl who will fall for everyone?

Why would he even think that Davids and I were just fucking the entire night?

He hasn't even asked me where I was, all he thinks about is someone was fucking me!

I hadn't realized that he had snatched my hands away and was heading me towards the school store, our favourite place, my body was not willing to move, but I was just being pushed, my mind was not even there, my soul felt cold all over a sudden, 

what's wrong?

We came to a stand still at the store's door,

Vin gave me this disgusted look that he always showed me when he thinks that I have been sleeping with someone or he has seen me with someone else, 

"Am I not enough for you Daniella?" He asked.

I was just there, I couldn't even comprehend his presence, I couldn't even process his question. 

Why is he asking me about that anyway?

 I was about to look at him and utter a word then I felt a sting on my cheek.

 He has slapped me, 

 For how many times since we dated?

 I have lost count truly, it seems like a normal thing for him to do to me.


 "Bitch, are you even listening to me?" He asked me this time around with fire in his eyes.

 "You know what, we are going home to your parents house, right now!" He shouted dragging me out of the room.


 " what do you mean to my parents house? You slap me and now you want to take me to my parents house?" 


 I was just rumbling, I was not focusing on anything that I wanted to say. 

 Tears were just dropping down my eyes,


other students were in class, and Vin never cared about that.

we passed through the classes and we were at David's class, I wished I could see her face, just this last time and assure me that things will be okay, but I couldn't see her face, there was a teacher in her class, she is maybe focused on her class work right now.

We arrived at the school parking lot and I saw our chauffeur, Frank, leaning on the vehicles door.

He just gave me the sorry look he has always given me when I sneak home and get caught, when I failed in my exams, when I never said yes to what my parents want me to do.

Frank opened the car door for us and I got in after Vin who was now angry and was not looking at my side. He was busy in his phone tapping so furiously on it.

I just sat there in my mind, wondering, of being with Davids was the reason for all this.

Did I do anything wrong to make anyone angry at me, I have always answered 'Yes' to their every favour, why was being with Davids the mistake that will make Vin this angered, plus I don't even know why he is taking me home at this wee hours of the morning. 

We arrived and I saw my parents pacing up and down the compound. My dad in his navy blue suit always I rarely see him in any suits. I hated that suit on him. He is always good in casual look. Especially jeans, they enhance his appearance better than this fucking blue suit that he has on. 

My mom was on phone, typical mom, is she ordering another booty enhancer from Amazon, or she wants the new dress model that the Victorian secrets launched? I don't know. She never does anything productive, only when making latest designs which she is not that good at, she mainly does that when the 'big brands' launch something new. 

We alighted and Frank came to my side to open the door but was pushed aside by my mum whose eyes were now fiery, burning, her face was all frowny, 

 God! She looks bad with that frowning face!

 "Daniella! What the hell? Is Vin mot enough for you? Daniella, look at me," my mother was shouting too much, I hoped my dad could come around and talk.

 She yanked me from the car seat and forcefully pushed me towards the door.

 "Get inside that house, Now!" She growled. Her fingers leaving scratch stripes on my arms. That's 'normal' when she is angry.

 My dad couldn't move to my side, he had gone to the ther side, maybe to get a call and answer to all the big people who wants to invest in the company.

 He was ever busy, call after call, company and shares were his language.

  I remember while I was growing up, 

  "Dad, can we go out this Saturday?" I could ask

  "Darling, daddy has to go for a trip it's important, Your uncle will take you when he takes your cousins, but I will get you anything you want and when I come back we will go to any park you want, okay darling," he replied sweetly. 

  Seven year old me knew it was important and when he comes back he will take me. That never happened, instead, uncle Ted penetrated through me that night after telling me that I had to pay for wasting his time for taking us to the park. 

  I cried that night, my mom never believed me, my dad was not there, whom could I turn to?

  Today, am just seeing him leaving my side, I thought he could protect me, but he is not available.

We got inside the house and I couldn't get the slightest opportunity to speak, I tried to utter a word but was shut with a slap from my mothers hand. 

Vin was on the chair, just looking at me, Frank probably ran to the kitchen to make some coffee for his empty stomach.

I lay there, on the floor, figuring out why I had to be slapped, just because I was with David's for the whole night?

My mother Yanked me off from the floor and pushed me to the sofa that was around, 

"What's this, Daniella! What's this? These are not your clothes, you have never worn any of these." She shouted.

Vin stood and moved closer, 

"Mrs. Clank, I here that, all these were given by the so called Davids. So I wonder if she was able to get her clothes, then am 100% sure she found her way into her little pussy over there." He finished chuckling.

I actually don't know what's wrong? Everyone is just accusing me, cam someone tell me what's going on please. Am just here receiving slaps, being yanked from point A to point B! From slaps to slaps, stand sit, thrown on the floor. Why is my dad not around to talk something? Sometimes he is on my side, but today!

"Daniella, do you know that, Davids is the enemy? " Vin asked.

"What now?" 


"What Enemy?"

I just don't get these people..…

Davids just transferred recently to our school. Why would he, sor she be an enemy?

 I faced my mom and tried to ask about the enemy they are talking about but I didn't need to ask because papers were thrown at me to look at.


 That was the heading of the Daily nation news paper.

 Everything was like a war between The Blacks and my Family the Clanks.

 "It seems you have not been reading the papers and that is what we taught you to be doing before you did anything." Started my mother.

 "What if she sleeps with you and then goes to report it?" What if she uses you to taint our business name? Daniella! Look at me, this is not the time to shade your crocodile tears, we are serious! " shouted my mother.

 I never knew that David's comes from a very influential family. The Blacks are the top richest people in the country, but why would Davids not tell me about it?

Was this another way to use me so that it will taint my name, our family name? I need to see her, she needs to tell me the truth...

"Mrs. Clanks, I think you should talk to your daughter, or my family is going to withdraw from the proposition that we talked about," Vin startled me from my thoughts while addressing my mother.

My mother rushed to him and she started talking to him, 

"Vin, this is probably a misunderstanding, we can talk about this, okay!" 

"Teach your girl correct ways, I am not here to fix broken things," Vin replied pointing at me.

Wow! Just wow! 

I know am usually broken but that coming from the man you love, is like, a knife forced through your heart.

He knew that, is it why he has always been using me, beating me up cause he knows I can't fight back.

Am totally confused.

I am broken, 

I have a price on me,

Does Vin really love me?

What proposition has my mom placed on my head?

Was Davids using me yesterday to get into my family?

Is this even real?

 Vin, Davids, 

 What should I even believe in?