

She kept swaying sideways while licking the ice cream seductively. Some ice melted and formed a fall on the sides of her lips, "this is my chance," I thought to myself as I quickly moved to her

"May I?" I asked her while standing a meter from her. 

She stopped with her rumbling about her beautiful cheeks and looked at me. 

"What now?" She asked stamping her feet on the ground.

If she does another stamp, I won't get a chance of doing the little trick I want to do to her. 

I grabbed her gently and her face collided with my chest making the melted ice cream stick on my chest.

"Fucking ice cream, you couldn't hold yourself for a second before liquifying yourself on my t-shirt," I groaned while looking at the stain.

Daniella removed her head quickly and looked into my face for a reaction.

"Sorry," she said while trying to wipe the ice cream but instead, she was forming a big mess out of the stain.

I faked a normal voice and told her not to worry. The truth, I was pissed by the ice cream, I just gave it a second to stay still but look at it misbehaving.

I looked at my phone but the navigation was still not good. I shot my gaze at the Car washing area and the dude was still there wiping the car, he also had other vehicles that needed his service.

"Can I get some hot dogs?" She asked while eating her ice cream cone. 

She looked funny with the cone all over her mouth, I moved closer to her and hold her by her waist. I loved the radiance that was she was emitting under the moon. I wish you could see her. Her blue orbs are radiating and her cheekbones were uplifted showing how pink she was from the ice cream.

"Hot dog it is," I told her and we kept on strolling around the park until we saw a hot dog stand.

Something fun about the park, the food is cheap you get all kinds of meaty stiffs that you want. Hotdogs, fries, hamburgers and some shakes.

"You know I was thinking, you buy the hot dogs while I get is some milkshake," she said before running towards the milkshake stand. 

This is what I love about her, when she is herself, she gets what she wants and she is not afraid that someone would judge her. Also, I did get to be the one spending the money on, we share the bills.

"There is chilli salad, you want some?" I asked her with a raised voice because she was just looking at the milkshakes.

"I don't want salad baby, I just want meat, a lot of meat!" Sue rumbled loudly while picking the milk shame from the vendor.

She didn't understand the type of salad that I was talking about. It's used to spice the hotdogs.

She quickly walked over as the vendor and I was waiting for her to come to pick how she wants her hotdogs.

"Who are you waiting for, you haven't ordered anything?" She asked while lifting her eyebrows.

"We were waiting for you to chose how you want your food babe," I said to her while smiling.

"I would have said I want it served warm with strawberry flavours but since you do hate strawberries it's gonna be served hot!" 

"Hold up hold up!" I said to her because she didn't know what that meant and the lady beside me was all simpler when she was muttering all those words.

I went first and let her still think of what she wanted.

"I prefer smokies in my hot dogs, with the chilli salad then please add a lot of chilling sauce on top," I said while watching her dress my good very well.

"Wait, Davids, is this the salad you were talking about?" Asked Daniella while looking at the chopped mixture of onions, coriander, green chillies and raw tomatoes.

I nodded and she held her chin trying to think about something. I wasn't sure what it was that she was trying to remember but it's looked important for her to remember.

"Your mum knows Swahili and today during lunchtime she took me to some Swahili restaurant and ordered some roasted meat with this. It was something like 'kachuambry, chambray, I have forgotten it but it was so satisfying eating it with roasted meat." She said and instructed the lady to make her some hot dogs.

"It's Kachumbari," she orders it mostly when we go to Swahili restaurant and even when we are doing barbecue," I said to her.

Why did my mother take her to the restaurant today yet it was school day? I thought she was busy today and didn't want any interruption?

I wasn't going to ask Daniella what they discussed with her, they might be talking about girl stuff, "okay, as if am not a girl," I thought to myself.

"She is a keeper," said the lady Vendor while whipping to me. I wiled at her and carried Daniella's hot dogs and looked for Chairs to seat before we start munching on the food.

"What did she say?" Asked Daniella while blocking my way.

"Who? Wait the lady? Ooh, I gave her my number, I can use these seats around, they are big enough don't you think?" I said lovingly to irritate her.

She left me and walked quickly to the nearby chair and folded her hands on her chest while facing the other way. I know she was just pretending but she was not angry and she will turn back and take her hot dog.

"Here," I said as I handed her the hot dog before picking my shake.

She didn't turn, instead, she was still swinging her leg that was paced on the other humming. Is she serious about the little one that I made? Lord, it was a joke, you all heard what she said.

I placed my hot dogs on the chair gently and went to her side.

I picked her little hands and clasped them in mine. Her eyes were moist. She was crying? 

"Dee, please it was a joke, she commented about how beautiful you are," I said to her. 

I don't know she took everything seriously and she jas been crying about that?

"Davids, you seem happy and normal flirting  with other people but you don't want them to flirt with me, why?" She asked with tears threatening to choke her anytime.

"Dee, come on, I was not flirting with her, she was just being nice!" I told her hoping she will understand me but she seemed she needed more explanation to what I was saying.

"You know if you do that, you are no different from Vin, Vin would allow me to even walk with him where men were, he would leave me behind and walk alone because he thought I was not capable of defending myself," she said while squeezing my hands.

She was right, she didn't need to be monitored like a toddler who is running everywhere. Though she needs to be handled with care, she knows how to control herself and how to say her words. 

"Davids, I know this is absurd but I left Vin and told him openly that I was coming to you, it was a hard decision but I was persistent because his video with Lady Boo was released and he said he doesn't care about me. He was scared of losing me but now that he found her, he felt that she is his soulmate." 

"Hallelujah! Can I hear somebody say Amen!" 

I was doing that happy dance in my heart, did she just said I'm that she badly told Vin she was coming to me? This is so amazing. 

I run and hugged her tightly and she hugged me back with tears flowing down her face. Though I wasn't sure if her mother will be accepting me, I was happy that Dee has decided to come out for who she is.

But how did Vin know that Lady Bok was the girl she wanted? They just made it yesterday, how would that be possible. I can't say anything because I'm the first time I met Dee, I knew that j wanted her in my life.

"Are you sure about this Dee, like I mean if your mother finds out about this, she might start confrontations," I told her worried? 

"You don't have to baby, Vin said he will handle it. Plus you are the one who suggested I find myself first and here I am, finding myself with you, I know it's not an easy task but I want to do it with you," she said while placing a kiss on my cheeks. 

I smiled at her and placed a kiss on her head. 

"Can you eat now please before you start being dramatic?" I said to her while handing her the hotdog.

"Ummmh, this is so satisfying, I love this so much?" Sue said while biting a chunk of her food with her eyes closed.

I just love this so fucking much!!


Thank you for reading❤❤❤

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